My K-drama Rankings

This is a list I've decided to throw together of all the K-dramas that I've watched (that I can recall) and their rankings. It is my hope that others can use this list as a means of expanding their drama horizons and be introduced to shows they may have otherwise overlooked, for whatever reason. The rankings are of course based on my personal opinions of each show and are in no way to be taken as fact, as no two people share the exact same tastes. Also, I do not provide rankings for shows I've dropped, as I feel that the fact it was dropped should be ranking enough; however, there will be short descriptions for those that provides a reason as to why I personally decided to drop it. That said, enjoy!

Will Set 5, 2020
85 Titles Loves
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  • As Credenciais de Uma Esposa

    1. As Credenciais de Uma Esposa

    Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes


    A solid Kim Hui Ae affair drama, with far more thrown into it. Great cast. Beautiful cinematography as well. Don’t miss!

  • O Abismo Mágico

    2. O Abismo Mágico

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    A one and done, but not a terrible watch; though I did only watch it for Park Bo Young.

  • Cara Mau

    3. Cara Mau

    Korean Drama - 2010, 17 episodes


    A largely-solid revenge tale as well as Jung So Min's drama debut. It's only real "catch," is, unfortunately, its ending. It's simply a face-palm, as everything else resolved so well.. If you can brace for that though, then it's absolutely worth a watch!

  • Porque Esta é a Minha Primeira Vida

    4. Porque Esta é a Minha Primeira Vida

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    This was one of the first K-dramas I watched and was introduced to the amazingly talented Jung So Min. The cast is great and the chemistry among all of them is top-notch! The happy moments are uplifting; the sad moments, genuine; and the funny parts, perfectly in line with K-drama humor. It's an all-around grand slam and not to be missed!

  • Bong Soon - A Cyborg Apaixonada

    5. Bong Soon - A Cyborg Apaixonada

    Korean Drama - 2016, 12 episodes


    Admittedly, I only found this one as I was looking to watch something else with Yoon So Hui in it. It's by no means terrible, but it is a middle-of-the-road show in my opinion. That said, if you're a fan of YSH like I am, then it's certainly worth a watch!

  • Ei Fantasma, Vamos Lutar

    6. Ei Fantasma, Vamos Lutar

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    This one was interesting. I'd seen the preview clip for it on Netflix a few times and finally just gave it a shot. Verdict: Not too shabby! It's no masterpiece of course, but it certainly surprised me with some of the turns it took, which suffice to say, for this drama, I was not expecting. It contains sad, funny, and heart-warming moments and is worth a watch!

  • Casar ou... Não?

    7. Casar ou... Não?

    Korean Drama - 2012, 20 episodes


    Containing another of Jung So Min's appearances, this one caught my eye and was pretty interesting, although it did kinda feel somwhat soap opera-esque. It wouldn't be the first drama I would recommend to someone, but if you're someone who's interested in marriage (at any age) and wants a look into pre, peri, and post-marriage life then this will be a good watch for you!

  • Um Pedaço da Sua Mente

    8. Um Pedaço da Sua Mente

    Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Mainly checked it out because it was another romance tale starring Jung Hae In, through which I like to vicariously live. It's not Something in the Rain or One Spring Night, but it does have some strong   moments in that make it a more-than-worthy watch.

  • Máquina de Escrever Chicago

    9. Máquina de Escrever Chicago

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    I’m probably in the vast minority here, but I wish I had not listened to all the rave reviews about this one and had just skipped it. Don’t get me wrong, it was good enough and I don’t regret having watched it, but I would’ve been just fine having not seen it, and watched a better one instead. This one was a very slow moving train. It did eventually get up to speed, but it never carried a significant momentum, at least not for me. Admittedly, it did get exponentially better the closer it got to the end, but that still doesn’t mean it got amazing at any point. Again, I don’t regret watching it, but I would’ve preferred to watch something else instead. Maybe I’m just too picky at this point.

  • Chefe de Gabinete

    10. Chefe de Gabinete

    Korean Drama - 2019, 10 episodes

    Dropped because I found it boring due to being overly political, which is a terrible shame because it stars Shin Min Ah. I'm not saying it would be a bad watch, but for me, it just seemed to take too long to get going, although I may come back to this one someday in the future.

