Alright, so I know alot of people don't know C-pop, so I'll start with a small intro:
First of all, within C-Pop, there's two kinds: Cantopop and Mandopop
Pretty straightforward:
Cantopop = Cantonese (often known as HKpop)
Mandopop = Mandarin (sometimes split between Taiwanese pop and Mainland China pop)

so favorite artists:
Fahrenheit/Feilunhai (<333333), Wang Lee Hom, Danson Tang Yu Zhe(<3), Evan Yo, Jolin Tsai, Jay Chou, F4, HIT-5 (>.<), Lollipop/Bang Bang Tang, S.H.E, Sun Nan, Wilber Pan, Gary Chaw, Hangeng (<333), Dong Cheng Wei, Wu Hu Jiang, JJ Lin (<3), Huang Hong Sheng, Rainie Yang, Cindy Wang, Xiao S, Power Station (Dong Li Huo Che), Stefanie Sun, Peter Ho, TWINS, Chen Kun, TANK, SIGMA, Champion Band...
yay! <3
Geng Geng <3
Fahrenheit *_____*
Danson Tang *_____*
S.H.E *_____*

Those are the ones I rele love but I also like the OSTs by: Rainie Yang, Kingone Wang, Ariel Lin etc.

I'm kinda new to c-pop ... but I also like Lollipop/Bang Bang Tang's track Lollipop with f(x)
Jay Chou, and Rachel Liang.
I admit, Fahrenheit is all I know... and SuJu-M, does that count? :P
suju m is kinda...
though they're more like kpop in chinese.
fahrenheit <3
i have a giant poster of them in my room (along with a giant wang lee hom poster)
and i own all of their albums too <3
Rainie Yang, Show Lo, F4, Fahrenheit, S.H.E, Wilbur Pan, Vanness Wu, Jolin Tsai, TANK, Cindy Wang, Kingone Wang, Nicholas Teo and Hangeng.

SuJu-M!! I luv Super Junior!! :D
i don't know cpop at all i have only heard Lee Hom and Andy Lau <3 and whoever one of the sushi chefs was singing along to when i went for sushi one night. i kinda wanted to ask who it was but was too embarassed lol. but he was playing music in the kitchen and singing along and had a really great voice. i liked the actual singer's voice too. the style was similar to Andy Lau. (the fact that i like Andy Lau makes me old doesn't it? *shame*)
favorite artistS:
SUPER JUNIOR M!! ;) they would also be my favorite but they're kinda korean... :()
JAY CHOU <3 most AMAZING guy ever hehe
JJ LIN <3 ;)
other artists include: show luo, rainie yang, nicholas teo, f4 (including jerry yan, vanness wu<3, and...) , f.i.r, s.h.e, k one, victor wang, wei chen, alan, jolin tsai, lollipop, wang lee hom, will pan, ding dang, ariel lin, michael wang, lollipop (bang bang tang) and other hidden cpop jewels that deserve some light :)
My favourite C-POP artists are Jay Chou, Rainie Yang, Hangeng, SJ-M, Wang Lee Hom :D
i abandoned my thread/section (hey! we all know that the cpop section is my baby)...
well most like i forgot about it...

recently realized i never mentioned Jam Hsiao and A Mei <3

naw i LOVE andy lau <3
psssh i've known him since i was born.
like seriously though.
I don't know many C-Pop artists, but I absolutely love JJ Lin. I also like Isabelle Huang and the little bit I've heard of Chen Chusheng and Wilber Pan.
Rainie Yang, Danson Tang, Fahrenheit, Nicholas Teo, Evan Yo, Hsiao Hung Jen
The ones I've heard and liked/loved were S.H.E, Fahrenheit, Rainie Yang, Tank, Jay Chou