11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 14, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0


After the trailer, I was really looking forward to the movie. But when I watched the movie, I had the impression of seeing a completely different movie. The trailer looked cool and like a good sci-fi movie. The movie then turned out to be totally silly. A movie basically consists of a story, not a string of scenes. If a screenwriter, and here there were two writers involved, doesn't know that, then he's not a good screenwriter and should look for something else to do.
The movie owes many of its good reviews to the well-known and popular actors. How would the audience judge the movie without these familiar faces? I know the actors of the protagonists from other movies and series and I regret to say that their performance was far below their potential. Kim Woo Bin in particular delivered an over-the-top, inappropriate, and very shallow performance. I was sad to see Kim Tae Ri in this nonsense.
If I wanted to list all the negative things I noticed in this movie, I would have to write a very thick book. But the movie is not worth that time! The film is not even worth the time you have to spend to watch it!
So I say to all those who have not seen it yet: Don't watch it! I can't recommend it!
Oh yes, and I will definitely not watch the second part, it would be a pity to waste the time!

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Jan Pospisil
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 17, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 3.5

What a mess.

Bleh. Meh.
It took me three evenings to finish this.
The "sorcerers doing wuxia stuff in the past" part is fun and enjoyable - the characters likable and interesting.
All the alien stuff (most of the film) is ugly, convoluted garbage.
Imagine the final fight from Black Panther stretched to hour and half - that's the alien stuff.
This is such a disappointment.
(I say this as someone who liked Woochi a lot. What the actual fawk.)

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12 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 6, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

kim taeri with guns is may favorite genre

Entertainment at its best! All cast did really well portray those characters. I want to watch it again with sister cuz for sure she would love this.

What I really love the most is the comedic timing in those unexpected times. It is a classic I fear... that I am okay with that cliffhanger at the end?!?!?!?

Maybe I will re watch this many times before the second movie comes out. I really enjoyed it and now I need kim taeri to act in small screens again! ( A kdrama I mean.) I got news that she has one next year omg I am very excited.

This review is turning into a fan-bias, so I'll just stop it here.

Definitely recommended, so watch it. <3

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Choi Rin
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 29, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


First of all , a huge thank you to Dramacool for uploading this movie, you guys never disappoint🥺.

When the trailer for this movie was released, with the top teir casts, I already knew it would be a hit! . The CGI was on another level, nothing short of perfection. 5 minutes into it, I knew it would be worth the two hours and 20 minutes that I'll spend on it.
The fight scenes were so real, a hit to the aliens and it felt like I was being hit 😂

Kim Woo Bin impressed me the most, it was his first movie since his comeback on Our Blues and he is still as gorgeous as always. His acting skills got sharpened the most, that robot or was it Alien suit of his? Damn beautiful 🥰.

The alternating between 2022 and the Joseon period was done so well , zero room for confusion.

Kim Tae Ri was awesome as always, same with So Ji Sub and Ryu JY.

All in all this was fun and nothing sort of being perfect.

Personally I think Korean movies produced entirely by Koreans are a lot better than ones produced by Netflix.

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6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 23, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 4.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

You shouldn't watch at night, you will sleep midway

A litte disappointing, I was expecting something more trash movie vibes with all the crazy historical aliens and androids theme. The movie try to be serious in the first half, but the drama isn't really good, actually, it's very easy to get upset or annoyed with all the key characters who either are too shallow or extremely annoying.

In my opinion the fight scenes in the second half are where the soul of this movie rests, I mean, a historical korean movie where a female lead from the future shoot to death alienoids along with an overpower shaman from the Goryeo Dynasty??? This movie is the perfect setup for a bloody and violent story like Versus (2000) and Bullet Train (2022) that doesn't take itself seriously.
Unfortunately Choi Dong Hoon doesn't seem to notice it and try to follow the example of "Along with the Gods" that succeds to deliver a good drama while conciliating some epics battles, but Alienoid stays in the middle of these 3 movies...

P.S: It took me 3 days to finish it and I slept watching on the first day.

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moon j
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 2, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

had high expectations!!

the idea was great. the concept was new. like futuristic alien sci fi fight with magic in a period drama hell yeah when i saw the trailer i was on cloud seven THIS IS IT this is what the world needed right now but the movie was good not per of my expectations but was good.

:: what i disliked ::
i strongly believe the writer could have done so much better with the plot, especially in the first half. the movie should have start from kim woobin's character death while yian getting thrown off of the clif. his character should have been a cameo in the show. giving his character half of the movie plot that adds nothing (not even emotional depth) to the plot. and it also tells me that either the writer was a huge kim woobin fan or he/she didn't have much trust in her/his story. I'm sorry that first really just took me out of the "hypezone" i was in for this movie. plus the entire alien vs guard montage and red fogs spreading would implying that earth is done for would have been done better but it's still good so I've no problem with it. BUT villains were underwhelming. like how they introduced was so casually. they showed train to busan bad guy here and i already knew he's playing a major character that's how predictable the story is.

