- Português (Portugal)
- Français
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: そうして私たちはプールに金魚を、
- Também conhecido como: E então colocamos peixes dourados na piscina , Soshite Watashi Tachi wa Puru ni Kingyo , Soshite Watashi Tachi wa Puru ni Kingyo o
- Roteirista e Diretor: Nagahisa Makoto
- Gêneros: Juventude, Drama
Elenco e Créditos
- Matsuyama RinaTamikoPapel Principal
- Yukawa HinaAkanePapel Principal
- Nishimoto MarinRyokoPapel Principal
- Yamanaka TakashiTeacherPapel Secundário
- Kuroda DaisukeDadPapel Secundário
- Namiki AkieOur futureConvidado

Youth can be boring this film was not...
And So We Put Goldfish in the Pool is as fun as it's name... While youth in a small town can be boring, I know been there tried that not doing it again... This film was fast paced, fun, interesting and has a whole lot of beautiful shots as well as a bunch of unexpected humour.When life feels meaningless and boring... there is nothing else to do but do meaningless s***... with your friends.
I love the brutal honesty and how well this portrays the feeling of boredom...
While I understand the artistic value of the shake camera and fast flashes of light with horrible sound, my sensitive ears and eyes (yes I am old) did not really appreciate seeing/hearing them.
I did however love the authentic feel this movie has, with the not so perfect people, and not so perfect voices...
So in short I would say this is more or less a short masterpiece doing one h*** of a job portraying completely average youths who just happened to Put Goldfish in a Pool...
P.s. I personally spent most of my youth in a big city but moved to a small town the a few monthes before I turned 17 and this brought back quite a few memories... But I will admit I never put goldfish in a pool... My grown up self loved it too mostly for this scene... " go out have sex... otherwise you will end up like us... still we are happy enough"
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They cannot see, but they can swim.
The daily quest for something greater than yesterday; seeking and creating an inane comedy in order to swim against the drowning tragedy. A hyper-stylized reality and hyper-realistic fiction of dreading the future, vexing nowhere hometowns, run-of-the-mill every day, and imperiled communality.They trust no one but they feel betrayed by those who have left them to be miserable on their own. They hate the doomed feeling and even hate more those who still cling to hope. They cannot see, but they can swim. Will they have to stay here forever and be eternally visionless or will they have the courage to leave this nowhere doom? For one day, putting goldfishes in the pool will not be enough comedy anymore to wash away the tragedy of the ordinary.
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