Movies I've Rewatched
(5431 minutes = around 3,8 days)
1. Rastros de um Sequestro
Korean Movie - 2017
Watched this movie 4 times already. My favourite Korean movie :)
Rewatched December 6th 2020.
Rewatched Halloween 2021 together with my friend Erika.
Rewatched May 23rd 2022.
2. To Each His Own
Japanese Movie - 2017
Rewatched the 4th Feb. 2019. Rewatched 4th August 2019 together with my parents.
3. Nossos Tempos
Taiwanese Movie - 2015
Re-watched 24th Feb. 2019
4. Control Tower
Japanese Movie - 2011
I rewatched it on the same day that I watched it for the first time; 1st May 2019, because I liked it so much. <3
5. Burn The Stage: The Movie
Korean Movie - 2018
Rewatched 4th July 2019 (on my cat's birthday lol) because I love BTS. :D
6. O Cara em Mim
Korean Movie - 2019
Rewatched 13th July 2019 together with my friend.
Rewatched 11th August 2019 together with my parents.
Rewatched January 9th 2022. Lowered score from 9,5 to 8/10.
7. Invasão Zumbi
Korean Movie - 2016
Rewatched on August 2nd 2019 together with my parents.
2nd rewatch on September 18th 2020. Changed score from 9/10 to 9.5/10 upon rewatching.
8. Caminho de Volta para Casa
Korean Movie - 2013
Rewatched 17th of August 2020.
9. Parasita
Korean Movie - 2019
Rewatched September 2nd 2020
10. Dias Melhores
Chinese Movie - 2019
Rewatched December 6th 2020.
Rewatched at 3am on June 8th 2021. Raised score from 9,5 to 10/10. Moved it to nr 1 on my favourite movies list.
Rewatched November 13th 2021 together with my parents. Mom gave it a 7/10 and dad gave it a 6/10 (sadly it's not their type of movie, but I wanted to show it to them because it's one of my favourites)
Rewatched October 24th 2022 past midnight (so technically the 25th).
Rewatched August 25th 2024.
11. De Mim para Você
Japanese Movie - 2010
Rewatched December 12th 2020. I found out that he had passed away. It broke my heart.
13. Garota Lobo e Príncipe Negro
Japanese Movie - 2016
Rewatched December 17th 2020.
Rewatched March 31st 2022.
14. Heroína Desqualificada
Japanese Movie - 2015
Rewatched December 18th 2020. Lowered score from 8 --> 7,5 upon rewatching.
15. L♥DK
Japanese Movie - 2014
Rewatched December 19th 2020. Lowered score from 8,5 --> 7,5 upon rewatching.
16. Amigos de Uma Semana
Japanese Movie - 2017
Rewatched December 20th 2020.
17. Amor Mais Próximo ao Céu
Japanese Movie - 2017
Rewatched December 21st 2020.
Rewatched March 27th 2022.
18. Corredores da Meia-noite
Korean Movie - 2017
Rewatched January 12th 2021.
Rewatched February 21st 2023. Lowered score from 10/10 ––> 9/10 upon rewatching. Dad gave it a 7/10 and mom gave it a 7,5/10.
19. Secretamente, Grandemente
Korean Movie - 2013
Rewatched February 18th 2021. I had forgotten the ending...
20. A Bruxa: Parte 1. A Subversão
Korean Movie - 2018
Rewatched February 19th 2021. It's too grotesque and depressing to enjoy. Lowered score from 8 to 7.
21. O Garoto Lobisomem
Korean Movie - 2012
Rewatched March 2nd 2021.
22. Cidade Fabricada
Korean Movie - 2017
Rewatched May 15th 2022.
23. Ela Está Namorando o Gangster
Filipino Movie - 2014
Rewatched June 3rd 2022. Lowered score from 8 ––> 7,5/10.
24. Meu Pequeno Monstro
Japanese Movie - 2018
Rewatched September 17th 2022. Lowered score from 8,5 ––> 8/10.
25. Hidamari ga Kikoeru
Japanese Movie - 2017
Rewatched January 16th 2023. Lowered score from 8,5 ––> 7/10.
26. Velha é a Vovozinha
Korean Movie - 2014
Rewatched January 24th – 26th 2023. Lowered score from 9/10 ––> 7,5/10.
27. Biri Gyaru - Flying Colors
Japanese Movie - 2015
Rewatched June 23rd 2024. Lowered score from 9 ––> 8,5 upon rewatching.
28. Our Secret Diary
Japanese Movie - 2023
Rewatched July 18th 2024. Raised score from 8,5 ––> 9 upon rewatching.
29. Character
Japanese Movie - 2021
Rewatched July 28th – 29th 2024.