I suggest people writing pinyin translitteration would stop doing half-assed retard job, and instead of writing for example Si Shen Shao Nu is correctly Sǐshén Shàonǚ (死神少女), Kai Jia Yong Shi should be Kǎijiǎ Yǒngshì (铠甲勇士) etc etc. Unfortunately the first mentioned form is way too common. In nutshell:
- tone diacritics are compulsory for correct writing because changing them changes meaning and pronouncication
- if word consists of two or more syllables, one should obviously write the syllables together. Pe op le do not wri te Eng li sh li ke this ei ther, it 's pla in sil ly.
most of the people who use this site aren't studying any chinese language and to be honest i dont even know how to make my computer do all those symbols you have above your letters, if it's even possible w/out some kind of download. if some one is willing to post information about a drama they do thier best. it might not be perfect but suggesting that they shouldnt share the information with us b/c they cant perfectly transliterate Mandarin would be like telling you not to share your opinions in English b/c you spelled transliteration and pronounciation wrong.
that being said i would wager that 90% of MDL user would have NO idea what to do with the accent marks you used. i see MDL users use incorrect English ALL THE TIME, heck the dramas themselves have some pretty epic Engrish in them, but i dont use words like "retard" to describe them b/c it would be rude and a little egomanical to expect that everyone who tries to use English be able to execute it perfectly everytime.
cityhunter83 wrote: most of the people who use this site aren't studying any chinese language and to be honest i dont even know how to make my computer do all those symbols you have above your letters, if it's even possible w/out some kind of download. if some one is willing to post information about a drama they do thier best. it might not be perfect but suggesting that they shouldnt share the information with us b/c they cant perfectly transliterate Mandarin would be like telling you not to share your opinions in English b/c you spelled transliteration and pronunciation wrong.
that being said i would wager that 90% of MDL user would have NO idea what to do with the accent marks you used. i see MDL users use incorrect English ALL THE TIME, heck the dramas themselves have some pretty epic Engrish in them, but i dont use words like "retard" to describe them b/c it would be rude and a little egomanical to expect that everyone who tries to use English be able to execute it perfectly every time.
So well said. Whew.
bannie wrote: I disagree.
Any respectable chinese user should be able to deduce the phrase from pin yin written just like that.
Its the same with using Microsoft Pinyin Input Style
No they can't, and no, it is not the same as writing with any pinyin input systems. They have inbuilt dictionaries to make out correct words & phrases out of words with multiple syllables. Only a total idiot would hit enter after typing one character.
cityhunter83 wrote: most of the people who use this site aren't studying any chinese language and to be honest i dont even know how to make my computer do all those symbols you have above your letters, if it's even possible w/out some kind of download. if some one is willing to post information about a drama they do thier best. it might not be perfect but suggesting that they shouldnt share the information with us b/c they cant perfectly transliterate Mandarin would be like telling you not to share your opinions in English b/c you spelled transliteration and pronounciation wrong.
that being said i would wager that 90% of MDL user would have NO idea what to do with the accent marks you used. i see MDL users use incorrect English ALL THE TIME, heck the dramas themselves have some pretty epic Engrish in them, but i dont use words like "retard" to describe them b/c it would be rude and a little egomanical to expect that everyone who tries to use English be able to execute it perfectly everytime.
Oh cool, this place has no edit feature for posts so I have to answer separately to you... I don't care about what other people can or can't or like or don't like. For example, I don't give a flying **** about Korean dramas, but I guess you wouldn't really like seeing korean transliterations written consistently incorrectly, eh? The only thing I care about is getting correct information, and writing plain wrong transliterations is a major issue in here. Regarding inserting diacritics, how hard is it to copy-paste chinese name of the movie to Google Translate, then copy-pasting the resulting pinyin transliteration so that the information is correct? Anyone can do it, if they know how to use a computer mouse. It takes 2 seconds. Calling people who are so damn lazy or stupid they don't even bother doing that (or know how to copy-paste) retards serves them right. Drama communities should strive for the same quality standards as anime communities.
Wooow, so I was just reading through this thread because I was curious, even though I don't really know what pinyin really is. I'm not sure what your complaint is about, but I just wanted to say there's no need to be so rude. This site isn't finished yet. The admins are still continuously improving it everyday and working hard to improve the quality of this site. Just the fact that a site like this exists is amazing. There is no need to freak out and use crude language just for small things like wrong transliterations.
