L: Mudando o Mundo
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de jabofi
16 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 7.0
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Kind of in the Death Note Family

To say this is a Death Note movie is stretching it a bit I think. Yes, L is in it and he is he candy-eating, bent back, terrible typing savant from Death Note and Death Note 2: The Last Name. Matsuyama Kenichi just really plays this character well.

The story itself is pretty darn interesting, but only if you're not looking for Death Note 3. The story has a different vibe to it then the others and isn't about Death Notes or death gods at all. It just has L in it with a bit of cameo from the previous movies.

All in all, a decent watch if you have some time to spare.

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More Than Blue
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
16 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10
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They cooked

God tier film
This is the perfect tragedy.
There's so many scenes that are cinematic and dialogue that’s well written.

It’s a story with solid character development from the majority of the cast
The misunderstandings aren't contrived and feel natural, especially considering the circumstances of the characters. Not only that, when you get to a certain part of the movie, it recontextualises the whole story and you understand a side that unfolds so naturally and makes so much sense. The peak moments of the film are essentially seen from a mirroring or paralleling perspective, revealing the entire story and showing you everything in detail. It's very well written. There are too many brilliant scenes to count. Cinematography peak.

The main characters make sense and have reasons for their actions, and it makes sense because of their traumatic backgrounds. K and Cream's fear of rejection. The script is so fucking peak. The ending wraps up so well too.

The only off parts are maybe when the cat girl is introduced, but its really not so bad. Shes pretty chill throughout the rest of the movie and is actually kinda interesting. Begins as a caricature, ends up as a real one.
Besides that, there's like one scene that looks goofy cuz of the lighting and that’s it.
Everything else works extremely effectively towards the film

Pretty much all the side characters are fairly likeable and feel like humans, flawed but understandable.
Very strong writing and character development
The ost was very effective and great to listen to, besides the cat girls singing.

This is one of the most slept on films I've ever seen.

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My Beautiful Man: The Movie
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16 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Una delle cose che ho sempre detto su questa serie e che continuerò a dire all’infinito è che my beautiful man deve essere compresa per vederne la vera bellezza.
Entrambi i personaggi, soprattutto Hira, devono essere compresi e visti oggettivamente senza farci distrarre da opinioni personali perchè vi giuro che se avessi visto il personaggio di Hira facendo riferimento a opinioni personali, l’avrei odiato e chiamato pazzo e assurdo.
Il suo personaggio sì è pazzo a modo suo, ma se lo guardassi con una certa soggettività lo troverei pazzo da ospedale psichiatrico dato il suo modo di vedere tutto e di comportarsi, solo nel momento in cui lo si vede così com’è e lo si cerca di comprendere ti rendi conto di chi sia veramente. Il suo modo di fare, dire e pensare è un modo decisamente poco comune, tanto da essere considerato assurdo e ossessivo ma a modo suo di base c’è un sentimento veramente forte e riservato. Amo il modo in cui tutto ciò che riguarda il suo amato è qualcosa di riservato tra loro e un sentimento così forte che non esiste nessuna altra persona al mondo che può fargli cambiare idea. Hira a modo suo ha una concezione di amore molto forte, una concezione che dovrebbe essere presa ad esempio almeno alla base, non condivido pienamente il modo in cui pensa e vede tutto ma di base l’amore che ha per Kyoi è un amore puro e forte. Un amore che ad oggi è raro, al giorno d’oggi pare che vada di moda l’amore occasionale o senza sentimenti e il tradimento, tutto ciò mi fa perdere speranza nell’essere umano. Così come nel mito dell’androgino, dovremmo cercare la nostra metà e amarla con tutti noi stessi, senza giochi o tradimenti, ma dovrebbe essere una ricerca disperata che poi si trasformerà in una felicità assoluta; dopo aver trovato la nostra metà dovremmo essere onesti e fedeli, dovremmo avere fiducia e trasmetterla, non scherzare con gli altri per il solo bisogno di compagnia.
In un certo senso penso di trovare una grande similitudine tra come vive l’amore Hira e l’amore spiegato da Platone: “Quando una persona vede un bel corpo o un volto dalle fattezze "divine", dapprima sente un brivido, poi, guardandolo, lo venera al pari di un dio e arriverebbe a offrirgli sacrifici come a un'immagine sacra.” (preso dal libro di filosofia).
Quando recentemente ho studiato la visione dell’amore di Platone, ho letto questa parte e ho subito pensato a Hira (in realtà prima ho pensato a una mia amica che tratta la sua crush peggio di un dio, poi mi è venuto in mente My Liberation Notes ma giusto per il fatto del “venerare” e infine ho pensato si adattasse perfettamente a Hira). E sinceramente dopo aver letto di questo delirio amoroso penso di aver compreso ancora meglio Hira.
Inutile dire che sin dalla prima stagione ho sempre pensato che questa serie fosse bella ma, a differenza degli altri, non l’ho mai sentita a me speciale o comunque pensarla come una serie da 5 stelle. Penso che questo sia dovuto molto da un fatto personale: la serie in sè è bella ma poco avvicinabile alla “realtà, normalità” (messo tra virgolette perchè non sono nessuno per definire cosa debba essere normale e cosa no), il modo di guardare all’altro è decisamente ossessivo, tanto che avvolte mi sembra esagerato, e in generale sono una persona che quando ama da tutta se stessa ma non a questo livello, trovo tutto il fatto del pensare all’altro come un dio un’assurdità, sì l’amore e l’essere fedeli sono importantissimi ma ciò non implica che debba venerare la persona che amo, secondo me ci sono modi e modi di amare ma questo mi pare il più assurdo, ovviamente da un punto di vista estremamente personale legato al mio modo di fare le cose.
Quindi per vari motivi non sono mai riuscita ad avvicinarmi completamente a questa serie e considerarla come una delle più belle. Sì è bella ma non stupenda ripensando anche ai mille problemi di comunicazione e di comprensione di loro stessi e dell’altro.
In tutto ciò dico che in generale mi sono sentita di apprezzare maggiormente questo film che le due stagioni, sicuramente sono maturati secondo certi aspetti e io in primis ho avuto modo di comprenderli di più.

