Ranking Moon Chae Won works (by quality)
Ranking of Moon Chae Won dramas and movies by overall quality of the drama or movie. Doesn't matter if the drama or movie is my most favorite of hers or if her character in the said drama or movie is my most favorite character of hers. However, my favorite characters/works of hers would usually be high up on the list. (Example: The Princess Man is my favorite Moon Chae Won work and character since she's the lead female and it's sageuk, but i'm putting Painter of the Wind above it since I find Painter of the Wind a higher quality drama than The Princess Man).
1. The Painter of the Wind
Korean Drama - 2008, 20 episodes
2. O Homem da Princesa
Korean Drama - 2011, 24 episodes
3. Flower of Evil
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
4. Bom Doutor
Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes
5. Flecha: A Última Arma
Korean Movie - 2011
6. A Espera
Korean Movie - 2014
7. O Homem Inocente
Korean Drama - 2012, 20 episodes
8. FengShui
Korean Movie - 2018
9. The Law
Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
10. Taxi Driver Temporada 2
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
11. It's Okay, Daddy's Girl
Korean Drama - 2010, 17 episodes
12. Previsão de Amor
Korean Movie - 2015
13. Humor do Dia
Korean Movie - 2016
14. Herança Brilhante
Korean Drama - 2009, 28 episodes
15. Mamãe Fada e o Lenhador
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
16. Mentes Criminosas
Korean Drama - 2017, 20 episodes