I'm excited to see multiple Editorials on the first page too! I'm cautiously optimistic, of course, because who knows if it will stay like this, but I do think this is a positive sign.

Let’s hope this is a permanent change, because the main page was getting really boring. Lately I would skim for editorials and then jump right to the reviews.

Sorry for my late reply to this. Some other users here have written down my thoughts and feelings already but I want to add them anyway and if it's just to push this precious thread up. 

As an editorials writer I was quite taken aback when I saw what happened to the editorials on MDL. For me it was the sign to stop writing on my articles as I thought if MDL (admins) treats them like trash I shouldn't waste my time. And I'm talking about a lot of time. It was heartbreaking as I love to write those articles. On the contrary it's giving me hope that editorials made it back to the front page. That being said, I think it's just an reflex reaction to this thread. I still have my doubts admins will truly change something for the better. They seem to priorize money and traffic over us users who contribute to the site for free. Pretty messed up... 

I never came to MDL for news as there are way better websites for this and bluntly said, the news you can find on MDL are copied read stolen from such websites anyway so why bother checking here when the original source lies elsewhere and is more informative and of better quality. Most of those news articles are pretty pointless or of such bad quality that I think they should be monitored. 

If I sound salty, there's a reason for that. One of those who flood MDL with those shitty news openly said how proud they were of "writing" so many news articles per day when it was easy to see they simply plagiarized  from other sources and how they loved seeing editorials being pushed from the front page. That was not only disrespectful towards real writers but also a verbal punch in the face that I have not forgotten. That's why I fully agree with Estelll's post here. 

My wishes for editorials are quite simple. 

1. Editorials need an own safe space that is easy to find and access (what's the point of putting your heart, effort and time in articles when it only takes one writer of news who copy+pastes 5 news articles in 10 minutes and pushes the editorial down to a place no one finds it) 

2. News need to be reduced to reach quality over quantity and more versatile (we don't need news like "Drama XY drops their first poster/trailer",, "Actress ABC in talks to star in the drama XY"or personal affairs regarding Korean stars, also Asian dramas do not come only from Korea, give us HQ news from all countries on MDL or none) 

3. Editorials need to be treated equal (I think editorials can also bring traffic onto the side as they come up with fresh ideas, interesting topics and insight on other drama watchers, they surely are a treasured feature for many on MDL) 

4. Solve the "problem" with new writers for editorials (Not only do we deserve an explanation why this issue has never been addressed by the admins, we also deserve a solution or explanation why it isn't solved, for now I think this is not an issue that can't be fixed but isn't fixed on purpose

5. Give us back the old editorials (like Estelll mentioned, those are not easy to access anymore, you have to explicitly search for them and let's bet that new members don't even know that editorials existed before 2020 and how to find them) 

I would love to see more articles here that aren't solely about Korea or kdramas or k-actors. I would just in general like to see more diversity and inclusion in terms of the other countries that also have dramas like Japan, Taiwan, HK, China, Phillippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia etc. We used to have more diverse articles a couple years back but now all I see is just article after article about k-news. 99 percent of it, if not all of it, is about k-based content. I don't have the time to personally write articles but I am positive that there are alot of other people who peruse this site that would love to see news from other Asian countries as well.

At the very least, I would love to see the year end lists for the different countries make the rounds again. Those were great to read.

If I sound salty, there's a reason for that. One of those who flood MDL with those shitty news openly said how proud they were of "writing" so many news articles per day when it was easy to see they simply plagiarized  from other sources and how they loved seeing editorials being pushed from the front page.

Which articles were plagiarized? Can you show some examples? If this is true, maybe you can make a new thread to bring more attention to it.


Which articles were plagiarized? Can you show some examples? If this is true, maybe you can make a new thread to bring more attention to it.

Sorry but I'm not checking hundreds of news articles for copied phrases. When they first came up a lot of people (mostly writers) and me found out that those news were copied from other places. A simple google search is enough to proof that. If I dare to assume, I'd say 90% of the news if not all are only copied from elsewhere. And if you copy from somewhere else without permission and giving credit it's plagiarizm. 

Also while I fully support this thread and the opinion to bring back editorials like they were here before, I'm also realistic. I'm sure admins know about our opinion by now and simply don't care. Otherwise they would have reacted by now. When the news started the writers complained loudly and much more than now and we reported the lousy quality and copy+paste nature of the articles, back then we had received a promise from Ji-N to fix the situation. The "fix" was the Editorials tab, a fix that doesn't really fix anything. Since then silence... 

Wouldn't they also get in trouble for plagiarizing other site's work and copying and pasting it here with no credit to them?

I was encouraged a few weeks ago when 3 editorials showed up on the main page, but now I see we are back to none. While I miss dedicated viewers insights, I am also witnessing a loss of diversity on this sight. 90% of the “news” on MDL is Korean based. What happened to China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand etc? I find myself skipping to the reviews and comments associated with dramas I’m interested in, and I find out about those dramas mostly on YouTube. As another commenter put it-there are better sources for news. Bring back the editorials, they elevate the quality of MDL.


Wouldn't they also get in trouble for plagiarizing other site's work and copying and pasting it here with no credit to them?

Obviously not unless the places they copied from sue them for violating copyright. 

better sources for news. Bring back the editorials, they elevate the quality of MDL

Agreeing 100%. The editorials made MDL a unique place. 

