
Thank you. So SuSu  changed something by being there

He is so devilish at times although he is fair in how he runs things. Just no room for any softer emotions. 

It was hinted very strongly in the drama that he would've died at the frozen lake. And apparently in the novel it's clear that he died there in the original timeline.

Like I said, in the drama it was strongly hinted and almost portrayed that he was going to die then. But when he talked with devil-god, devil-god told him it's not yet time to die. I do believe even in drama that SuSu changed the timeline and he is still living rather than having died. So I'm waiting to see what the drama unfolds in explaining timeline change.


No he was always looking for ways to bring back her soul. In novel, when he saw susu TTJ being TTJ wanted her body to bring xiwu's soul in her as they looked the same. 

But then he one time knew that the changed xiwu was always susu and tried to get with her and made many redemption.

No, he wanted SuSu’s body because it has the divine/goddess bone? Basically, her vessel is top notch lol! They actually fight, n he was deadly in his attacks, which made her extremely bitter about. Then he saw her through the mirror of the past, and saw her past, which is YXW. Also he knew it wasn’t a past life, rather, it’s the past, so she was the same YXW that he lost! So much emotions run through him when he realise the person he trying to kill is the person he’s been looking for! Hahahaha :D

But when YXW fell into the water, it was SJ's that saved her and gave her the magic stone (I forgot the name). So SJ is not dead afterall??

thank you so much! really helpful for a non novel reader

In the novel, was TTJ aware that he would become devil-god once he dies? He is aware of it in the drama.


In the novel, was TTJ aware that he would become devil-god once he dies? He is aware of it in the drama.

He is


But when YXW fell into the water, it was SJ's that saved her and gave her the magic stone (I forgot the name). So SJ is not dead afterall??

Sj is dead in the abyss already she said so. Once she forgave Ming Ye (her eyes turned black) her shell body fueled by hatred is also gone. That is illusion same as Ming Ye illusions that lives on till it serves their purpose. 

Do they get to build a family? with babies and stuff?

hahaha....they had a child 


But when YXW fell into the water, it was SJ's that saved her and gave her the magic stone (I forgot the name). So SJ is not dead afterall??

SJ is dead. It is the way artifacts work. For example Curved Jade had a spirit of it's own, so it is only natural a part of SJ is left In the Jade.


Do they get to build a family? with babies and stuff?

Uum they have a child. A little troublemaker xD


Uum they have a child. A little troublemaker xD

haha....i love how she's well behaved in front of SuSu but TTJ encourages her bad behavior.  So sweet.


haha....i love how she's well behaved in front of SuSu but TTJ encourages her bad behavior.  So sweet.

True lol. The way she ran away and found him was hilarious xD 


But when YXW fell into the water, it was SJ's that saved her and gave her the magic stone (I forgot the name). So SJ is not dead afterall??

Yes, in Episode 8 when SS was in the water, the statue in the river gave SS the red crystal.  It was not SJ as the latter died which led to MY being heartbroken.

Not the statue, the artifact itself was the one who saved her. With demonic artifacts, it is the one who made the artifact that can talk (appear in the drama). It was the same with the God Slaying Xbow later in the novel, tho cannot really say if it had consciousness of its own or it was the DG that talked through it.