-The same plot.
-The rich one in Sapai TKO is the guy while in The In-laws is the girl.
-Both poor leads are capable and smart in their own ways and both rich leads are fair and mostly unproblematic.
-Both mother-in-laws are seeking ways to kick out poor in-laws.
-Both dramas are full of comedic scenes.
-Both couples have superb chemistry. Couple of The In-laws have few kissing scenes while couple of Sapai TKO didn't have much kissing scenes but it's fine because they're dating in real life anyway.
Recomendado por bevvv
The plot is similar. The ML hires FL to be his fake wife as his real GF was away and he needed to avoid the arranged marriage. And later, he fell in love with her.
Recomendado por DramaLover
Sapai TKO (2019) poster



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