:: what i liked ::
yian, mureok and the two mages characters. they did a tremendous good job at portraying their roles. the comic timing was done well. and the fighting scenes in the climax oh IT WAS HYPEE. mureok should have been handled much better like i wish i could see more of his side story too but i guess we'll have to wait for part 2 for that. and of course KIM TAERI!!! she was just AMAZING! should have had more scenes (just like mureok) but part 2, part 2, i get it.

:: overall ::
this story should have been kim taeri centric. it's her journey! her story! she is the main hero! (well she still is the hero of the movie, atleast she'll be in part 2) this was still a enjoyable ride. 7/10.

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5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 18, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

Eeeeh... ¿qué?

✨¡Hallo!✨ Hoy me paso por acá para hablarles de una película que llevaba esperando mucho tiempo porque amo a varios de los actores que trabajan en ella: Alienoid (parte uno, porque grabaron en simultáneo una continuación que todavía no salió).

No sé cómo resumirles esta trama porque sinceramente no entendí bien cuál fue el punto de todo, así que acá está la sinopsis que encontré en internet (aunque parece que estamos todos en la misma): Durante la dinastía Goryeo, los taoístas intentan tomar una espada misteriosa. En la actualidad, los extraterrestres aparecen en la Tierra. Pronto aparece una puerta del tiempo entre el período tardío de la dinastía Goryeo y la actualidad. Debido a esto, ocurren situaciones caóticas.

Ammm... sí, no me gustó, perdón. Literal fueron más de dos horas en las que no dejé de preguntarme "¿Por qué está pasando todo esto? ¿Cuál es la historia que me quieren contar? ¿La trama es realmente compleja o solo me están contando todo de manera caótica?". Puede que yo no fuera el público objetivo para esta historia (la fantasía asiática de época no es lo mío), pero la realidad es que todo lo que fue pasando me interesó poco y me confundió mucho.

¡La peli arranca y ya da por hecho que uno entiende todo el contexto de lo que está pasando y no! Para colmo casi nunca dan explicaciones de nada... Aunque al menos los saltos temporales constantes no me parecieron mal manejados(?

Ahora bien, dejando de lado la trama, todo lo que es efectos especiales es una locura. Onda, la producción es una maravilla, no acepto otras opiniones. Y los actores son todos espectaculares (Kim Tae Ri brilla en todo lo que hace y me encantó ver a Kim Woo Bin interpretando personajes tan diferentes entre sí, porque hace más de uno). ¿Me sorprendió lo poco que aparecen algunos actores? Sí, pero porque hay una cantidad insana de personajes y algunos ni siquiera entendí por qué estaban ahí...

En fin, una película visualmente muy buena que lamentablemente no llegué a disfrutar por lo all over the place que es todo. Encima cerca del final hay un plot twist re predecible... No, no recomiendo.

¿Voy a ver la parte 2? Tal vez, pero no es seguro.


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Miss Romcom
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 7, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Weird, but funny and fast paced

This movie is really different. It's an alien apocalypse meets old school wire martial arts film meets magic and mages with some comedy and action thrown in.

Likes: It's creative and fresh. The off kilter comedy works. I didn't know Ryu Jun Yeol could be so funny. The stellar cast. The action and acting was good. It's fast paced so you don't notice how long the movie is.

Dislikes: The movie is just plain weird, but in a stylish sort of way. But it was so out there that I actually thought I would drop this a few times. It was the bits of comedy that reeled me back in. The mashup of genres took some getting used to. The CGI could have been better. All the separate subplots that set up the story took too long and was confusing at first. Once the story started connecting the dots though, it got way better and interesting.

I would say that this movie is basically setting up everything for the 2nd movie. So just when it starts to get good, it ends with a cliffhanger for part 2 which I will watch because I want to know what happens. Very curious to see people's reactions to this movie. It's one of those movies that I think people will either love or hate.

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Mari Akemi
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 23, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A viagem que é esse filme não ta escrito

Comecei a assistir o filme por puro impulso, pois tinha acesso a ele há bastante tempo, mas nunca tive coragem de assistir, sempre achei muito viajado. Sabia pouco do filme, vi trechos dele no tiktok, especificamente da cena daquele ovo alienígena soltando tentáculos nas pessoas, achei ruim. Olhei a capa do filme e vi a Kim Taerin, por isso baixei, mas nunca tive a audácia de clicar no play.

Anos depois, dei uma chance, e meus amigos eu estava certa, é um filme para se ver chapado. Você não da nada o filme inteiro, até mesmo na ultima cena eu ainda estava desacreditada de como um filme com um orçamento, nas alturas não foi engavetado? Com um elenco de peso com ninguém menos que Kim Woobin e So Jisub, que só o cache deve ser absurdo. E oq dizer do CGI? Esse filme tem muitos efeitos especiais por ser fantasia, além do figurino que também não deve ter sido nada barato. O pessoal estava mesmo apostando nesse filme.