  • Chocolate

    11. Chocolate

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    This one is quite heart-warming. It uses the "inspirational encounter early in life" trope and plays it very well. Regretfully, i don't remember as much about this one as I would care to, but that's merely because I've seen so many dramas that it's sometimes hard to keep track of entire plots for the sake of reviewing them and that slight amnesia in now way reflects on the quality of this drama. This is a beautiful watch and certainly worth your time!

  • Fadas da Limpeza

    12. Fadas da Limpeza

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    I’m not sure why I, at some point, put this on my watch list, but seeing that it was there, I went ahead and gave it a go. Although it does use some tried and true tropes, it’s not overbearing, and it delivers them through a rather unique plot line. While I’m not as crazy about this one as I am with some of my favorites, I do not regret watching this one and I’m glad I decided to put it on my watch list when I did. Also, this drama introduced me to Kim Yoo Jung, whose works I’ll be checking out in the future. It’s a good watch!

  • Venha e Me Abrace

    13. Venha e Me Abrace

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    This one was interesting. I mean, not too often to you get a main character whose father is a serial killer. That said, I'm not a huge fan of having twice as many episodes at half the length (32 1/2 hour episodes), but this was an interesting story to watch unfold, and the serial killer kinda reminded me of John from the Saw movies, which I suppose is somewhat apropos. At any rate, it's a story of loss and heartache, that slowly edges towards each character receiving what they deserve.  A worthy watch!

  • Descendentes do Sol

    14. Descendentes do Sol

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes

    I'm personally not a huge fan of hospital or war dramas, and this one centers around elements of both. I find it a personal shame, as it stars Song Hye-Kyo, who I adore. I just couldn't get myself to sit through this particular drama. That said, I've heard rave reviews about it and rightfully so, I'm sure; so don't hesitate to go ahead and give this one a shot!

  • Você gosta de Brahms?

    15. Você gosta de Brahms?

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    I was pleasantly surprised with this one in so many ways; there are also some things I wish had been done better, in both story and character personalities, but these cons in no way outweigh the pros. It was nice to see and hear well-done musical performances in a drama again after seeing Secret Love Affair. Definitely rewatch-worthy.

  • Encontro

    16. Encontro

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    Where. do. I. begin? My. God... This drama is perfect is SO many ways, from the story, to the cast, to the filmography,  to the music, to the endless symbols, and everything in-between. This was also the drama that introduced me to Song Hye-Kyo, who I've since come to regard as a bit a of a Korean national treasure. It's one of the most beautiful and beautifully told romance stories I've ever come across and will have you itching to watch each next episode! DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!!!

  • Bem-vindos a Waikiki

    17. Bem-vindos a Waikiki

    Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes

    I don’t know what it was about this one, but it just didn’t seem to capture my attention, although it does have actors I’ve seen to be humorous in other dramas. I don’t think I’ll be coming back to this one, but don’t let that deter you from giving it a shot!

  • Extraordinária Você

    18. Extraordinária Você

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes

    I’m still in the process of finishing this one, however it has the makings of a great drama. The script is relatively unique, with the main character finding out that they’re living inside a comic book story. I say relatively because a previous drama (“W”) has touched on this concept, albeit less successfully so than this drama, from what I’ve heard. But yeah, I see no reason why you shouldn’t go ahead and give this one a shot!

  • Batendo Novamente

    19. Batendo Novamente

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes

    Dropped due to an overly-arrogant male lead.

  • Familiar Wife

    20. Familiar Wife

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    I first heard came across this one while looking at Han Ji Mom’s previous works. The premise is that of a husband who wonders what it would be like if he could go back in time, make a different decision, and end up being with another person he once liked. Lo and behold, that happens, shocker lol. But all kidding aside, this was a delightful and insightful watch. Check it out!

  • Fantástico

    21. Fantástico

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    This drama is, in a word, fantastic. Being cheesy is worth it because it's *that* good lol. It's rare for a show to come along and be THIS good. Honestly, you can read the synopsis, so I'm just gonna tell you that I think it's perfect and that you should give it a go!

  • As Memórias do Homem

    22. As Memórias do Homem

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    This story was VERY enjoyable. Often times, a drama centered around a celebrity-like figure, they'll tend to portray an undesirable persona. Not the case here, which is pleasantly refreshing. The plot is well-written and nicely executed, while also showing a more commanding character for Kim Seul Gi, who I'd previously mostly seen in a somewhat softer character/role.  All said, this one should defintely be on your watch list!

  • Casa Cheia

    23. Casa Cheia

    Korean Drama - 2004, 16 episodes

    I didn't want to drop this one, truly.  It also has Song Hye-Kyo doing the Mama Bear Papa Bear dance, but it came onto the scene before (in my opinion) K-dramas began to get more and more polished. I've had slight trouble with being able to watch dramas mostly before 2010 or so; they've just looked like they were shot like an American soap opera, and it kinda bugs me in a way such that I just can't watch it, similar to how HD DVD's (blueray's old competitor) look like they were shot weird and I'm not able to watch those either. However, if that's not a problem for you (I might just be the weird one lol), then go ahead and try this one, because the plot line seemed good enough to me.

  • Flower of Evil

    24. Flower of Evil

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    Apart from a solitary loose end, this is a perfect drama, in every sense of  the word: the script, the actors, the acting, the sets, the cinematography, the music, EVERYTHING! Although I wasn't able to give a perfect score because of that one loose end, I still rank this drama on up there among what I personally consider to be elite dramas. It'd  be a disservice to condense this into a film (even a lengthy one), but if it was a film, it'd be an international success on par with Parasite. Do NOT miss this drama!

  • Voltem Cônjuges

    25. Voltem Cônjuges

    Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    This one is practically identical to Familiar Wife, but the msin plot is evenly split between the male and female leads, whereas Familiar Wife is telling the story a bit more from the husbands perspective. This was a nice and warmhearted drama with a great cast. Give it a go!

  • Goblin

    26. Goblin

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Sooooooo, I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority on this one. Just about everyone raves about it, and I can see why. However, while it was certainly good, it (to me) was not the chart-topping masterpiece that I had been led to expect, even though it was indeed a chart-topper.. lol.  BUT, just because I have an uncommon opinion of it doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth watching by any means. You will not be disappointed in choosing to check this one out!

  • Bom Doutor

    27. Bom Doutor

    Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes


    This was certainly a unique drama. It has a male lead who is afflicted with autism, but is determined to become a doctor and make his late hyung proud. However, as smart as he is, there are ways of doing things that he’ll have to learn while adjusting to a new world. Give it a shot!

  • Família Graciosa

    28. Família Graciosa

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    This one was something else, and yet good at the same time, but not amazing though. It follows a chaebol family and the methods they implore to maintain their company image. One thing’s for sure, there are some twists in this drama that you certainly will not see coming. It’s not my favorite, but it’s a solid one-and-done and worth a watch!

  • Curador

    29. Curador

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


    First off, this one has a great cast, including many famous names in the k-sphere. It’s about a secret agent who goes around performing various undercover tasks for money. Things get interesting when he encounters a girl who is skittish of new people, especially men, yet still has spunk and won’t back down from a situation. There are many wonderful highs and lows and funny moments in between. Definitely worth a watch!

  • A Vida Privada Dela

    30. A Vida Privada Dela

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes

    Another Kim Min Young drama, which is why I looked into it. From what I saw, it is by no means a bad drama, it just ended up not being for me. I may get back around to trying it some other time, but other than that don’t let my opinion stop you from watching it. It’s tough to go wrong with Kim Min Young.

  • Hotel Del Luna

    31. Hotel Del Luna

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    This one was absolutely fantastic! Something I don’t usually look for, but certainly caught in this drama, was the amazing use of costumes for the female lead. Her character is wealthy, and fabulously so, I should add, and her MANY outfits reflect this perfectly. If you’re a guy like me, you would WANT to see your woman dressed as exquisitely as the female lead is in this drama. Regarding the drama itself, it’s about a hotel for the dead who still have attachments to or grudges within the physical world and the staff of the hotel help to resolve their issues so that they can pass on peacefully. This drama is unique among K-dramas in that it’s episodic, a tv style seen more often in the west. However, there is of course an overarching story tying all of the episodes together. The acting, visuals, and story are just so damn nice and I hold this drama in VERY high regard; do NOT miss out on this one!

  • Queijo na Ratoeira

    32. Queijo na Ratoeira

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes

    Dropped due to an overly-arrogant male lead.

  • Hyde, Jekyll e Eu

    33. Hyde, Jekyll e Eu

    Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes

    I wanted to like this one because it has Han Ji Min in it, but I just couldn’t get attached to it. That said, the plot seems fun enough, so don’t let my opinion steer you away from this one.

  • Meu Pedido é Você

    34. Meu Pedido é Você

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes

    I checked this one out because it had Kim Ga Eun in it, who I’d previously seen first in Because This is My First Life and thereafter in The Light in Your Eyes. I liked her persona, so I was excited to see a drama where she’s the central character and not a supporting one. However, the story just didn’t capture me, which is upsetting. That said though, this show could end up really working for you, so see for yourself.

  • Vida Incompleta

    35. Vida Incompleta

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes

    What can I say about this one? It was such a weird drop for me. The intro told me that the relative boring beginning of the story will end up somewhere really interesting at some point, but I the stuff before it killed it for me. I may try it again some other time, but as for my recommendation, I've heard and completely understand that people talk very highly of this drama, so don't be afraid to give it a go.

  • Chuva de Amor

    36. Chuva de Amor

    Korean Drama - 2012, 20 episodes


    While this one has a great love story of misunderstandings and missed connections, with a reuniting of that love years later, the main story ended up following the budding romance between the first couple's two kids, which more or less mirrored the first couple's love story. I was personally more interested in the first couple's story, but their story ended up taking a back seat to their kid's story, which admittedly bugged me a good bit. That said, it's still a good watch, and it has a stellar re-connection moment after you get a few episodes into it. The story shift bugged me, but it's worth watching.

  • Itaewon Class

    37. Itaewon Class

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    This one is in so many ways one-of-a-kind, and it's awesome! It introduced me to Kim Da Mi who I hope and expect to see in many more dramas, as her work history is relatively short at the moment. It has a wonderful grassroots feel to it, which only serves to strengthen  the endings of the various main story arcs. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and know you will to, so give it a go!

  • Tudo Bem, Isso é Amor

    38. Tudo Bem, Isso é Amor

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes

    Story looks great, but sadly, dropped due to overly-arrogant male lead.

  • Apenas Entre Apaixonados

    39. Apenas Entre Apaixonados

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    This one is actually based on the terrifyingly true events of the South Korean mall collapse. It was pretty good, and in ways, reminded me of The Smile has Left Your Eyes, though this one caries slightly less tragedy in it. It's definitely a deeper one, so go in prepared, but you'll still enjoy the ride.

  • A Lenda do Mar Azul

    40. A Lenda do Mar Azul

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes

    Dropped due to an overly-arrogant male lead.

  • Vamos Comer

    41. Vamos Comer

    Korean Drama - 2013, 16 episodes


    This was a really fun and unusual drama. There are sub plots, but the main overarching theme is simply about the joys and feelings that different foods can give you. It’s a very warm-hearted show with your usual upbeat K-drama fare. Just don’t watch it on an empty stomach lol.

  • Casamento, Não Namoro

    42. Casamento, Não Namoro

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    This was a really good romantic drama with some damn funny moments in it, yet the story also gave you a sense of respect for the characters. Unfortunately this was Han Groo’s last main role, as she soon left the drama scene after this show. It also stars Yoon So Hui who I’m a big fan of. So in all, this is a good drama and should not be missed!

  • Memory

    43. Memory

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    This drama is another of Yoon So Hui’s appearances, which is why I gave it a shot, and I’m glad I did because the acting REALLY blew me away. I was surprised to see YSH in a more serious role, which she should do far more of, but I digress. There’s a certain episode ending where the male lead gives what I would call an Oscar-winning performance. I mean, damn. I was surprised by everything in this drama and you should check it out; your time won’t be wasted.

  • Ms. Temper & Nam Jung Gi

    44. Ms. Temper & Nam Jung Gi

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    That one a cute watch. It has the typical K-drama fare and is very fun to watch. Surprisingly, I don’t have too much more to say about it, but it is worth your time!

  • Minha Namorada é Uma Gumiho

    45. Minha Namorada é Uma Gumiho

    Korean Drama - 2010, 16 episodes


    This is a really fun drama. I checked it out because it had Shin Min Ah, who I fell in love with after seeing her in Tomorrow with You. In this one, she plays a mythical creature who follows the male lead around and tries to adjust to modern-day life, while needing to hide her superpowers. As I said, it’s a really fun drama and completely worth your time!

  • Primeira Vez Amor

    46. Primeira Vez Amor

    Korean Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    (This will be copied and pasted to the second season’s description box) This drama was split into 2 seasons which is rather unusual for a K-drama, but it’s overall story is very entertaining and fun to watch. While it has some really funny moments, it doesn’t necessarily stand out amongst other romcom dramas, but it’s still completely worth a watch in my opinion.

  • Primeira Vez Amor 2

    47. Primeira Vez Amor 2

    Korean Drama - 2019, 8 episodes


    This drama was split into 2 seasons which is rather unusual for a K-drama, but it’s overall story is very entertaining and fun to watch. While it has some really funny moments, it doesn’t necessarily stand out amongst other romcom dramas, but it’s still completely worth a watch in my opinion.

  • Minha Amada Eun Dong

    48. Minha Amada Eun Dong

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes


    This drama completely knocked it out of the park, and that’s a fitting pun as you’ll see when you watch it. This was one of the first dramas I watched and I was absolutely stunned by every bit of it! I’ll happily rewatch this one over and over again as there’s no way at all to go wrong with this one. Definitely watch it!!

  • Meu Ahjussi

    49. Meu Ahjussi

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    Because I have so many good things to say about this one, I’m gonna stop myself before I start and just keep it short. If you miss this drama, you’re a damn fool, plain and simple. One of the best dramas I’ve EVER seen.

  • White Nights

    50. White Nights

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes

    This one's an oddball; it's about money, pretty much. There's not really another I've seen that's quite like it. It looks very interesting though; I just couldn't keep going with it at the time of viewing. But if you like money a lot, then it might be for you lol.

  • Ninguém Sabe

    51. Ninguém Sabe

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    I'm not really into crime dramas, but this one is quite the exception for me.  I first saw Kim Heo Young in Come and Hug me and she's amazed me in the other dramas she's been in. I'd cast my vote that she's the most badass female lead among ALL K-dramas. You NEED to watch. this. show. I. mean. damn. It is one of the most amazing and chilling dramas out there. Please watch this one.

  • Minha Nossa, Fantasma

    52. Minha Nossa, Fantasma

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes


    This is drama about cooking, a ghost, and a girl who can see ghosts, and it ain't half bad; in fact, it's pretty good. This was actually the first drama I completed, which got the ball rollin' for me. It also introduced Park Bo Young to me, who I now hold high regard, so check this one out.

  • Oh, Minha Vênus

    53. Oh, Minha Vênus

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes

    I didn't want to drop this one, as it has Shin Min Ah in it, but it ultimately just didn't end up workin' for me. It may very well work for you, so give it a shot.

  • Mais Uma Vez

    54. Mais Uma Vez

    Korean Drama - 2016, 8 episodes


    I really liked this one. The story, cast, and music of it was splendid. It also has Yoon So Hui in it, which is how I found it to begin with. My only real gripe is that it's too short. Check it out!

  • Uma Noite de Primavera

    55. Uma Noite de Primavera

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    Do not miss this one. It's one of Kim Eun's scripts, one of only two of which unless I'm mistaken (which I would love to be).  It's a beautiful and organic romance tale starring Hsn Ji Min and Jung Hae In, the latter of which was also male lead in Kim Eun's other script. Please do not miss this one. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 was because of a slight inconsistency of character with one of the leads in the last episode, which still kinda bugs me; buts it's merely drops in a bucket to me compared to the rest of the show. Don't miss it!

  • Beijo Brincalhão

    56. Beijo Brincalhão

    Korean Drama - 2010, 16 episodes

    This was one of Jung So Min's first dramas;  however, the story kinda just didn't do it for me, but I hope that's just me. It doesn't seem bad at all, it just wasn't up my alley. Still give it a shot though.

  • Responde 1988

    57. Responde 1988

    Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes


    One of the best damn dramas I’ve ever seen. The episodes are long, yet feel shorter than they are. Damn this one was a fun ride. Do not miss!

  • Romance é um Livro Bônus

    58. Romance é um Livro Bônus

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    This was the first K-drama I ever watched, but not the first I finished, as was a currently airing drama. That should tell you that this one was good enough upon watching, that I went straight to a finished drama to get my fix after seeing the most up-to-date episode of it. It's a one-of-a-kind story and not to be missed at all!

  • Príncipe do Telhado

    59. Príncipe do Telhado

    Korean Drama - 2012, 20 episodes


    This one is a nice time travel/fated fates type drama. It's not the best drama I've ever seen, but it is fun to watch and has Han Ji Min, so yo can't go wrong. Don't skip.

  • Penúltimo Amor

    60. Penúltimo Amor

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    I'm in the process of finishing this one up. It's quite nice and upbeat, and VERY wholesome! Found it because of Kim Hui Ae, and am glad I did. It's no Secret Love Affair or The World of the Married. but it's still a REALLY good watch, so don't miss it.

  • Romance Secreto

    61. Romance Secreto

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    You ever wanted to watch a movie about a musician where the music and moments related to it are professionally portrayed, but wanted to watch it over a 16-hour show? Well here ya go! Seriously, the story, cast, MUSIC, everything  was amazing! This one has a HIGH rewatch value for me. Please watch it!

  • SKY Castle

    62. SKY Castle

    Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes


    This is one of the most highly rated dramas of all time, and for good reason. The story is based real situations and gets downright chilling at times. It’s one of only two dramas I’ve seen where the writers stab you in the heart halfway through, only strengthening the story. I can’t wait to watch this one again!

  • Alguma Coisa na Chuva

    63. Alguma Coisa na Chuva

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    This was one of the first dramas I watched and the first that told such an organic love story, it being one of Kim Eun’s [currently] two scripts. Regardless your gender, you are easily able to relate to and insert yourself into this love tale. My only gripe is that there is a slight bit flatness towards the end, but even so, I still hold this show in high regard and it is definitely on the rewatch list for me!

  • Consertar Você

    64. Consertar Você

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    I checked this one out because it had Jung So Min and I was not disappointed. As always, she brought her A-game. This drama also has Joo Min Kyung, who is a supporting actress with the skills of a main actress, and is in FAR too few dramas. That said, this was a really nice watch and the cast was great!

  • A Estrela do Universo

    65. A Estrela do Universo

    Korean Drama - 2017, 21 episodes

    I see this one has a high rating. Somehow though, I was unable to get through more of it. Hard to pinpoint the exact reason I dropped it. I may give it another watch sometime later, but go ahead and check it out and see if it works for you!

  • Mulher Forte, Do Bong Soon

    66. Mulher Forte, Do Bong Soon

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    This is THE quintessential K-drama. It’s also one the first ones I watched and I was introduced to the various gags as well as complexities that contribute to the well-refined formula present in most modern K-dramas. I was also blown away by Park Bo Young’s acting chops that I saw displayed in this one, so do yourself a favor and check it out!

  • Ventos de Inverno

    67. Ventos de Inverno

    Korean Drama - 2013, 16 episodes


    This drama has what I would say is one of the most chillingly powerful first episodes in ANY tv show anywhere! You’ll get hooked, and not for naught, as this drama holds that level of viewer interest and only builds on it as it goes. Song Hye-Kym absolutely NAILS it as a blind heiress. This drama is NOT to be missed!

  • A Luz em Seus Olhos

    68. A Luz em Seus Olhos

    Korean Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    Just thinking about how powerful this one was is making my eyes water. If you’re a wimp and can’t handle guaranteed tears due to one of the most heart-wrenching and beautifully-told stories of all time, then look elsewhere; otherwise, you’re welcome ahead of time.

  • O Sorriso Deixou Seus Olhos

    69. O Sorriso Deixou Seus Olhos

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    God, I wanna rewatch this one right now. Oh man, where to even begin? I’ll warn you, this is a tragedy, and NOT a comedy; and many people found its ending extremely controversial. However, I maintain that it ended exactly the way it needed to, and it was perfect. It holds, in my opinion, Jung So Min’s best acting performance ever. You’re watching this one, it’s already settled.

  • O Som do Teu Coração

    70. O Som do Teu Coração

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    I. have. never. laughed. so. hard. in. my. LIFE!!! Sure, K-dramas can have so damn funny moments, but this drama is damn funny from start to finish. You’ll just may end up literally rolling on the floor, laughing. It also stars Jung So Min, so I mean, can it even get any better? Check it out!

  • O Vento Sopra

    71. O Vento Sopra

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    This is a VERY touching tale of Alzheimer’s and its effects on the minds of its victims and the hearts of the people close to them. It’s also one of the relatively few organic dramas, where everything feels real and possible; nothing artificial here, and the tears it brings are well worth it.

  • O Mundo dos Casados

    72. O Mundo dos Casados

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    I recently finished this one and damn.. It is one of the best damn dramas I’ve ever seen and Kim Hui Ae’s performance in it is chilling and so realistic. Don’t miss this one!

  • O Mundo em que Eles Vivem

    73. O Mundo em que Eles Vivem

    Korean Drama - 2008, 16 episodes

    I didn't wanna drop this one, but the visuals just had too much of a soap opera feel to them, which kinda bugged me. The story seemed cool though, it's just the visuals that deterred me from this one, but if it doesn't bother you, then perfect!

  • O Vilarejo: O Segredo de Achiara

    74. O Vilarejo: O Segredo de Achiara

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes

    I didn't wanna drop this one, but the visuals just had too much of a soap opera feel to them, which kinda bugged me. The story seemed cool though, it's just the visuals that deterred me from this one, but if it doesn't bother you, then perfect!

  • Amanhã a Gente se Vê

    75. Amanhã a Gente se Vê

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    This is one I will watch over, and over, and over again. It's got well-written time travel and an extremely deep-felt relationship that might be able to stand the test of time, pun absolutely worth it. PLEASE go watch this one right now!

  • Trem

    76. Trem

    Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    Do NOT read the description for this one! All you need to know is it’s a crime thriller with one hell of a premise. I recommend it from beginning to end!

  • Retaliação

    77. Retaliação

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    This is a truly unique script among its peers. Great cast, story, and visuals. It's nice to see some international set locations as well in K-dramas, in this case, Morocco (if I'm not mistaken). Unlike most dramas, at the end of this one, there is a cliffhanger for a second season, which I'll definitely check out.

  • O Que Houve Com a Secretária Kim?

    78. O Que Houve Com a Secretária Kim?

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    This is another quintessential K-drama. Although I have other shows rated higher, this one is still one of my favorites and is not to be missed!

  • Quando Meu Amor Floresce

    79. Quando Meu Amor Floresce

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    A tale of love across time again, yet done well though. There were some good performances in this one, so check it out!

  • Para Sempre Camélia

    80. Para Sempre Camélia

    Korean Drama - 2019, 40 episodes


    This one was straight-up pretty great. It's a romance and crime drama, which is a unique combo and a first for me. I gotta say, it was pulled over VERY well, so don't miss it.

  • Quando o Diabo Chama Seu nome

    81. Quando o Diabo Chama Seu nome

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    This one provided a unique look into the world of musical production, with a decent-enough storyline. True, it;s not my favorite, but the music is pretty good, and it won't disappoint.

  • Irei Quando o Tempo Estiver Bom

    82. Irei Quando o Tempo Estiver Bom

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    I actually remember waiting for and being excited about this one airing. It's a Park Min Young romance drama, which should say enough in itself. It has great twists and story development as well; it is not just another romance drama.

  • Enquanto Você Dormia

    83. Enquanto Você Dormia

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


    This was a wonderful story of love, pain, and premonitions. Bae Suzy is in it and does a bang-up job. It's about the/a Korean Intelligence   organization so the plot doesn't disappoint!

  • Um Amor De Bruxa

    84. Um Amor De Bruxa

    Korean Drama - 2018, 12 episodes


    I watched this one because Yoon So Hui is the female lead. It isn't really the strongest drama, but there's enough in it that it's in no way terrible. Still a fun watch.

  • My Love from the Star

    85. My Love from the Star

    Korean Drama - 2013, 21 episodes


    This is another one of those universally praised dramas, and I agree; it was pretty good. Dude's an alien and the the girl is his reincarnated lover. It's a great storyline with great acting, and deserves its praise.
