Só uma Mordida (2018) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 7.8/10 de 2,512 usuários
# de Fãs: 5,651
Resenhas: 2 usuários
Classificado #3668
Popularidade #2976
Fãs 2,512

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  • Português (Portugal)
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • País: South Korea
  • Tipo: Drama
  • Episódios: 8
  • Exibido: Jul 19, 2018 - Ago 11, 2018
  • Exibido em: Quinta, Sábado
  • Original Network: Naver TV Cast vLive
  • Duração: 14 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.8 (scored by 2,512 usuários)
  • Classificado: #3668
  • Popularidade: #2976
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

Onde assistir Só uma Mordida

PlayList Global
Grátis (sub)

Elenco e Créditos


5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 31, 2020
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
With a similar approach as the one used in my favourite webdrama "Love Playlist" (which comes from the same yt channel), "Just One Bite" follows the minds and peculiar lives of three different (personality wise and feature wise) friends and their love relationships. The performances, along with the acting, were entertaining, the pacing was well-adjusted and the stories are captivating (especially the 'complexity' in which they developed one specific scene, which I considered the climax of the season - you'll know what i'm talking about once you watch it, trust me). The ending was a huge let-down, one hell of a cliff-hanger - but, since I already know that there's a second season, I'll give them a pass this time...

Playlist has a talent for doing romance dramas in the young-adult scene, so if that's what you're looking for than you found a good drama to watch!!

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4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 6, 2019
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
My main concern about this drama was the ending. Although the story was nice at first, funny and the girls were relatable, the final conclusion was left open. And watching the Replaylist of this drama didn't add much to it. I do hope there is a second season though. For the performances, they were good from every actor and actress and the execution was decent. The plot followed each girl and it was developed nicely when it came to their love stories. There were some funny parts as well. So, six and a half out of ten, seven if there is a second season.
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Só uma Mordida 2
Playlist de Amor 4
O Método Para Odiar Você
When You Love Yourself
It's Okay To Be Sensitive 2


  • Drama: Só uma Mordida
  • País: Coreia do Sul
  • Episódios: 8
  • Exibido: Jul 19, 2018 - Ago 11, 2018
  • Exibido On: Quinta, Sábado
  • Original Network: Naver TV Cast, vLive
  • Duração: 14 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 15+ - 15 anos ou mais


  • Pontuação: 7.8 (avaliado por 2,512 usuários)
  • Classificado: #3668
  • Popularidade: #2976
  • Fãs: 5,651

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