Internacionalmente falando, nunca ouvi ninguém citar esse filme, certamente não faz o tipo de muitas dorameiras. Com muitas cenas de ação e de luta, é um filme que com certeza deve ser visto chapado, ainda mais por ter 2h30 de duração com um final aberto.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 2, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Sim, não é meu tipo de filme favorito porque sim eu tenho medo/pavor dos seres alienígenas 🤭.

É um filme que me deixou bem perdida até o meio da história porque é muita informação para ser processada, muitos personagens, ou seja, a coitada aqui ficou bem confusa, mas não é uma história ruim.

Pra mim os efeitos especiais foram bem legais e com um bom timing cómico e de ação.

As atuações foram um arraso também, todos os atores entregaram bastante.

'Alienoid' termina em aberto com a mensagem "to be continued", e se não tiver uma continuação para sabermos o fim de toda a confusão vai ser muita cachorrada 🤡.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 1, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0

Bad Critic Reviews ≠ Bad Movie

Before you start looking for reviews, especially the negative, I advise you to watch the movie first. Before I watched it, so many people told me it wasn't any good, boring, confusing -- you know the drill. I particularly love the cast, so I didn't let it bother me much, and when I did watch it, I absolutely loved the film. It's so intricately detailed and truly entertaining to watch.

I understand why some would say that it's confusing, but I believe that actually being interested/curious about the story would be more than enough to make it understandable. Sometimes we're already prejudiced with opinions from others that we unconsciously refuse to appreciate something as it is. I think this is the same for this film.

Moreover, Alienoid is truly an entertaining movie. It's a new sensation that I haven't seen anywhere, and the director (Choi Dong-hoon) really outdid himself with this one. Although mixing historical elements (and guns!), fantasy, modern settings, time travel, and aliens wouldn't be so much of an inviting idea to many, it surely made my jaw drop for most of the movie. There was just the right amount of action, comedic relief, and plot in it that you won't realize it's coming to an end. I also loved how there was a vast range of characters that corresponded to each timeline -- especially the two mages!

Anyways, I loved the main three's (Kim Tae-Ri, Ryu Jun-Yeol, Kim Woo-Bin) characters so much! I can't wait to see more of them in the second installment. It's actually really funny how KTR and RJY's dynamic in Little Forest is so contrasting to them in here! (Plus, Thunder (KWB) in the pink suit absolutely slayed!)

The film duration is quite long (2h22m), but the story made use of it perfectly. The pacing is also good, which makes it seem like it's not even two hours.

Great movie to watch with friends and/or family!

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Enjoy your life
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 30, 2022
Completados 4
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Ancient Swords Meet Time Travel In This Fun Epic

Writer-director Choi Dong-hoon (Assassination) reaches into every corner of the film landscape to concoct Alienoid. Like many films of its ilk, Alienoid is action-packed, full of laughs, and capable of a major twist, but what sets it apart from other films is the right dose of time travel. Juggling several storylines at once, Alienoid is not perfect, but it is always working toward its goal. Except for some out-of-place robots, the CGI in Alienoid is more than serviceable. The story is very high concept and the tone is completely aware of itself, leading to a truly enjoyable experience.

Alienoid is, in many ways, the best parts of the greatest genre films. Combining the wire work of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with the action and CGI of a Marvel movie is certainly a recipe for success. The performances and directing all seem to be on the same page tone-wise, seamlessly shifting from epic to absurd on a whim. There is also the combination of present and future technology, like guns being used in 4th century Korea, that feels more natural than it should. The ambitious swings taken by Choi often hit, and the misses come in different parts of the film. There is something oh so sweet about a historical warrior going toe-to-toe with a man in a Tom Ford suit.

The CGI in Alienoid is mostly great, making the lesser scenes stand out. The Guard is an alien in human form, but he is the fighting model of his kind. This prompts an all-black metal suit when he is in battle, which has a great design and looks even better in action. The alien bad guys also have inventive designs. Though they resemble the average interpretation of an alien, two things set them apart from the norm. They are several feet taller and more muscular than the average human and when they are in alien form their human hosts float above them like creepy balloons. However, these aspects all fit neatly into the aesthetic of the film. Other choices, however, do not fare as well. There is a massive outbreak of poisonous red bubbles that look very cool and super stylized, but seem out of place. Even worse, when the Guard fights his counterpart, a red robot with plans to release the prisoners, the contrast could not be greater. If this was a level in Portal, the red robot would look perfect, but set against a world of fully fleshed-out motion graphics, the execution comes off as unfinished.

Alienoid bends genre, tone, and story to create a fascinating new world. Though some of the CGI is choppy, most of the sci-fi elements of the story look quite good. The dialogue never really needs to sing because the plot is the engine of the film and Choi is having a great time in front of and behind the camera. Alienoid has grand ambitions and meets almost all of them....
Alienoid is action-packed, full of laughs, and capable of a major twist, but what sets it apart from other films is the right dose of time travel.

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Alien + Pessoa (2022) poster



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