Official MDL Tumblr Help

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Ok as someone with their own tumblr plus being admin to 2 others i think the first thing you should do is get a theme. After that then get a lovely background to put. Something like this edit care did would be good. You should also get more than one admin to help with the blog. You can also have different post about top 5 dramas, actors etc. Hope that helps. If you need to know something else you can ask me.

Link to mine
Tumblr is amazinnggg.

Yea what everyone said
1. Get a new theme, the theme makers above are good i've used them before. Themes is sometimes what attracts users
2. Postling quite a bit daily. If people see you only post once or twice a day or your last post was a while ago, they wont bother with it because they want updated daily blogs
3. When making posts make sure you tag what's in your post
4. Having extra pages for various things like the top 5 dramas or whatever as suggested above
5. The thing with having more than one blog when you first use tumblr is extremely hard, you have to manage those blogs equally and that takes a lot of time and switching between blogs, you need to get used to one blog first, then have another. But in this case i don't see a reason why MDL needs a second blog..
6. Also change the icon :P
7. Also about the pages make sure you make an INFO page as well as a FAQ page, People will go to it before they check out the site so you should have the basics of what it is. Having a description of it on the side is good, but doesn't provide much information.
8. You can always add music too :))
I like tumblr blogs that don't have endless scrolling, and layouts you can find the "reblog, next page" buttons stuff like that. Simple layouts, they work the best. One of the most I've seen used is the "fluid" layout and you can change the background on that one.
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
post photo sets!!! they could be movie posters or they could have some funny/touching phrases in them, or they could just have some hottie taking his shirt off~ :o or a gif :p blog about some of the MDL member's top 5/6 shows...some reviews our users have posted...links...a complete list of OSTs...etc~ :'D
I opened the link and I realized that you actually need help. LOL

Tumblr is a combination of a blog with facebook, to put it simply.
The thing about tumblr is that you need to post or reblog relevant things that will attract others.

1. Make sure that everything you post that you want found quicker has tags, this also helps get followers.
2. I suggest putting up a clean and appealing them or clean, appealing and relating to the subject.
3. Post content as often as you can so that potential followers are more compelled to actually follow.
4. Give it some personality, add some widgets or music or something fun yet relevant.
5. You are able to put up a form for people to actually submit content to the MDL tumblr or you can designate some.
6. You can add pages with some more info about MDL or a FAQ or such.
7. If you still need help and this seems compelling enough to ask me for help then please PM me. LOL.

Also if you need help with anything else I am quite handy with;
Wordpress, Blogger, a few other platforms which include forums
and some others. -^_^- I would leave you samples of those but
my only examples are now under construction until further notice. lol
Hey there! As far theme goes, I can be of no help to you as i like the basic Tumblr theme and use it for my own blog. Many people do not like it and will base the quality of a blog by the theme. I would also add an icon. What are you going to post?? Are you going to reblog other people's stuff or create your own graphics?
MDL on Tumblr is now officially up and running!
xxmai locked this Nov 7, 2021 04:24