This drama is a love story between Kataoka Sakuya, a grim reaper who comes to the human world for the first time, and Mochizuki Nayuki, a woman who lost her father at a young age and has devoted her life to raising her only remaining family—her younger brother. As they meet, they gradually come to understand each other, and slowly, they begin to fall in love. However, a fate that will dramatically change their lives awaits them both…
A girl returns home from Paris and opens up a small patisserie with no name in a alley. There is no menu and everyday she only makes 3 types of desserts based on her mood each day. Naturally her business is not doing so well. No one knows of her past and why she appears to be so cold towards everyone holding onto some dark secret within her. One day a bright young man coincidentally enters the shop, refusing to leave and eventually becoming a staff in the store. Through his arrival, the whole atmosphere of the store changes. Will this man be able to open up her heart and let her face her past?
A girl returns home from Paris and opens up a small patisserie with no name in a alley. There is no menu and everyday she only makes 3 types of desserts based on her mood each day. Naturally her business is not doing so well. No one knows of her past and why she appears to be so cold towards everyone holding onto some dark secret within her. One day a bright young man coincidentally enters the shop, refusing to leave and eventually becoming a staff in the store. Through his arrival, the whole atmosphere of the store changes. Will this man be able to open up her heart and let her face her past?
Mo Rae struggles to remain loyal to her husband while living with a handsome and exciting stranger. Her husband is her childhood best friend, but the seductive stranger is imaginative and adventurous. Who will she choose?
Mo Rae struggles to remain loyal to her husband while living with a handsome and exciting stranger. Her husband is her childhood best friend, but the seductive stranger is imaginative and adventurous. Who will she choose?
Mo Rae struggles to remain loyal to her husband while living with a handsome and exciting stranger. Her husband is her childhood best friend, but the seductive stranger is imaginative and adventurous. Who will she choose?
"Jun Kissa Inyeon" is a fantasy love story set in a retro coffee shop on the outskirts of a shopping mall and the story of the handsome Korean master Si Woo and the people who visit the place.
"Jun Kissa Inyeon" is a fantasy love story set in a retro coffee shop on the outskirts of a shopping mall and the story of the handsome Korean master Si Woo and the people who visit the place.
"Jun Kissa Inyeon" is a fantasy love story set in a retro coffee shop on the outskirts of a shopping mall and the story of the handsome Korean master Si Woo and the people who visit the place.
"Jun Kissa Inyeon" is a fantasy love story set in a retro coffee shop on the outskirts of a shopping mall and the story of the handsome Korean master Si Woo and the people who visit the place.
"Jun Kissa Inyeon" is a fantasy love story set in a retro coffee shop on the outskirts of a shopping mall and the story of the handsome Korean master Si Woo and the people who visit the place.
"Jun Kissa Inyeon" is a fantasy love story set in a retro coffee shop on the outskirts of a shopping mall and the story of the handsome Korean master Si Woo and the people who visit the place.