Thank you for your thoughts, Julymoon. I wanted to respond to some of your points.

'Editorials need an own safe space that is easy to find and access/Editorials need to be treated equal'

I am actually okay with the editorials being put on the featured tab like they are right now. I just want them to be given a fair shot at staying on the featured tab so that plenty of people see them and can read them.

'News need to be reduced to reach quality over quantity and more versatile'

I very much agree. No more articles about an actor or actress considering a drama or signing on for a drama or turning a drama down, no more multiple articles for every single time a new poster or teaser is posted for a drama (can we not just add all of the posters and trailers to the dramas individual pages?), no more scandal driven articles (if there is majorly important news, then report it, but leave the rest to other sites), no more articles saying a drama has started or has ended (isn’t that what the calendar feature is for?), etc. etc. etc.

This is slightly unrelated, but I also think the posts about drama viewership ratings need to be properly titled. You have no idea they are about viewership ratings until you’ve clicked on them.

'Solve the "problem" with new writers for editorials (Not only do we deserve an explanation why this issue has never been addressed by the admins, we also deserve a solution or explanation why it isn't solved, for now I think this is not an issue that can't be fixed but isn't fixed on purpose)'

Yes to all of this.

Give us back the old editorials (like Estelll mentioned, those are not easy to access anymore, you have to explicitly search for them and let's bet that new members don't even know that editorials existed before 2020 and how to find them)

Please please please! I would love to go back and read some of the way older articles on the site. That would be a super fun journey through time.


I would love to see more articles here that aren't solely about Korea or kdramas or k-actors. I would just in general like to see more diversity and inclusion in terms of the other countries that also have dramas like Japan, Taiwan, HK, China, Phillippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia etc. We used to have more diverse articles a couple years back but now all I see is just article after article about k-news. 99 percent of it, if not all of it, is about k-based content. I don't have the time to personally write articles but I am positive that there are alot of other people who peruse this site that would love to see news from other Asian countries as well.

At the very least, I would love to see the year end lists for the different countries make the rounds again. Those were great to read.

I feel this way too. If we are going to have news articles, shouldn't all of the countries be represented to some degree?


I was encouraged a few weeks ago when 3 editorials showed up on the main page, but now I see we are back to none. While I miss dedicated viewers insights, I am also witnessing a loss of diversity on this sight. 90% of the “news” on MDL is Korean based. What happened to China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand etc? I find myself skipping to the reviews and comments associated with dramas I’m interested in, and I find out about those dramas mostly on YouTube. As another commenter put it-there are better sources for news. Bring back the editorials, they elevate the quality of MDL.

I'm pretty sure the news articles are only about the Korean drama entertainment scene. I've never seen a news article that wasn't.

I also completely skip the majority of news articles and just go straight to drama pages. I do find out about the majority of dramas I watch/am interested in through MDL though. Just not generally through the main page.

I am actually okay with the editorials being put on the featured tab like they are right now. I just want them to be given a fair shot at staying on the featured tab so that plenty of people see them and can read them.

The problem is that they are not staying long on the featured tab. Before the news invasion they stayed on the front page for several days, now it's not even a couple hours. So chances to miss them are huge. 

I very much agree. No more articles about an actor or actress considering a drama or signing on for a drama or turning a drama down, no more multiple articles for every single time a new poster or teaser is posted for a drama (can we not just add all of the posters and trailers to the dramas individual pages?), no more scandal driven articles (if there is majorly important news, then report it, but leave the rest to other sites), no more articles saying a drama has started or has ended (isn’t that what the calendar feature is for?), etc. etc. etc.

100% agree. We have calendars and drama photo sections for those. And MDL should stopp publishing articles that are based on rumors or gossip. 

Please please please! I would love to go back and read some of the way older articles on the site. That would be a super fun journey through time.

A couple members might have discovered older articles because Shiro started a feeds game especially for this purpose. But you can only feature a couple and not all in feeds posts. https://mydramalist.com/profile/Shirioink/feeds/wYdXmhE

One last comment for the day. I want to make a request to everyone responding to this post that we all do our best to be civil towards the news writers. I understand that there is a lot of frustration around this issue, and it feels like our grievances are falling on deaf ears, but things have a tendency to snowball on the internet, and one of the things that snowballs the most is anger and harsh words. And after all, I imagine that’s one of the reasons why many of you hate all of the news articles focusing on scandal and gossip, their tendency to create massive snowballs across the internet. (I know it’s one of my reasons.) We also don’t know how news articles are handled on the backend, who is responsible for what decisions, and at the end of the day, they are still people like us. So lets go high, lets stay classy, and lets let our collective voices outlining the problems we are seeing do the talking. It may not change things, but we can at least say we gave it a good, clean fight.

I had a feeling recently that the admins have given in and brought back the editorials since quite a few had been published. Reading this thread, I am sorry to admit to have been mistaken. Even when they are published, they are featured for a couple of hours tops and then they disappear. I don't pay attention anymore to those "News" (don't make me laugh!) articles or  netflix drama promotional material disguised as "editorials".

I remember those monthly Noodle Cart articles featuring all these daily news in one place: eaach news took one line! It was perfecly sufficient to keep up with these kinds of news: castings, ratings, births, marriages and deaths..... They should bring that back!