- Português (Portugal)
- 中文(台灣)
- Español
- English
- Título original: テルマエ・ロマエ
- Também conhecido como:
- Roteirista: Muto Shogo
- Diretor: Takeuchi Hideki
- Gêneros: Comédia, Fantasia
Elenco e Créditos
- Abe Hiroshi Papel Principal
- Ueto Aya Papel Principal
- Kimura MidorikoYamakoshi YumiPapel Secundário
- Kitamura KazukiCeioniusPapel Secundário
- Matsuo SatoruItami NoboruPapel Secundário
- Sasano TakashiYamakoshi ShuzoPapel Secundário
Stoyline - The storyline was very unique which allowed for a lot of laughter. However there were times where I felt that the story was very unbelievable /ignoring the fact that he time travels though water/ and I felt that it ruined the storyline for me a bit. But overall I really liked the idea of the whole movie.
Cast - The cast was quite well. I felt that Abe did very well for his role, but the female lead did annoy me a bit. Generally the acting was good (I really like all the bathhouse people they were perfect for their roles).
Music - Oh the music, what can i even say about that. The whole opera thing was wonderfully hilarious (who doesn't like some arias by Tchaikovsky) and they suited the whole Roman feel of the movie well.
Rewatch value - before watching this again, I might have given it a lower score, but considering I just rewatched it with my sister, I realised it's quite good to rewatch purely because there are some hilarious scenes.
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