Crazy about Asian dramas
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 8, 2019
Completados 0
No geral 2.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
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Totally disappointed with the story ,
Poor story ,poor direction,poor acting ...
No exciting fillers ,no funny or comedy moments.
he had a person all the time right behind him then why he need other one and that should be a girl .

She looked so bold then why she suppressed from her step mother

He all the time misbehaving with her touching her inappropriately then to she ready to work with him because he transferred money in her mother account but why ,movie showed that her character was fearless then what fear she had.
When she got an accident and she realised that hers step sister change her with her and started living with him and he forgot her as well she kept her mother words then why she started doing job in his office ,why she not looked for his man who always with him ,why ?
So many why

Then in the end thay met so easily she didn't upset with him that he didn't recall her .

As a whole I don't like the movie

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9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 14, 2020
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
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Have you ever known something was going to be terrible, but decide to watch it anyway? I least I was prepared, which is the long run made it a little more enjoyable. It was so bad that it was actually funny. The main female lead was very stubborn for her situation and kind of airheaded for not realizing that she was an outcast in her family until she is literally being held, hostage. The main male lead was wishy-washy, where he would act like a gruff in front of her, but behind the scenes, he would help her out. It was a weird insta-love for him which is wild, especially after the first wedding scene. Her mother was terrible, yet she seemed to have a little bit of a conscious when everything was going down at the end, but her biological daughter was just batshit insane, where instead of telling her no, she was like, "I don't want my only biological daughter to get in trouble even though I know this is wrong." But it made the movie enjoyable with the extremes. But I hated the ending, where homeboy literally met homegirl so many times and couldn't tell that she was the real maid. What a slap to the face. Was there not a change in her actions or attitude when you got your eyesight back? Or are you blinded, but this time, with love? I lost respect for the main lead at the end of all of this. I would have kicked and screamed before forgiving him.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 10, 2021
Completados 0
No geral 2.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 10

Put this on your Hate Watch list RIGHT NOW

Why I give this a full 10 on the rewatch value you ask? this shit was fucking hilarious. So much so I had to spend my time writing this review to convince you to get your friends to hate watch it with you on a sleepover. I was fucking crying mess at some scenes. Now objectively of course it's beyond terrible but take it as a comedy, you'll have the greatest time ever.

This movie steadily grows more outrageous in its awfulness, generating countless laugh-out-loud moments. It is filled with hilariously bad acting and incredibly crappy dialogue. In fact from the very first scene in this movie, you quickly get the feeling that something is horribly wrong.

It's not as ridiculous as Tommy Wiseau's The Room but it's definitely up there and that's saying something.

But be honest you already predicted this kind of reception, didn't you? if you read the premise you'd know this movie is no good. You want to watch it out of morbid curiosity and that's fine, I did too and had a gala time.

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Li Kahua
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 12, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 1.5
Voltar a ver 1.0

Dizer que é ruim chega a ser elogio.

Dando um Google para procurar as informações desse trem pavoroso, descobri que ele faz parte de uma cadeia de filmes de qualidade duvidosa como The Love, que é horrível para dizer o mínimo. Não sei se é um monte de produções de baixo orçamento ou o que, mas dizer que esse filme tem problemas é ser gentil.

Começo a acreditar que fizeram o drama, recentemente resenhado aqui, para se desculpar com a plateia que assistiu essa produção pavorosa. Uma ideia boa, nas mãos do diretor certo e com um elenco de qualidade pode ser aproveitada, o drama fez isso muito bem, enquanto o filme, seu predecessor, beira o ridículo de tão mal feito.

Com parcas discrepâncias, o enredo do filme é quase o mesmo do drama. Ren Hao Ming é o CEO de uma empresa que ficou cego após um acidente. Ele então decide contratar uma enfermeira para ajudá-lo em suas atividades. A madrasta de Ruan Qing Tian a obriga a fazer a seleção mesmo ela não querendo aquilo e, Hao Ming acaba ouvindo as palavras grosseiras que ela diz no elevador sobre ser empregada de um cego.

