Gosh...protein shakes only? For how long more? This is for building muscle?
I love my food too much, never attempted to subsist just on shakes before.
I had some digestion problems and I am trying to control my blood sugar+carb intake so I am doing this 1-month long program. The first three days was tough coz I only had 3-4 protein shakes a day to wean myself off from solid food. Then the days after, I had protein shakes for breakfast and dinner, then a nutrient dense lunch like chicken/salmon/beef plus veggies/salad. No sweets even from fruits. Sad coz I love fruits but I've adjusted so far and my tummy feels more comfy. My skin is very clear and I lost weight, too. Hehe! I am planning to keep having just protein shake for breakfast and just two meals after I'm done with the program. Btw, don't do this unless you get a go signal from your doc. 😁