- Português (Portugal)
- Español
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: エリートヤンキー三郎
- Também conhecido como: Elite Yankee Saburou
- Diretor: Shintoku Kouji
- Gêneros: Ação, Comédia, Juventude
Elenco e Créditos
- Ishiguro Hideo Papel Principal
- Itakura ToshiyukiKawai SeiyaPapel Principal
- Hashimoto JunIshii TakeshiPapel Principal
- Kurashina KanaHaruna AsaiPapel Secundário
- Ozawa HitoshiOokochi IchiroPapel Secundário
- Ozawa KazuyoshiOokochi JiroPapel Secundário

And in the first few episodes I was pretty confused as to what I thought about this show, but when it got further in I actually started to find the humor to be funny at times. Not the over the top way that Saburo transforms into his powerful form nor the ongoing joke with the naked girls but rather the way the characters treated each other and just didn't listen to what Saburo tried to tell them, stuff like that.
I was pleasently surprised, but it was far from a masterpiece.
The cast was pretty funny, especially Kurashina Kana as the sweet innocent girl that sometimes just freaked out.
Hashimoto Jun and the relatively unknown actor Itakura Toshiyuki as Saburo's sidekicks are also very funny to watch once you warm up to them abit.
The music is decent, nothing groundbreaking.
All in all, this was a solid comedy show that had some funny moments and some moments that fell flat. It won't win awards for being great, but I enjoyed it for what it was most of the time. That is why I give it a 7.
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