
Hey Charley, just saw your comment. 

I just started on EP 1 of FYH only. The trolls are saying Xixi is skeletal again?

Sigh. Yeah. According to them, FYH is unwatchable coz of his and SY's thin figures😒 Tho the folks there have tried to put a stop to it, there were still some persistent bugs...

I've also started watching too, tho I had to pause first at ep4 since work has started to call again😅 

To me seeing Xixi after TTEOTM, I find him much healthier looking than when he was in TTEOTM. He actually put on some meat! So happy for him.

We all know why he was extra skinny in TTEOTM and it was through no fault of his. But that look suited his "Disney Princess" character in Arc 1. The starved tormented abused hostage prince. Perfection!! 

I think by the time we see him in SLY, he would have filled out even more. 

Sighs...dang those trolls.