- Português (Portugal)
- Español
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: 막다른 골목의 추억
- Também conhecido como:
- Diretor: Choi Hyun Young
- Gêneros: Romance, Drama
Elenco e Créditos
- Choi Soo Young Papel Principal
- Tanaka ShunsukeNishiyamaPapel Principal
- Bae Noo RiYoo JeongPapel Secundário
- Ahn Bo HyunTae GyuPapel Secundário
- Dong Hyun BaeJin SeongPapel Secundário
- Hirata KaoruAyaPapel Secundário

comforting, quite real but left me with a slight melancholy
I found the story very fluid, when she went to Japan and suffered disappointment, I thought she would stay there permanently. I liked the fact that she didn't make a scene when she discovered the betrayal. Throughout the film I fell in love with the way people were united in the café, how diverse and welcoming it was.I identified with Nishiyama, and I felt sad for him, In the end, it was as if he was that person who always helps others to overcome their individual difficulties but who remained alone when the person he helped got better and moved on with their life (as if everyone moved on and left him behind, in the past).
I really wish Yumi had stayed in Japan, I wish she and Nishiyama had stayed together.
Throughout the film I fell in love with the way people were united in the café, how diverse and welcoming it was.
I was confused at times, sometimes it seemed like there was no coherence in the story (and some information that was thrown out unnecessarily, such as Nishiyama's past, I honestly thought there was no need, and there were moments that I found ugly and disrespectful how they talked about his life behind his back, and I never saw him talking about anyone). Another thing that upset me was the fact that it seemed like the secondary characters had no importance to the story, there was no evolution, there was no depth in the stories and they seemed like they were just there to fill the environment and serve as a lever for Yumi's story.
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