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Ro Gi Wan
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
16 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.5
Voltar a ver 5.5

I would totally recommend it !

I loved it so much ! It was an emotional and super realistic movie about the struggle of refugiees.
Kiwan’s lore is so rough and hard yet he overcame it and found happiness. His mother and his uncle were such good characters and litteraly built what he is now.
I felt so bad for him when the money he got from the sold of jis mom’s body was stolen away from him but gladly he took it back and even met fantastic people afterwards.
I love his colleague (the woman with a sick child) eventhough she betrayed him at some point, she explained why and did everything she could to help him because she felt guilty and because she cared for him. Maybe she doesn’t deserve forgiveness but at least she was sincere asking for it and regretting her actions !
Shoutout to Marie and her parents ! They have so much background : she lost her mother and was consistently having troubles with her father but eventually they reconciled ! I’m also glad that Marie succeeded (with kiwan’s help) to get out of this dark world of the shooting competitions and that one man manipulating her !

Once again, I loved how realistic the movie was depicting drug addictions, depression after losing someone important, how hard it is to be a refugee (proving your origin, earning the right to stay in the other country etc…), escaping a mental and physical abuse etc…

One thing that I did liked a little less was the romantic relationship they developed (Marie and Kiwan) because it felt so unnatural and also like most Kdramas, kinda forced. By forced I mean that Kdrama writers ALWAYS feel like we need to see some romance ugh. But at least they found happiness in each other.
I didn’t liked it especially since we had no real grounds to it, it also occurred right after him waking up from an overdose he did because she said in a way ´get lost’. We basically got a few flashbacks of them hanging out on a market, then them litteraly having sex ?and that was all to establish the relationship for the writers ig ?.

I LOVED the ending. This project of song joon ki was so good and at the level of his other projects not like ´reborn rich’.
The cast and the acting were ON TOP ! No actual OST though.

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Caderno da Morte: O Último Nome
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de jabofi
16 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
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Good Death Note Story

I do like Fujiwara Tatsuya as Light and Matsuyama Kenichi as L. Toda Erika was good as Misa, and was surprisingly not irritating at all!

This is a great addition to all the Death Note stories out there. Very dark, makes the bad guys look cool, the Death Gods were really well done CGI-wise.