Ao contrário de sua versão atual, proativa, sempre um passo a frente do inimigo, inteligente e, mesmo um tanto explosivo, empático, o Hao Ming do filme é um completo embuste, sério, não dá para defender. O homem é arrogante, estúpido, age como um inválido e por vezes chega a ser infantil. Qing Tian também não fica atrás, a guria é infantil, lenta, tenta parecer aquele tipo animada e para frente, a atriz não soube lidar com o papel de modo a passar empatia e ela se torna só chata e mais um dos fardos que a gente tem que suportar durante pouco mais de uma hora de filme.

A irmã de criação dela, Xin Xin é outra que a atriz é péssima (e fez parte daquela montanha de filme ruim do qual esse faz parte), me pergunto como essa mulher ainda tá na indústria. A vilã aqui ficou com a madrasta que também não cumpre bem esse papel. Na verdade, se for olhar bem, todo o elenco estava empenhado a fazer esse filme não funcionar. Zero emoção, zero carisma, zero química entre o casal, além do roteiro mal feito. Se eu tivesse visto isso primeiro talvez nem tivesse dado uma chance pro drama com medo do que ia achar. Por sorte não fiz isso.

Não percam seu tempo precioso, vejam o drama e esqueçam que esse filme existe.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 3, 2021
Completados 0
No geral 3.0
História 3.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

No redeeming characteristic

First. He’s physically, verbally and emotionally abusive. But he’s also dumb as a box of rocks,
He can’t figure out that the love of his life (who he held captive) was switched when she gives him food he’s allergic too & doesn’t know anything that went on while she was held him. Like her trying to force him to walk
His assistant enables the abuse so he doesn’t get a pass.
I’ll Give her Stockholm syndrome as an excuse for falling for him (and not cause he bought her a few expensive dresses and hired Her a stylist). But if she loved him, why would you let him stay with an obvious nutcase who has already attempted two murders and then kidnapped her.
Why doesn’t she go to him and say “I’m the woman you love...ask her where she slept the first night” (answer: locked in a storage room cause she slapped him for being handsy)
Her stepmother sold her stole her salary and credit cards and then held her captive and tried to choke her on bread while force feeding her.
And her stepsister is insane. Thinking she could replace her cause her voice is same, People other than assistant saw her so anyone could say who is this woman where is your old servant/maid/companion/whoever she is. And the stylist would say why are you wearing her clothes?
It’s also confusing cause she wears the same clothes so it’s like everything happens in one day

If you think BOF’s kidnapping was romantic you might like this

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 23, 2021
Completados 0
No geral 4.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Basic mistakes with some cliche.

Let's start. The movie itself has a lot of bugs that may not be seen if you do not take care, it doesn't kill the vibe of the movie, but it may annoy you, like: in the marriage scene, first Ren Hao Ming has a little box with a ring inside, then in the other scene, the ring isn't there anymore; when Qing Tian invites him to go outside, they were wearing some clothes that were not the same in the next scene. The songs in general were good, besides the wrong timing in some scenes.

The movie doesn't have much sense (actually, almost don't have a sense), you are blind but you need a wheelchair? Then, you have your view back, but you do not recognize your partner anymore? It's like all your other senses just abandoned you because your eyes are cured! But you do remember where she took you at just one time! Come on, let's make any sense, please! It remember me of a mixture of Cinderella and the beauty and the beast.

The acting was not the worst, it was normal, nothing special to be told. I recommend you watch this only if you have free time and decides to watch something that will make you be like "what just happen?". Don't try to find a good history, you won't.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 24, 2020
Completados 0
No geral 3.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Its okay I guess??

To be honest, it's not that I don't like the plot because the story itself is fine, but the way its done, plus the acting, this movies is only so so.
I don't mean to hate, like, if you are into this stuff its fine, but not my taste. I was a bit disappointing since I have grown a high standard for Chinese movies. This one was just not up to par with my expectations at all.

The male lead is okay but not great. The female lead is also not so bad but she is just so................ I don't even know how to describe them. They are such bland characters. They literally have no depth.

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A Criada do Patrão Cego (2016) poster



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