Needing You... (2000) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 7.3/10 de 166 usuários
# de Fãs: 345
Resenhas: 1 usuário
Classificado #60084
Popularidade #15655
Fãs 166

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  • Português (Portugal)
  • 中文(台灣)
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • País: Hong Kong
  • Tipo: Movie
  • Data de Lançamento: Jun 22, 2000
  • Duração: 1 hr. 41 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.3 (scored by 166 usuários)
  • Classificado: #60084
  • Popularidade: #15655
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: Not Yet Rated

Elenco e Créditos


Needing You... (2000) photo


1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 1, 2021
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

A show of unlikeable characters

Andy Cheung and Kinki work together. He's her boss apparently. She is a big ole mess. Whenever she gets upset she cleans, it's like an OCD compulsion. She's got an extremely whiny voice. This show was full of mostly unlikeable characters. All the people at their work are just a bunch of gossips. Her family is a nightmare, and don't even try to pretend that they aren't. Andy's ex-girlfriend shows up out of the blue, she's not such a nice person either. Andy is a womanizer. Andy is getting back with the ex-girlfriend and trying to help Kinki get back with her slimeball of an ex boyfriend (why, for heaven's sake!?). All of a sudden Andy likes Kinki. There is nothing in the story that would lead you to see that the develop a fondness for each other or a relationship. This was actually a show that seemed to have a big chunk taken out of the middle that would have possibly explained the purpose and the motivation for the characters.

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  • Movie: Needing You...
  • País: Hong Kong
  • Data de Lançamento: Jun 22, 2000
  • Duração: 1 hr. 41 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: Ainda Não Classificado


  • Pontuação: 7.3 (avaliado por 166 usuários)
  • Classificado: #60084
  • Popularidade: #15655
  • Fãs: 345

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