The ending was sad but expected. Now on to the next in the list, L: Change the World
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The Sadness
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16 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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What the fuck did I just watched.... i'm just going to say that I'm traumatized. Blood doesn't really bother me but this is the limit. I get what they were trying to convey but all of the time I was disgusted and shocked that I couldn't even try to comprehend the message. The sex scenes at every 5 min honestly were not necessary, specially when the man had sex with the girls eye....
For your sanity just stay curious. I should have done that.
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Amor com Fetiche
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
16 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10

Absolutely not what I expected

I didn't know what to expect going into this movie but I was still pleasantly surprised. Not only is the approach to the topic of bdsm a really interesting one but also the cast fit their roles super well, in my opinion.
First of all, I generally love Lee Joonyoung as an actor, he's brilliant in so many different roles. Second, Seohyun did an amazing job portraying her character and the development of it.

I've watched this movie so many times just because I really enjoy it and I won't ever get bored of it.

For anyone who cares, here's what I wrote on letterboxd about it last year:

I've actually watched this a few times already and I really like it. I went in with super low expectations because how well can a Korean movie cover the topic of bdsm? Well, it can do a lot better then I thought. It showed a side of bdsm and kink outside of the sexual realm, which is a nice breath of fresh air. Of course, it was still somewhat "family-friendly" but that isn't surprising. I did appreciate the more subtle nature of some of the scenes and some were definitely more overt with their coverage of the topic at hand.

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10 Years of Life
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
17 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

"A decade, is that a long time or no time at all?"

Going into The Last 10 Years there was no denying what type of movie I would be watching-a story about a young woman with a terminal illness based on a true story. But as with any genre, it’s how the story is implemented as to whether it touches you or not. The moment the director cues the violins and tries to manipulate my feelings, I tend to dig in and become resentful. This film was quite the opposite. While the music was emotional and lovely, the story slowly unfolded allowing the characters to make their way through decisions about life, death, relationships, and whatever the future means.

When Matsuri is in the hospital she is given a camcorder by a dying mother and admonished to, “Live every minute to the fullest.” That advice is hard to follow after she returns home and boredom overtakes her. Diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension her list of restrictions and medications is quite long. She goes to a middle school class reunion where no one knows about her illness and reconnects with old friends. The standard questions arise about marriage, children, and work. Kazuto, a boy she doesn’t remember, attempts to reach out to her. Kazuto has his own issues with life and death and before long, he, his friend Takeru, Matsuri and her editor friend, Sanae, begin to hang out. In the dark about her illness, Kazuto is clearly smitten but Matsuri has her daily grind with avoiding death to deal with as well as her loving but concerned family.

Matsuri and Kazuto both had their issues with life’s disappointments and whether death would be a tragedy or a gift. As they grew closer, both began to embrace life more. For Kazuto, the future held promise and an unknown amount of time. For Matsuri, tomorrow was always in question knowing her time was imminently finite. No one gets out of this life alive, but for Matsuri, that harsh reality faced her every day. I was happy there was no countdown clock as if the 10 years prognosis was ironclad. The median life expectancy for someone with PAH is 5 years. Each crisis she faced could have been her last. The film didn’t throw roadblocks into her relationship with Kazuto just for the standard effect. Matsuri not only had to take Kazuto’s feelings into consideration but her own as well. She did what she needed to do to be strong enough to face death.

Komatsu Nana gave a beautifully nuanced performance as Matsuri. Layers of emotions peeled forward and back as she portrayed Matsuri dealing with her day-to-day struggles with Death hanging over her shoulder. Ever aware of her parents’ pain, she put a mask on for them most of the time and for her friends. When the dam finally broke and her fears and disappointments rolled over her, Komatsu’s performance was raw and real. Ever cautious with Kazuto so as not to get too close, but staying close enough to bask in his warmth, you could feel the walls she kept carefully erected. And finally, as Matsuri’s body began to collapse, the slow acknowledgement of a clock ticking down.

Far from being maudlin, The Last 10 Years was an exercise in living well and making the most of life regardless of circumstances. Whatever Matsuri gained-a relationship, a job, a friendship, she was always aware how close she was to losing them. Yet she still found the strength to try. She was searching for meaning and just the simple experiences of living. I was here. I lived. I loved. And in her strength, she gave Kazuto a love for life as well.

“My life might look like just another boring existence but you’ll always be with me.”

16 May 2024

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Dias Melhores
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
17 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
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I recorded this movie in my heart.

