Genre: Political **
This is a list composed of series and movies containing the genre 'Political' and the tags 'Power Struggle', 'Political Intrigue', 'Fight for the Throne', 'Political', 'Gender Politics', etc.
1. Horas de Princesa
Korean Drama - 2006, 24 episodes
- Political
- Power Struggle
- Fight for the Throne
2. Doctor Stranger
Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes
- Political
3. Samurai X: O Inferno de Kyoto
Japanese Movie - 2014
- Power Struggle
4. Goblin
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Political?
5. O Indomável
Chinese Drama - 2019, 50 episodes
- Power Struggle
6. O Grande Mestre
Hong Kong Movie - 2008
- Power Struggle
7. O Grande Mestre 2
Hong Kong Movie - 2010
- Power Struggle
8. Três Vidas, Três Mundos, O livro de Travesseiros
Chinese Drama - 2020, 56 episodes
- Political?
9. O Rei: Monarca Eterno
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
- Power Struggle
- Political
10. O Romance do Tigre e da Rosa
Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
- Gender Politics
- Power Struggle
11. Palavra de Honra
Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes
- Genre: Political
12. Vincenzo
Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes
- Political
13. A Justiça do Diabo
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
- Political
14. Rainha Cheorin
Korean Drama - 2020, 20 episodes
- Power Struggle
- Political
- Fight for the Throne
- Political Intrigue
15. The Long Ballad
Chinese Drama - 2021, 49 episodes
- Power Struggle
- Political
16. Love Like the Galaxy: Part 1
Chinese Drama - 2022, 27 episodes
- Genre: Political
- Gender Politics
17. Amor Como Galáxia: Parte 2
Chinese Drama - 2022, 29 episodes
- Genre: Political
18. Quem Governa o Mundo
Chinese Drama - 2022, 40 episodes
- Political
- Power Struggle
- Political Intrigue
19. Eu Não
Thai Drama - 2021, 14 episodes
- Political
- Political Intrigue
20. O Começo de Uma Nova Vida
Chinese Drama - 2022, 40 episodes
- Fight for the Throne?
- Political?
21. Unchained Love
Chinese Drama - 2022, 36 episodes
- Political?
22. Rainha Dugu
Chinese Drama - 2019, 50 episodes
- Genre: Political
- Power Struggle
23. A Lenda de Anle
Chinese Drama - 2023, 39 episodes
- Political Intrigue
- Power Struggle
- Political
24. A Promessa Mais Longa
Chinese Drama - 2023, 40 episodes
- Genre: Political
- Power Struggle
25. One Piece
Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
- Power Struggle
26. Ning An Ru Meng
Chinese Drama - 2023, 38 episodes
- Power Struggle
- Political Intrigue
27. A Journey to Love
Chinese Drama - 2023, 40 episodes
- Genre: Political
28. Rainha Cheorin: A Floresta de Bambu
Korean Special - 2021, 2 episodes
- Political
29. Chang Feng Du
Chinese Drama - 2023, 40 episodes
- Fight for the Throne?
- Political?
30. Laws of Attraction
Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
- Political
31. Florescendo
Chinese Drama - 2024, 32 episodes
- Political
- Power Struggle
32. The Double
Chinese Drama - 2024, 40 episodes
- Political Intrigue
- Political Corruption
- Political Unrest
- Fight for the Throne
33. Amor Colateral
Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
- Power Struggle
- Political
- Political Unrest
- Fight for the Throne
34. A Pessoa Prometida
Chinese Drama - 2024, 40 episodes
- Political
- Political Intrigue
- Power Struggle