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Set 15, 2013


Okay, now I am almost sure that Mikami is JOKER (whatever that is) and that he’s the one who killed Natsui, Saeko and stabbed Kudo. What I am wondering about is; why would he help bringing people to justice if he’s a criminal himself; does he have a split of personality or something?

But maybe there’s something behind all of that; he can’t be blackmailing the high officers and killing innocent people while he’s bringing criminals to justice.
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Set 15, 2013

What's Justice?

That’s a tough question to answer. Saeko had to die the way Natsuki did and instead of telling Date who did it; Saeko decided to be philosophic in her last minutes; come on baka, you should’ve said a name! Could it be obvious and it’s Itsuzu or maybe Mikami? I have strongsuspicions about him lately.

I am glad that Hyuka was brought to justice by Date and that the woman was saved. I mean Hyuka was seriously crazy.
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Set 4, 2013

Two saviors

Things became so complicated with the stupid copycat Hyuka getting involved; there's also his brother, this time things aren't going well for Date and Kudo, I wonder how on earth are they going to get out of that trouble.
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Set 3, 2013

What a painful turn of events

Why did things have to become like that? The princess is captured, the charismatic Yang Moon died and Choong’s mother died by that punk Nam Seng’s hands. I am sure he did deliberately because he knows how much Choong’s mother means to him. General Yeon loved Choong’s mother; it was the first time I saw him cry and that’s the reason why he wants to trust Choong so badly and make him his favorite. It’s clear that he prefers Choong over Nam Seng no matter how you look at it. General Yeon and Choong acted like nothing has happened after Choong’s mother dies, they’re pretty heartless or pretty strong.

Now, Choong has to torture the princess to prove his innocence; after those beautiful little moments they had together, things will began to fall apart and it won’t pretty to watch. For once, I want Geum Hwa Dan to interfere and save the princess.

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Set 3, 2013

Awesome episode ending

They had to meet again in that kind of situation; Choong chose his father again and I don’t know what he would do that after sorting his feelings with the princess. I would lie if I say I didn’t like it because I really love it when Choong is by his father’s side no matter how bad general Yeon is. The final encounter between those two will be cool but I am pretty sure he won’t hurt her considering the fact that he’s way stronger than her. Let’s see what will happen next.
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Set 3, 2013

What's going on here?

I though Yoon Jae was Min Soo; no one can deny that because the DNA test made it clear; if the Eun Ok didn’t interfere and change the result, everyone would find out that he’s Min Soo so what on earth is president Hong saying? Hoon Nam is really Min Soo? I mean what does that make Yoon Jae? He’s the real son of president Hong then? Or maybe Eun Ok thought that president Hong was raising Min Soo but he gave it to Hoon Nam’s adoptive parents and adopted another child which is Yoon Jae, in that case everything will make perfect sense.

I am glad to know that Young Chae isn’t Bok Hee’s real daughter so it’s alright to make them get married. I never thought that Young Chae, Young Soo and Young Joo aren’t Bok Hee’s real children.

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Set 3, 2013

Okay, the mother is disgusting

I know that Young Chae and Hoon Nam aren’t siblings so we don’t need to worry about incest but Bok Hee thinks that Hoon Nam is her son so the fact that she will allow them to get along with their marriage is simply very disgusting and ethically wrong; How could she think like that?

Of course Eun Ok and Dr. Hong’s adoptive father are the evil ones especially the freaky Eun Ok; just because of her stupid jealousy, she needed to ruin Bok Hee’s daughter’s happiness like that. I am sure that the lab guy will spill the beans but it’s better be soon because I hate this freaky misunderstandings.

Da Jung and Young Soo should get together already! I am sure that Jung Ho will regret letting his wife go like Eun Ok regrets it because he started to figure out how evil his current wife is; she’s being punished by not being able to have kids.

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Set 3, 2013


Just because of a hunch, Date lied and created Izutsu’s alibi? Because he didn’t believe he was the murderer? That can’t be, there’s absolutely something behind it. Maybe that’s why Izutsu is turning a blind eye of what Date is doing; he bought his silence by the alibi he created for him. Asuka and Saeko are already thinking that Date is an accomplice or something. I don’t know, wouldn’t it be too obvious if Izutsu did it?

Other than that, the episode was quite good and I felt bad for Kudo and Fumiya who was killed by his own father. We also got the chance to know Kudo’s back story.
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Set 3, 2013

The law is worthless

I really liked seeing that freaky lawyer go down; she’s such a pain.

Other interesting events are going on in this drama; the mystery behind Natsuki’s death (Asuka’s brother); someone he knew did it so it’s either chief Izutsu, Saeko or Date but since the latter doesn’t kill; it’s one of the other two. Chief Izutsu is the most suspicious one but the fact that he’s helping Date out by keeping a blind eye of what he’s doing is a bit confusing.
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Set 3, 2013


Things in this drama are getting deeper and the disappearance cases are becoming more dangerous to do. I also think that Date believes he did a mistake by capturing Shiina after what he said at the end; I know his crimes was first degree planned murder but I thought that something was fishy. I also still believe that the chief police is helping Date or at least he knows what he’s doing and he’s turning a blind eye on it.

More interesting events are going on in this drama and I like it!
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Set 3, 2013

Trio justice heroes

Kudo has a past of his own; I knew that he was a complex character himself and now Datte is accepting him in his team. I am so glad that Datte doesn't kill those who can't be brought to justice; I knew it before but now it's for sure that he locks them up somewhere and the bartender old dude is his accomplice. I also doubt that the chief police knows something about it.

It's ironic how Date juniors don't respect him, not even a little; it's like they're chief inspectors and he's the junior.
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Who Are You Episode 10
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Set 2, 2013

There's something missing

I know that Moon Sik shot Hyung Joon and maybe that led to his death but that’s not everything; there’s something missing in the process such as the person standing behind Moon Sik; I think Shi On should’ve concentrated on that more than putting Moon Sik at a corner. The real myster is who’s that person, it can’t be the chief police right?
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Set 2, 2013

I am a criminal who wasn't brought to justice

So the bartender was the one who helped Date get away with murder and ever since then; he lived his life punishing those who the law can’t punish. It’s smart to show how the victim died when Date is about to make his punishment. I still believe that he doesn’t kill them, he just abandon them somewhere far or something.

Kudo who is a complex character himself found out about Date deeds; I thought that he will find out at some point but I never thought it will be this soon. I am sure he will keep silent because all what he wanted to do is reveal him, nothing more.
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Set 2, 2013

Super interesting start

It's a given that I am into crime, investigation dramas; maybe the episodic pattern that this drama will take won't allow me to be very obsessed over it but the little mystery behind the main character is really captivating and makes you want more. Date is a character that I am beginning to get invested in it and I am pretty sure that I will like the way they're writing his character. Someone who brings justice for those who can't be punished by the police. I would've hated it if he was playing God on earth but apparently he doesn't kill them, he just makes them disappear in a silent way and I am so glad that Kiuchi was punished for the horrible deeds he did for that little boy.

I am so looking forward to the rest of this.

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Set 2, 2013

They're canaries

The psycho Genda Izumi can’t be a canary; she’s super insane in her own way. I can’t seem to understand or relate to her character at all. They should’ve handled her to the legal department ever since the beginning.

The grandfather’s death raises a lot of questions; the suspect didn’t admit killing him so like I said before, it’s a copycat crime where Akiko is the prime suspect or maybe an accomplice. But she’s not poor to kill her father because of the inheritance; I can’t seem to believe that.

Also, Shina called and she didn’t look alright. I mean is she even in Boston like she claimed to be? I think there’s something not right going on with her.

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