both main characters are sent to jail for a crime they didn`t commit and try to prove their innocence
Recomendado por Melanie Sives
-Both male lead go to prison although falsely charged, because of threats of harming someone close to them, if they don't admit the crime
-Both escape from prison after years

Recomendado por Tharr3ey
-Both male leads go prison when they were innocent
-Both escape from prison with someone's help .
Although with rugal its an ally, but doubtful victory its enemy.
Recomendado por Tharr3ey
Same action fast paced and the female leads are similar in several aspects. Both male leads assume the identity of another person. Both of them have to work to some bad guy to achieve their goal.

And at least, they deal with corruption in high places with a touch of comedy.
Recomendado por YanFaisal
protagonists who end up being involved in cases of corrupt politicians and start to investigate because of someone important to them who was killed.

-both have agile and skillful protagonists
Recomendado por Alvinho
These two dramas are similar when it comes to the main leads being wrongfully accused of deeds they didn't commit yet took the blame/fall for. How one wrong accusation ruined their life. Finding out the truth over that event is also a similar theme in both drama.
Recomendado por kasumii
Both dramas have the premise of someone going ‘undercover’ to solve an old case, and with false identities involved. In You’re all Surrounded it’s more planned to happen while in Doubtful Victory it’s more by accident, but both MCs are personally involved in the old case and solving it is/becomes their goal.

Both dramas also have a female lead that knows the male lead from when they were children, and suspects his identity. There’s more romance in You’re all Surrounded, though.
Recomendado por Lynze
Oh, o Misterioso (2017) poster



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