This movie is made in such a way that if it has not even happened to you or you have not been wronged, you will notice the damage that has been done to this girl and you will feel it. At one point, an officer said that maybe it is not like this for us, but they are teenagers, and yes, it means Everything is honest and loyal, a huge love has been shown in the boy's face, he wanted the girl to experience things or dreams that he didn't have, even his heart wanted to die and let her live, and it would be nice to have such people in our lives now. They don't exist or they are few. I wish movies weren't just for watching and forgetting, and we could change our behavior. I recorded this movie in my heart.

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Love Syndrome: The Beginning
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
17 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 1.5
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 3.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Unless there’s a sequel, Don’t Watch

First off I would like to say something VERY IMPORTANT:
To those who have experienced sexual assault, even if you are now in a better place and think you’ve healed enough, don’t risk your mental health by watching this.
If there’s one thing that was well made in this movie was the SA scene. From a victim: it felt like I was reliving my own assault even if the details aren’t even slightly the same, it was just so well acted and scripted that my body reacted instantly.
Spare yourself, go watch something else, stay safe and love yourself.

Those who watched the other 2 series associated with this (these are side characters of Unforgotten Night and the characters of Love Syndrome III) will be severely disappointed unless there’s a sequel.
This movie alone explains absolutely NOTHING, so if you are just now being introduced to the characters you will absolutely lost.

- Rape (repeatedly)
- Non-con recording
- Severe beatings and torture
- Abusive behavior
- Abduction and drugging

There’s nothing enjoyable about this.
Spoilers (but not really):
After Gear records a sexual encounter with Night after a bet with his friends, Day (Night’s brother) is out for revenge. He sets up Itt, the friend that made bet, getting him to go back to his house on the pretense of paying for damaging his car. Itt is then drugged, beaten unconscious and raped while being recorded, all by Day who wants revenge by his younger brother. This lasts over a few days, meanwhile Gear and Night are happily together going on dates after having made up.
When Night shows up with Gear, Day promptly freaks out and that night Gear comes and takes Night on a romantic getaway.
Ofc, as expected, when Day finds out he beats the living shit out of Itt who’s been trying desperately to contact Gear to no avail.

It ends on a cliffhanger with Itt finally getting a hold of Gear and telling him Day has found where he his and is coming to beat him up.

There is ZERO romance, even between Gear and Night it’s more portrayed as some sort of Stockholm Syndrome like “you where my first and only one, I still love and forgive you even though you literally recorded us having sex and showed it to your friends”.
I already HATED the backstory of Day and Itt when I first heard it in Love Syndrome III but this took it to a whole new level.
I loved Itt and Day in Unforgotten Night, hated them in Love Syndrome III and now I’m just plain DISGUSTED at this “couple”.
A sequel here would have to have a redemption arc so incredible for Day that I don’t know it’s even possible.
So far, there’s absolutely no hope. It’s a disgusting story about someone getting raped and beaten, nothing else.

I give props to the actors of Itt and Day though, they did a fantastic job, I hope they had a good team behind them making sure they were okay because scenes like that can take a toll on a person even if it’s just an act.

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Wo Tsai Che Li Teng Ni
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
17 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Love it and enjoyed it, amazing acting

Watched it in the cinema with friends on the first release day in Hong Kong and it was a pleasant experience. I love how good the actor's acting are when it comes to expressing all the detailed emotion. Especially when i had enough of BL drama full of sexual scenes, this movie certainly gave me a refreshing break. If you are hoping for some crazy hot and spicy love story, sorry but this is not one of those. But you are looking for beautiful scenery, music, people and subtle emotions, this is certainly a must watch. The lyrics in the theme song pretty much stated out the whole story line.

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My Happy Marriage
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
17 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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He Would Kill For Her

Thats right, he would kill for her. This amazing man puts her first and only her. He would even kill her family if they hurt her. I love how he really did an excellent job and her, she is exactly the same as in the anime/manga.

I enjoyed this drama, and i love how they did not drag the “cold person” personality too much. He was very loving towards her and open up to her bit by bit. We could also see changes in her and thats what i really like about it. I truly did enjoyed this and would rewatch this again when i have the time.

I do recommend this, do give this a watch. Its an amazing drama.

