Gumiho / Kitsune / Hu Li Jing - (dramas)
Dramas and drama specials with Gumiho (Korea), Kitsune (Japan), and Hu Li Jing (China) characters and themes.
If you know of a title that's missing from this list (even if it's not found on MyDramaList) please let me know, and I'll add it!
1. Três Vidas, Três Mundos, O livro de Travesseiros
Chinese Drama - 2020, 56 episodes
2. The Male Fairy Fox of Liaozhai 2
Chinese Movie - 2018
3. The Fairy Fox
Chinese Drama - 2017, 23 episodes
4. My Immortal Wife
Chinese Drama - 2017, 30 episodes
5. A Happy Life 2
Chinese Drama - 2016, 76 episodes
6. The Fox Fairy Court
Chinese Drama - 2016, 40 episodes
7. Raposa na Tela
Chinese Drama - 2016, 22 episodes
8. Legend of Nine Tails Fox
Chinese Drama - 2016, 37 episodes
9. The Male Fairy Fox of Liaozhai
Chinese Movie - 2016
10. Love in Time
Hong Kong Drama - 2015, 9 episodes
11. The Story of a Woodcutter and his Fox Wife
Chinese Drama - 2014, 30 episodes
12. A Happy Life
Chinese Drama - 2013, 91 episodes
13. O Livro da Família Gu
Korean Drama - 2013, 24 episodes
14. Hu Xian
Chinese Drama - 2013, 43 episodes
15. Salão de Unhas Paris
Korean Drama - 2013, 10 episodes
16. Painted Skin II - Hua Pi
Chinese Drama - 2013, 42 episodes
17. The Thousandth Man
Korean Drama - 2012, 8 episodes
18. Painted Skin
Chinese Drama - 2011, 34 episodes
19. Ghost Writer
Hong Kong Drama - 2010, 25 episodes
20. Gumiho: Tale of the Fox's Child
Korean Drama - 2010, 16 episodes
21. Minha Namorada é Uma Gumiho
Korean Drama - 2010, 16 episodes
22. Lendas da Cidade Natal
Korean Drama - 2009, 10 episodes
23. The Legend and the Hero 2
Chinese Drama - 2009, 40 episodes
24. The Fairies Of Liao Zhai
Chinese Drama - 2007, 40 episodes
25. The Legend and the Hero
Chinese Drama - 2007, 38 episodes
26. Liao Zhai Zhi Yi
Chinese Drama - 2005, 36 episodes
27. Nine Tailed Fox
Korean Drama - 2004, 16 episodes
28. Dark Tales
Hong Kong Drama - 1996, 35 episodes
29. The Legend of Lady Chung
Hong Kong Drama - 1985, 25 episodes