✤ 2020 ✤
Everything I have watched in 2020.
Listed in order of completion.
If show/movie was not completed, it is listed when I stopped watching.
✤ Quick Look ✤
Number of movies: 0
Number of dramas: 17
Number of mini dramas: 4
Completed: 11
Watching: 3
On-Hold: 2
Dropped: 3
Partial Rewatches: 2
1. Irei Quando o Tempo Estiver Bom
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
Started in April. On hold.
2. Romance Talking
Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
3. O Príncipe Sereia
Korean Drama - 2020, 6 episodes
On hold.Dropped.Completed in September since it was so short I didn't want to leave it unfinished. -
4. Cena de Beijo em Yeonnamdong
Korean Drama - 2019, 12 episodes
5. O Que Houve Com a Secretária Kim?
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
Started in May. First re-watch. On episode 8.
6. As Equações do Amor
Chinese Drama - 2020, 27 episodes
Started in May. On episode 7. Dropped.
7. As Lendas
Chinese Drama - 2019, 56 episodes
June. Re-watch. Only watched episodes 25-34. I'm reading the book and after reading these scenes I wanted to watch them again.
8. Amor O2O
Chinese Drama - 2016, 30 episodes
June. Second re-watch.
9. O Romance do Tigre e da Rosa
Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
Started in June. On hold.
10. A Princesa da Máfia
Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 6 episodes
June? I don't remember when I finished this, I had forgotten to add it on MDL.
11. Vá em Frente
Chinese Drama - 2020, 46 episodes
12. Minha Garota Unicórnio
Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
13. Minha Garota
Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
14. O Nó do Amor: O Primeiro Amor de Sua Excelência
Chinese Drama - 2018, 25 episodes
Dropped episode 3.
15. O Mundo Me Deve um Primeiro Amor
Chinese Drama - 2019, 24 episodes
September. This was on my watch list for a while and I had high hopes, but this was a let down :(
16. Primeiro Romance
Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
Started in September. Currently airing - will probably finish once the whole thing is subbed.
17. Minha Namorada é Uma Alien
Chinese Drama - 2019, 28 episodes
First re-watch. September. Watched up to episode 21, only skipping parts that focus on the evil step-mom and uncle. Then I skipped more frequently until I finished.
18. Entrando Nas Suas Memórias
Chinese Drama - 2019, 24 episodes
Started September.
19. Não Minta ao seu Amado
Chinese Drama - 2020, 31 episodes
Started September.
20. Mundo das Garotas
Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes
September. Cute short drama about friendship.
21. Closer to You
Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
Dropped. Watched 1 episode and it wasn't bad, but not what I was looking for. May try again in the future.