Muskan Gupta:

But one question, mortals do die naturally, so how he was alive for 500years?

He is no longer mortal, as he has divine essence inside him when Xi Wu jumps from the tower.

How are Si Ying (Played by Wang Yi Fei), the demon with white hair dressed in red, and Jing Mie (played by Roy Wang ) related to TTJ? When/where does he meet them? Also in one of the bts Si Ying is seen talking to (I'm assuming Mo Nv ) played by Chen Du Ling. Why do you guys think that is? 


1. He realizes her mission after the tower jump scene because she tells him. But he doesn't know that YXW was LSS until he meets her again 500 years after her "death". 

2. Honestly, I don't think it's going to change his mind. It will probably make him more possessive of LSS but I don't think it's going to make him give up gaining more power. However, I am not sure. There is a bts scene of him meeting (himself?) the previous devil god and he explains that he will always exist under certain circumstances. But idk when this scene will occur. 

3. I'm pretty sure he already knows the devil god is real or at least has some idea. It's inside of him. I think it's probably a part of him. Idk about the rest though.

4. Yes. 

5. Hmm I didn't think about that. Also, we don't know if they won't be able to see each other's perspectives yet. They are all acting out the dream so maybe at the end of the "play" they will be able to see everything that happened? Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense why Ji Ze told LSS she needed to go into the dream because SJ's perspective doesn't teach much about the demon god. Only about how the world-toppling flower/thing she traded her eye for (honestly I forgot what they called it need to go back and rewatch it) was made. 

 Muskan Gupta:

Yes we already discussed it yesterday you mentioned about  all her deeds on page number 3 I guess , so those who want to know about her deeds just go to page number 3 and check . @Alicetcfwl has mentioned about all her adventures

Lmao this sounds like some sort of diving into YBCs colourful past, lmao xD

 Muskan Gupta:

In novel i have heard LXW and LSS have different faces but in drama it is same , so i guess at least he will know she looks like YXW but after that may be she will say she is different person only face similar 

In fact, the same faces of YXW and Li Su Su is for drama purposes, same as same faces between Sang Jiu and Ye Xi Wu. IF they had different faces every time they are in a new arc - dream - reality - realm, then wouldn't everyone be unable to follow the story? Imagine 3 different Su Sus in 40 episodes and only one is Bai Lu, or 3 different TTJs and only one is Yunxi. Then if they did cast actors for these 2 additional instances, and if these actors are not on the same level, wouldn't it be wierd for the audience? People that have not read the novel were  confused around ep 6 - 8, imagine if TTJ looked like 3 different people and Li Su Su plqyed by Bai Lu was only shown in half ep 1 and then after episode 30.....


Then how old is Li SuSu then?? Don't tell me she's 10000 yrs old? And if she's the daughter of Chung Hua, how did that happen when she died 10000yrs ago? Can you please spoil me >_< or enlighten me

Well Immortals don't give birth like normal people, when they conceive, they consider spiritual/divine essence in a form that reflects both parents. If the mom is a phoenix and the dad is a dragon, then the kid will be a phoenix with dragon colours or a dragon that has affinity for fire and is red. When the child is "born" it is born in its true form, in Su Su's case she was an egg that had to take 10 500 years time to take its human form.... 


It's been a while since I read the novel but the evil bone is the devil's primordial spirit.  In a way no matter how many incarnations he has, he will aways come back.  The evil spirit is born from the misery and resentment of the world so as long as there are people, it will always exist.  For example, you can't have good without evil existing.  There needs to be balance between the two.  As for TTJ....he is pretty much the devil reborn.  

OMG. OHHH now I can make sense why LSS asked "are you Devil God or Tantai Jin" in the trailer.

Really appreciated these treads, enjoying the read. Quick question: what is Ye FuYa’s role later in the novel? Is she part of the sect and involved in LSS and CJM?

 Muskan Gupta:

In novel i was told that The previous devil God whom we saw in dream dud some favour to Tan tia jin's mom's tribe (yuye tribe) and instead he asked for a sacrifice which will be her child who will carry evil bone so that he can be next devil God. This is the reason Tantia jin has same face as the previous evil God and also he carries evil bone.

I guess in drama also they will show same reason 

Woww I can't imagine how TTJ will feel about this. It's not his faults to have that evil bone but his fate just cruel even before he was born T_T

I asked this in the comments already but I'm going to post it here too just in case. 

Pian Ran said her parents were powerful demons who followed the devil god aka TTJ's past life??. So are her parents Si Ying and Jing Mie? Also, does anyone know how SY and JM met TTJ in the past based on the novel? I've only read bits and pieces of the novel.


Woww I can't imagine how TTJ will feel about this. It's not his faults to have that evil bone but his fate just cruel even before he was born T_T

Yes i totally agree that is why their is a dialogue in trailer, where Li su su says how can see kill him after knowing that he is not the culprit, it's not his fault 


In fact, the same faces of YXW and Li Su Su is for drama purposes, same as same faces between Sang Jiu and Ye Xi Wu. IF they had different faces every time they are in a new arc - dream - reality - realm, then wouldn't everyone be unable to follow the story? Imagine 3 different Su Sus in 40 episodes and only one is Bai Lu, or 3 different TTJs and only one is Yunxi. Then if they did cast actors for these 2 additional instances, and if these actors are not on the same level, wouldn't it be wierd for the audience? People that have not read the novel were  confused around ep 6 - 8, imagine if TTJ looked like 3 different people and Li Su Su plqyed by Bai Lu was only shown in half ep 1 and then after episode 30.....

Yes i totally agree


He is no longer mortal, as he has divine essence inside him when Xi Wu jumps from the tower.

Oh yes thanks, i forgot this point 


I think that's the double happiness symbol which is used in weddings.  If it follows the novel then the last chapter is of them getting married and he returns to the demon realm.  

Yes ???

Question :

In dream arc, MY started to have feelings for SJ like since apple scene, is it same in novel as well? Or in novel he only had feelings after SJ helped recover his eyes.

Also in series , why it shows that the person who MY killed as Devil god was TTJ? Isnt it TTJ havent became  devil god yet?