Favourites: OTP
just so :) i really loved these pairings
1. Responde 1994
Korean Drama - 2013, 21 episodes
- the ship that ended married is my favourite
2. Brilho de Vaga-lumes 2
Japanese Drama - 2010, 11 episodes
- buchou and amemiya are fun together
3. Goblin
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- i loved the main couple most, although i also liked the bittersweetness of the secondary couple
4. The Spring Day of My Life
Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes
- those two here are just pure love.
5. Ryoma Den
Japanese Drama - 2010, 48 episodes
- Oryo and Ryoma are one of my top favourites for any drama. Great.
6. Minha Filha, Seo Young
Korean Drama - 2012, 50 episodes
I still absolutely love the overall direction and feel of the story. Lee Sang Woo and Cho Heojong remain my favourites. also love Professor Choi and Mingyong
7. Responde 1988
Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes
I loved the tw that ended up together
8. O Destino do Amor
Thai Drama - 2018, 15 episodes
9. A Vida Privada Dela
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes