Your Favorite Dramas you ALMOST dropped in the beginning????

Asian dramas with the most UNpromising beginnings (in contrast to the rest of the drama).

I actually DON`T know many dramas I am glad I didn't drop. Maybe it's because I am to inpatient but in my experience it's more often the other way around (for me).

So I am curious which dramas that I dropped I should maybe pick up again. :-)

Laura SK Jul 15, 2020
2 Titles Loves
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  • Marmelada de Laranja

    1. Marmelada de Laranja

    Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episodes
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  • Agentes da Princesa

    2. Agentes da Princesa

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 67 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
    Durante a época sem lei da Dinastia Wei do Norte, cidadãos inocentes eram sequestrados e transformados em escravos. Chu Qiao é uma das pessoas que tiverem a infelicidade de ser escravizadas e, ...more

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