Favorite Movies
1. Milagre na Cela N° 7
Korean Movie - 2013
It's a little bit like Stephen's King "Green Mile", but mixed with a fairytale and much, much love. Very sad, but still truly beautiful as well. Totally worth seeing.
2. Junto Com Os Deuses: Os Dois Mundos
Korean Movie - 2017
3. O Diário da Professora
Thai Movie - 2014
4. Seondal: O Homem que Vendeu o Rio
Korean Movie - 2016
I love this film. It's truly excellent. From the start it never fails to amuse us, although there are also some sad/serious moments. The plot is original and very suprising so during this 2h I never got bored :D
5. Casa dos Desaparecidos
Korean Movie - 2017