- Português (Portugal)
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Título original: แค่นี้ก็ดีแล้ว2
- Também conhecido como: แค่นี้ก็ดีแล้ว Part 2
- Roteirista e Diretor: Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim
- Gêneros: Comédia, Romance, Drama
Onde assistir Present Perfect Part 2
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Elenco e Créditos
- Ice Adisorn TonawanikToeyPapel Principal
- Joke Kritsana MaroukasontiOatPapel Principal
- Ohmi RyotaKentaPapel Secundário
- Nancy Darina BoonchuJenPapel Secundário
- Praeploy Chalida SutitostamNamwhanPapel Secundário
- Time Dhamawat SuntanaphanKhamPapel Secundário
The original Present Perfect is a good film, albeit has a very serious tone. This director showed us how to top up a good movie and not suffer from sequelitis.
Toey is once again in his 'escape trip', and after four long years, Oat decided to show up and reconnect. If I may say, Oat and Toey both somehow managed to look 'hotter' than when they shot the first film. The hotel is the perfect romantic backdrop, and the new character - Jen - provided what i never expected to be a needed lightness to the story. Kenta was cute but a little bit underused.
Yes, the story isnt unique by any means but our connection with the characters kept it engaging. I like the fact that Toey isnt all that selfsih and is self aware of the damage he could cause. I am specially moved by how they handled the situation with Oat's wife. One thing that surprised me negatively is that they made Yumi a divorcee in the end, as i didnt think it was necessary.
Is it a must watch? No, not exactly, its not a waste of time but it is NOTunforgettable. Is it rewatchable? To be honest, no, once is enough. If you're curious, go see the first film before watching this. At least the subscription to gagaoolala (for that month) was made worthy because of this. Overall rating 8 out of 10 stars.
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I am not here to critique the appropriateness of how things turn out, after all, this is a fiction. It may or may not happen in real life. If I am going to question if the outcome is fitting, I will be taking away the charm and magic of the story...
Now let me begin the review itself.
This is how a sequel should be. Sequels should note be done because it gain popularity or cash in a lot of money, but rather to continue and perhaps end a story that was left hanging. And that is exactly what this movie did. In fact, it intensified what Toey and Oat had.
It didn't add "filler" actors to make it more interesting. Kenta played a crucial role when he talked about that bad is relative, depends on the person who is saying and seeing, the realization after. And Jen as the devil's advocate for Toey. Both serve their purpose but equally necessary to make the story more cohesive and meaningful.
The setting helped too as it focus on the interaction between Toey and Oat as to compare to "Present Perfect" in which they roam Higashikawa. By containing the characters in a limited and confined space, the two characters becomes the highlight and not the surrounding.
Their acting greatly improved as well. Comparing it again to "Present Perfect", it is understandable that they are holding back that time as they are still discovering each other 's personality and feelings in the said prequel, that goes for the actors and their respective characters. It feels that in the prequel that they are taking cue not from each other but from the director. This time around and pointing the exchange of lines between Toey and Oat is more fluid and natural. They are taking the cue from each other and not from another person. It is like continuation of their love story. How each character matured and developed and how they are when they are together. But Tonawanik is definitely better in acting than Kritsana. Imagine delivering a barrage of lines with all sorts of emotions, Tonawanik clearly pull it off.
I wish they include a more heart felt music or sound as it will enhance the feeling of the audience. BUT, the lack of iconic musics can definitely be overlooked as it doesn't ruin the experience.
Rewatch value, not really for me to watch it again as I was in Toey's situation sometime in my past and it does not feel really good. I felt my gut being twist and pull apart the time when they are "arguing". I really feel what Toey was feeling as I shared the same. This story hits pretty to close to home.
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