Máscara de Noiva Episode 2 Reações

the ep is good but I am waiting for better
Joo Won 's role and his acting are amazing I want him to be good at the end ^_^
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But woaaah. I can't believe how much my prospective changed on the show by just watching one more episode. This show just doesn't get boring for a second.
The Retarded Hyung is the Bridal Mask guy? DAYUM. I never expected that.
I have to sleep right now. Gosh they just HAD to make me curious didn't they? .-.
Damn this show is so good. Two episodes and i'm drooling over Joo Won.
Is that woman (Mok Dan) or what ever trying to seduce every single guy on the show? :O I know that the knife was given to her by Lee Kang To, I mean that is OBVIOUS. But then comes Shunji and then the Bridal Mask guy. Who else is she going to fall in and out of love with? ._.
Get your love-life straight or you're going to cause HUGE trouble. .-.
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And yeah, i told u the hyung will be the Gaksital :p
Side notes:
1)U two-timing Mok Dan!! u want Gaksital and making Shunji fall for u too!! so not fair! Oh, here we knew Mok Dan's story with Shunji but believe me the one who gave her the knife is my hateful hero so don't think about it so much.
2)Shunji!! i just love u more : standing up in front of ur father and brother to save my hateful hero!! I can see that u are such a great person, u just have to stay away from Mok Dan! believe me that girl is bad fortune, just let my hateful hero Lee Kang To handle her.
3)Mok Dan u're really creating big troubles between the 2 brothers, oh, i can really feel that this girl is bad fortune for everyone!!
This drama is addictive, now let's move to the 3rd ep!!
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Anyhow, Joo Won is such a wonderful actor. I've only seen him in Baker King, Kim Tak Gu. In here, he has so many range of emotions... from the facial expressions all the way to the body movements. Joo Won really works as an action star too. I'm already loving his character. He seems quite like the anti-hero at the moment, which I like (or rather prefer). Love how he doesn't immediately swoon over the girl like love at first sight.
The storyline seems very intriguing. I was skeptical at the first episode due to some weird slow motion captures that distracted me from the actual plot. So I'm glad they toned it down. Maybe, because there was less of Bridal Mask himself? Anyway, I hope they stop doing the slow motion stuff whenever the mask dude comes on because it looks so corny - haha.
I can't wait till next week! Can't wait to see Kang To's development most of all. I love me some unconventional character. Come to think of it, the drama's tone is quite dark.
On a random note, Joo Won's bingo reminds me of Dokko Jin - haha.
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I think Shunji is going to lose his mind when he finds out that his best friend had the woman that he loves beaten.
I wonder what Kang San is planning to do about his brother with out giving his identity away. He can't let him just run around beating women just because he need to trap Bridal Mask.
This show is crazy and I'm enjoying it!!!
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I wonder what Shunji is going to do. I have this feeling like he is not Kimura Taro's son. There is something off about that whole relationship. I'm not sure what it is yet but there is something! And, what is Shinji going to do when he realizes that his best friend is after the woman he loves or that he caught her & had her beaten. He is in a tough spot & doesn't even know it yet & that's not including his deal w/ his dad wanting to kill his best friend. Wow he is up Shit Creek right now!
K, not even going to mention Mok Dan yet b/c I want more of her story. Like who was her mom, & y is her dad the leader of the resistance.....So many questions w/ her story. I want to see where her story is going to lead. Other than being the love interest b/t all the guys. U know it's going to happen. I mean it alrdy is. Even though I don't think Lee Kang San, sees her that way. I think protecting her was a request from her dad. So that is y he is looking out for her.
Well I enjoyed it & I can't wait to see more as long as they can keep it interesting. It will rly suck if they fizzle out the story, but it started out so good.
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