LisNoir wrote: This is why I'm not watching it....

Me three....Aigoo, the things we put up for our favorite guys!

hahaha Sometimes you aren't willing to put up with it. *cough*rainie and wu chun*cough*
Sleepninja wrote: hahaha Sometimes you aren't willing to put up with it. *cough*rainie and wu chun*cough*

Jajajajajajajaja...I don't anymore... but I did in Devil Beside You... Just 'cause I was smitten with Mike He *SMH*
LisNoir wrote: Jajajajajajajaja...I don't anymore... but I did in Devil Beside You... Just 'cause I was smitten with Mike He *SMH*

haha If you see him, will you tell him to NEVER act with her again? :p Smack him upside the head if he does. XD *images in my head* Omo! That would be hilarious!
Omo, those two look so good together. And Junho sounds sooo good in Mandarin too. I do have to say I liked Junho's red jacket casual outfit over Vanness' white chest baring shirt.
PinkDiamond wrote: LOL Lis! "The Chest Baring Shirt". I like this song. It makes me feel all bubbly. And how have I been missing out on Junho??? Geez PD! Get it together!


I actually like Junho's singing more when he's not with the group. 2PM mostly does dance tracks and I'm not a big fan of most of their songs, but I am a their fan because of variety shows. :D

And yes, the song makes does have that effect. I like it.

So, PD...Please report your reactions to the drama so far...LOL
So, this drama is apparently now 100 episodes. You know what that means, right? Everyone have fun, I hope you enjoy it. I'll just read the ep. reviews you guys
PinkDiamond wrote: I will likely drop this one. I'm kinda bored with it. I like watching Vannes and all, but sitting through 100 episodes....well this particular drama is not worth it.

It's 20 episode dramas and they sometimes drag imagine a 100 episode one...*shudders*
PinkDiamond wrote: I just edited my post to say that right before you replied. Lol. I can't stand shows that drag on.

LOL, I can't stand when shows drag on either.
Why ???? And I've started to watch it, even 20 ep is too much..but many nice dramas I can finish in that time.
claudya87 wrote: Why ???? And I've started to watch it, even 20 ep is too much..but many nice dramas I can finish in that time.

I know right? Btw, I love your avatar. :)
I agree. I'm watching this and I'm not sure that they can get 100 eps. out of it.