Yes! Aw, that's cute. :D (I thought you were male because of your name but I guess you weren't. xD)
Szasha wrote: Funny idea, that's me: (not sure which version fits me better ;))

LOL at halo
mangagirl wrote: Here is mine

looks like a scary librarian
travis wrote:

lol is actually kinda cute
nekoblah wrote: ahaha here is mine

Soooo cute <3!
nekoblah wrote: ahaha here is mine

+1 the first one :D
Nekoblah: Wow, looks really alike! And cute. :D
nekoblah wrote: ahaha here is mine

lol this is surprising similarity. XD
ahaha glad you guys liked it xD

It doesnt really look like me... but i had fun making it :P
This is prrety I think it's something around 75% :)

This is me

My anime version
This is fun ! Here go mine!

So everyday at work I look like this:

However if you meet me after hours I'd look more like this:

Then considering that I like to workout a lot, and stalk my Zumba instructor all around the city, you can very often see me looking like this:

I'm not on my laptop right now and on facebook I don't have any current pictures (all are before I dyed my hair black), but I'll post them somewhere here someday I promise.