Living with a Disability
Help each other out and add titles where one of the leads is known to live with some type of disability be it physical, intellectual, and/or mental. For this essential it is enough that either the actor or the role shows a person who is known to live with a disability. Feel free to send us a link of your own to a list with titles that fit the description to this Essential.
You may also use this list to guide you: Actors Living with a disability
You may also want to check out AthenaTheStorierX list: ELEMENT: Disabilities, Disorders, and Conditions However not all leads, so be cautious.
- A universitária e entusiasta de perfumes Liu decide fazer uma cirurgia plástica pensando que isso a traria a carreira de seus sonhos. Logo após a cirurgia, ela faz amizade com a deslumbrante ...more
- Mai Ling Jing, uma dona de casa surda, parece ter uma vida ideal: um marido perfeito, Wang Shi Ming, e uma doce amiga do peito, Su Xi. No entanto, sua vida aparentemente ...more