Drama Challenge 2016

Drama based on manga/Drama without wall kisses/Drama with homosexuals/Drama without love triangle/School drama/Drama in which female lead is not poor/Drama with noona romance/Drama in which the lead actor was also the lead in your first drama/Supernatural drama/Drama in which someone committed suicide/Drama without happy ending/Mini drama/Historical drama/Drama with bromance/Drama from top 50 on mydramalist.com/Drama which you know from fanvideos/Drama you've started but never finished/Drama that everyone likes except you/Chinese drama/Japanese drama/Taiwanese drama/Thai drama/Drama recommended by friend/Another version of a drama you've already seen/Drama with Kim Kwang Kyu/Drama with Kim Mi Kyung/Drama in which leads fell in love while being young and met after years/Drama made before 2000/Drama with white actor or actress/Drama with at least 2 idols/Drama in which both leads' parents are alive TBD/Drama without hateful mother TBD/Law drama/Medical drama
Dana Dez 29, 2015
34 Titles Loves
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