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Amor a Prazo
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
17 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.5
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what a sad lovestory

This a remake from 2014 Korean film with the same title. A story of a gangster who is a debt collector who happens to collect money from a girl who has a sick father but she accidentally fell for her. She is willing to do anything just to please the lady to get her attention. Then one day as her father pass away the girl sees the effort of the guy to console her, a person that is willing to make her happy in her darkest moment. The girl was touched by the mana gesture and she developed feelings for him. They then begun a couple, they are happy and planning to make it better. The guy decided to change his proffesion, his willing to change for he wanted to be a change man for her. One day as he ask permission to his boss he wanted to change he,asked for a different kind of a clean job. His willing to give him but he needs to do one last dirty job without him knowing that his boss is planning something foul. He fell into the trap that make her relationship also got ruin he blames himself without telling the girl the whole truth. He spent many years in jail.
When he has freedom the first thing she did was to take revenge to the person who ever done wrong to him, so that he can explain himself to the girl. But through his range he was prisoned again for many years. He was released then trying to be a changed man. He came back really sick without telling then that he suffers from Aneurysm.The girl knew it ang willing to take care of him but it still to late, the guy then dies that's makes the story sad. He has last wish, that his father must treat her as her own.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
17 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

A poignantly beautiful tale that keeps us pondering over

As many review here, I find it hard to write about the movie without spoiling the viewer and fail to describe how beautifully the movie is done.
It is best to not read any review at all before watching the movie to let your mind work the miracle.
In essence, the movie is about a tale of self-discovery of 2boys growing up being told in different perspectives of people closest to them. With each perspective being told, more details are provided for the viewers to conjugate the real story of what actually happens.
As other Koreeda's work, the movie would leave you in daze and linger for some time as viewers cant help but keep contemplating and pondering over the ending, the characters and the message of the movie.
Koreeda is truly a master of story telling and building emotion through a seemingly uneventful narration and seemingly “normal” characters. Still, one can always feel his effort in avoiding to force a conclusive ending and closing of the story, as if to maintain his neutral stand and to respect viewers’ interpretation of the tale. That is another thing I admire of Koreeda as it is incredibly hard for a director to avoid forcing his own view of the story without making it illogical and incomprehensible. One also feels his love for human as he refrains from condemning any character in the story.
By unveiling the story through different perspectives here, perhaps Koreeda wants to remind us again that there is always 2 sides of the story; and we should not jump to conclusion with our own prejudice and limited experience in this modern era where everyone is ready to attack others through the use of sns without properly contemplating over the event. How our interpretation of a story can go very wrong with misleading fabrication and gossips. And how we might have hurt others by our own prejudices and judgment built by societal norms of “normal”.
Who is the monster here but us human, flawed and frightened, traumatized by our own societal norms and interpretation.

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Triple Threat
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
18 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 7.0

"This is personal" Well, of course it is...

Triple Threat had an embarrassment of martial artists riches and also embarrassingly bad dialogue, even for an action movie. The martial arts were also short shrifted in lieu of guns and things that go boom far too often.

Payu and Long Fei have been hired to help with a “humanitarian” mission that turns out to be anything but. Local security for the site, Jaka, loses his wife in the deadly firefight that erupts when the mercenaries enter the village to release Collins, a notorious terrorist. Payu, Long Fei, and Jaka develop a tenuous partnership to bring down the mercs and end up protecting a Chinese heiress/local philanthropist along the way.

The firefights were often over the top as the bad guys mowed down people throughout the small country of Maha Jaya. Things were always more interesting when the guns were down and the fists and kicks were up. Tony Jaa, Iko Uwais, and Tiger Chen all have experience with fighting on screen and choreography. The weakest of the three was Tiger as his fights often looked slow and uninspired. Tony and Iko were far more entertaining as they defied gravity with their flexibility, quickness, and strength. Bad guy, Scott Adkins, was able to keep up with the kicks as was Michael Jai White. Jeeja Yanin had what amounted to a glorified guest role and didn’t have many chances to show her skills.

The action came fast and furious with the fighters and heiress on the run. Unfortunately, some of the acting and much of the dialogue was painfully cringeworthy. Not much effort was made to create a cohesive story either. As a check your brain at the door, let’s watch Tony Jaa fly and flip, it was rudimentary martial arts action entertainment.

15 May 2024

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