If you state your suggestion in a nice way, I'm sure the admins and the people who work on this site would try and fix whatever is wrong. Or you can probably request to be the person who writes the transliterations, if it bothers you so much.
If you still feel discontent at the site's "quality", well, no one is telling you that you have to use this site. There are plenty of MDL users who love and use this site and don't care about small things such as transliterations or whatever this thread is about.
niurou wrote: Oh cool, this place has no edit feature for posts so I have to answer separately to you... I don't care about what other people can or can't or like or don't like. For example, I don't give a flying **** about Korean dramas, but I guess you wouldn't really like seeing korean transliterations written consistently incorrectly, eh? The only thing I care about is getting correct information, and writing plain wrong transliterations is a major issue in here. Regarding inserting diacritics, how hard is it to copy-paste chinese name of the movie to Google Translate, then copy-pasting the resulting pinyin transliteration so that the information is correct? Anyone can do it, if they know how to use a computer mouse. It takes 2 seconds. Calling people who are so damn lazy or stupid they don't even bother doing that (or know how to copy-paste) retards serves them right. Drama communities should strive for the same quality standards as anime communities.
Actually there's a multi quote button and an edit button so you can not only respond to more than one person, you can also edit your posts. I'm not sure if the feature was fixed for newer users or not, though.
If it bothers you that much you can always edit yourself instead of complaining to people who added the drama and designed the site. Like Cityhunter mentioned, people use incorrect English all the time on an English based site and no one makes a big deal about it. It's not a huge deal about the pinyin issue, either. Not everyone has studied Chinese and understands what pinyin is. It's not just MDL that lacks the use of it, but rather sites all over such as Dramawiki. Yes pinyin is the correct form, but it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. People go by what they can find the information on, and the goal is to get as many dramas into the database. As I mentioned above, if it bothers you that much you can always edit it yourself....
Instead of being rude why don't you just try stating that it bothers you and you would like to see this fixed. Or even offer to help. Being rude just ticks everyone else off.
Korean dramas are the most popular, so obviously more people are going to be there to fix things that are wrong, etc. And there's really no wrong way to romanize Korean because of the fact that the sounds cannot be formed into English letters. 시 can either be written as "ssi" or "shi" or even just "si". Either way, not a big deal. Not as many people watch Chinese, Hong Kong or Taiwanese dramas. Not only that but the information on them is harder to find because of the lack of popularity. There's more information on Anime, too, in English, than Chinese/Hong Kong/Taiwanese dramas. There's a TON of dramas and movies out there, MDL is still working on getting them all in the database.
niurou wrote: Oh cool, this place has no edit feature for posts so I have to answer separately to you... I don't care about what other people can or can't or like or don't like. For example, I don't give a flying **** about Korean dramas, but I guess you wouldn't really like seeing korean transliterations written consistently incorrectly, eh? The only thing I care about is getting correct information, and writing plain wrong transliterations is a major issue in here. Regarding inserting diacritics, how hard is it to copy-paste chinese name of the movie to Google Translate, then copy-pasting the resulting pinyin transliteration so that the information is correct? Anyone can do it, if they know how to use a computer mouse. It takes 2 seconds. Calling people who are so damn lazy or stupid they don't even bother doing that (or know how to copy-paste) retards serves them right. Drama communities should strive for the same quality standards as anime communities.
You crack me up.
i am actually studying korean and there are multiple transliteration systems, mostly b/c the korean language contains sounds that are not made by any letter in the English alphabet. i'm sure Mandarin has simillar issues when it comes to romanization. i don't get nasty with people who use less than acurate romanization b/c i am secure enough in myself that i don't have to call other people names to make myself feel intelligent. i also wont demand perfection from others when i cant do so myself.
also, google translate and other such sites are often incorrect, using strict dictionary or outdated forms. take the drama title "he was cool" if you were to use the strict dictionay definition of that it would not mean the same thing.
Wow. That seems to be the only response to someone who is so rude and ungrateful. How about instead of posting a whiny, rude rant on here, couldn't your mission have better been served by politely offering a suggestion of how things could be improved? I don't have any idea what you are talking about, because I don't care one way or another how something is typed out so long as I get the gist. But even if you were explaining something as simple as why everyone should capitalize proper nouns, I would refuse to capitalize them just to spite you and your arrogant ass attitude.
Also, Cityhunter83, you're my new hero :p