
Fictional Character


  1. 1.Season 1
  2. 2.Season 2

Season 1

Damon is a young man who contracted HIV. His boyfriend, Anthony, breaks up with him after finding out, and finds someone new. This causes Damon to become depressed and suicidal. He loses his will to live, thinking God has been unfair to him. Because of this, he is given a guardian angel named Angelo. Angelo saves Damon from multiple suicide attempts and helps him heal his broken heart, along with building his will to continue living.

As Angelo continues to stay by his side and encourage him, Damon falls in love with his caring and kind attitude. Though, he is afraid he won't be granted access to Heaven for being gay, he stills wishes to enter. Angelo gives him one of his feathers. When Angelo disappears, Damon prays for his return and confesses his love, while also revealing that the reason he wants to enter Heaven is to be with Angelo.

His illness progresses as time goes on, leaving him in frequent bursts of pain, all in which Angelo tries to relieve with his powers. But even so, his illness takes its toll which is shown in Damon's appearance of darkening eyes, pale lips, and raspy voice. He eventually receives the news that he does not have much time left to live. Upon accepting his fate, and his new found outlook on life, Angelo prepares to leave. They say their goodbyes, and Angelo ascends, leaving Damon with only his feather.

A few months later, Damon is reunited with Angelo after he passes away.

Season 2

Damon is now an angel. It is his turn to become a guardian to someone. Kevin, Angelo's ex-boyfriend, becomes his charge.

While trying to fulfill his obligation, a dark truth is revealed about his past. While helping Kevin and Angelo reunite, Damon meets Anthony. Anthony tells Damon that he broke up with him for his own protection. He had fallen in love with Kevin while dating Damon, even when knowing Kevin was also in another relationship. That person being none other than Angelo. Driven by jealousy and anger, Angelo threatened to kill Anthony, but not knowing his whereabouts, he sends someone to rape Damon instead, knowing it will hurt Anthony. In disbelief, Damon does not believe Anthony's words, believing that Angelo is not that kind of person and loves him. Damon goes to leave. When Anthony goes after him, he turns on him enraged, wondering what he ever did to Anthony to deserve this. He believes Anthony's infidelity is what led to these events. Damon falls to his knees heartbroken.

Later, Damon confronts Angelo, accusing him of killing him and deciding his fate for him. He questions why Angelo loves him. Filled with guilt, Angelo begs for forgiveness. He changes his question and asks Angelo if he loves him, in which he replies with a yes, but Damon can't find it in his heart o forgive him.

Damon blames God for everything, so his uncle Peter finds him and gives him advice on what he should do to be happy. God also finds him and explains the situation. In the meantime, Angelo is about to be consumed by darkness and fall into Satan's hands. Realizing he still deeply loves Angelo, and is about to lose him, Damon forgives him. After saying goodbye to his uncle, him and Angelo finally ascend to Heaven.

(Source: MyDramaList)


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