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 Evie Zan:

Yeah I'm embracing it! Hehehe no other option either! Enjoying my hubby's spoiling! I finally finished a giant play mat for our mini Moonies! Saw it online and make one myself! They are happily rolling around! ☺️ Consider it a success! Hehehe! 

Thank you very much for your wishes! Hopefully my journey will be a smooth one! Guess as smooth as can be! Love and Hugs ??????

Btw I dropped SOKP! Even LuLu can't make me wanna continue watching! That ZLH acting! Just can't stand it! But the other male co stars are good though! 

Wow!!! I am sure your kids will have so much fun and so blessed and playing happily on the mat. Well done, a woman with many talents!;)

Totally understand  why people would dropped SOKP, at  some parts, it’s  quite a drag to complete. ZLH’s acting still needs improvement, and in that drama LuLu seems to have to shout a lot….hahhaha…not the best of LuLu. Their off screen and BTS chemistry is better.


Wow!!! I am sure your kids will have so much fun and so blessed and playing happily on the mat. Well done, a woman with many talents!;)

Totally understand  why people would dropped SOKP, at  some parts, it’s  quite a drag to complete. ZLH’s acting still needs improvement, and in that drama LuLu seems to have to shout a lot….hahhaha…not the best of LuLu. Their off screen and BTS chemistry is better.

Hehehe I'm sure they have fun! But most importantly we parents also get to have fun with our mini Moonies! Plus it doesn't have the price tag of over $250 which is way too smaller than the one I made and also over $250 is the smallest in size and don't have a lot of color, fabric toys etc! It's meant for one baby actually! We have 3! I made it to fit for all of us! ? Cost more if you want colorful ones with more toys! For no reason I don't feel like buying! We just saw the photos so took a while to figure out but we managed at the end! My hubby do all the calculation! But we make quite a team if we say so! ?And I even managed to use up really quite a lot of scrap cotton fabrics and I don't even have to buy new fabrics! I made with what I have so I'm quite feeling good about it! Not that many talents! ☺️ But it's thanks to my mom and my grandmas who made sure us girls (my cousins are also the same) know how to do things that they thought was necessary! Even our brothers don't escape from learning to clean, organize, and don't forget prep, cook, clean, bake ( nothing fancy but they can make their favorites), even know their way around basic sewing skills! Hahaha maybe that's why they are still single and us girls fly the coop! ?????

I feel like ZLH is all about him looking pretty! I kept imagining if the ML is our XiXi this drama would be a joy to watch and I'm it'll also be way much more successful!

Hello Moonies who are also Tay Tay fans. She has a new MV featuring Post Malone.  

A beautiful song as to be expected of TS. It's currently on replay for me. 



Love Post Malone! I went to his show last November and he was amazing! The last 30-40 seconds is best part of the song! Love it ❤️


Hello Moonies who are also Tay Tay fans. She has a new MV featuring Post Malone.  

A beautiful song as to be expected of TS. It's currently on replay for me. 



Don't like this one though. But maybe because I'm not Taylor fan. These are some the songs I'm currently enjoying!

Miley Cyrus: https://youtu.be/xWkqjXjD73E?si=5m5C6OKWwdGy_XQY

Miley Cyrus and Beyonce: https://youtu.be/SyXfJi2KZ-A?si=rKjVbj9EYavEL4VF

Forest Blakk: https://youtu.be/V4ptcVZeoy8?si=XUOd0nWkKCjoOg-h

David Guetta and OneRepublic: https://youtu.be/dSDbwfXX5_I?si=Hg20PmTtz59QL6au

This is the one invading our home currently whenever my brother in law coming home from work! Ruining my mood! I love Jamie but moping+ Jamie's song on repeat? Not so much! Wondering how long does it take for him to recover from heart break though? 

Jamie Miller - In the Cards: https://youtu.be/lzIU5DPyfy8?si=ZuY6EnzhhZdbR_Gl

I need to unwind after that emotional ride that eps39 and 40 brought me...........HIT IT!!!


The song Fornight is in my head. ❤️

I haven't watch any drama for a while now! ? ? So busy! 


The song Fornight is in my head. ❤️

Same! And versions of it keep popping up in my feed. LOVE IT!!!

 Evie Zan:

I haven't watch any drama for a while now! ? ? So busy! 

Hang in there Evie, you can catch up later. ?


Hang in there Evie, you can catch up later. ?

Hopefully soon Chun Tian dear! How are you doing my dear? Miss you guys! 

Doing ok. Can't believe I cried as much as the first time watching TTEOTM.  Dang right? LOL

That's why I don't manage to watch again! Damn Pregnancy hormones! 

There’s a melon that Reba will be teaming up with Arthur Chen.  I hope someday Xixi and Reba will have a drama ❤️

So out of touch! Who's Reba?  ? 


There’s a melon that Reba will be teaming up with Arthur Chen.  I hope someday Xixi and Reba will have a drama ❤️