Hierarchy: o drama que serve de alerta para os pais.
Hierarchy, a mini série de 7 episódios longos, assim como outros títulos de produções coreanas que envolvem e trabalham a história no âmbito escolar, conseguiu juntar de tudo um pouco neste seriado.O drama consiste em uma escola renomada, alunos com hierarquia estabelecidas pelos corredores entre os alunos com bolsas de estudos e os que são herdeiros, filhos de pessoas importes na sociedade em geral, ou importantes em relações internas do local. Ele trouxe a essência viva do que é um ensino médio, o período escolar onde muitas festas podem acontecer, a curiosade e o desejo são completamente a flor da pele.
Mas como dito anteriormente, ele trás a essência de um ensino médio em todos os quesitos, desde a parte popular até a parte dos que sofrem bulliyng, os que são excluídos, os quietos e até aqueles que os outros acham que tem poder sobre aquela pessoa. Relevando que, independe de qualquer escola seja da cara ou da pública, podem existir esses assuntos, essas posições dentro de sala e escola. O drama, deixa evidente a agressão física, psicológica, e bulliyng. Assim como: o interesse em fumo, drogas, bebidas alcoólicas, mentiras constantes, libido alta, jogos de manipulação psicológica.
Ao assistir a série, me mostrou o quanto pais conservadores e ou rígidos demais, como o pai da personagem Jae-il, criam filhos inseguros, que vão procurar válvulas de escape no fumo, ou drogas etc, assim como omitir as verdades, além de ser claramente uma pressão psicológica levam a ter filhos que escondem as suas emoções por que os pais fecharam a porta que eles teriam para um filho poder se abrir e contar os que se passa com ele, se sentir apoiado, o que é completamente o contrário que os pais dos personagens centrais fazem, como também: Kim Ri-An, que tem uma mãe que não se preocupa verdadeiramente com o filho, o esgota de estudos até a garganta quando ele é apenas um rapaz de 18 anos, no qual a atenção eo carinho de uma família, não existe em seu lar e no ambiente escolar é um rapaz com claramente problemas de raiva, e dependência emocional fortemente insistente.
Outros personagens também, mostram pais que mesmo com muito no bolso ainda são pessoas que se importam com os filhos independente da situação ou classe social que se encontra, é o que o pai da Hae-ra demonstrou durante o drama todo, e talvez vemos um pouco de insatisfação ou talvez ingratidão da jovem que iludidamente achava que não "desceria de categoria" algum dia, ou de que essa probabilidade era existente, uma ingênua que ainda está tomando noção da realidade, é o esperado para quem não sabe muito como funciona as coisa.
A trama principal onde tem um caso de que um aluno faleceu por conta da em responsabilidade da escola Ela é desenvolvida ao longo dos episódios com muitas brigas agressões. Kang Ha, É um dos outros personagens principais muito presente que quer vingar a morte do seu irmão expor a verdade, Nisso ele sendo um bolsista de onde supostamente a sua classe social dentro da escola é mais baixa do que user inteiros escritor não incomodo, Incomodo este que fez todos perceber em que eles estavam errados as atitudes estavam erradas que escola errou em acobertar um crime à iquê íris deveria um só responsabilizar Por isso, Os pais irresponsáveis Que não dão atenção para seus filhos, não sabe o que eles estão fazendo e não se importam com psicológico deles, Já mais desconfiariam disto, porque, eles estão muito preocupados em tornar os filhos deles herdeiros da suas empresas, fundações ou qualquer outra coisa em importante que eles trabalhem, a Jovens de 18 anos que se sente pressos, sufocados, que não tem direito de se expressar quem são. São submetidos a regras rígidas sem necessidade. Que Causaram todas essas más atitudes dos filhos e estes Traumas.
Serve de alerta para os pais por que mostra que os pais devem prestar mais atenção no seus filhos, se importar mais com que eles sentem, com que eles estão passando, Independente da Classe Social, E não fechar importas que seriam úteis para ter uma ligação seus filhos ontem eles podem contar com você e se sentir em apoiados por você, E não fazer de reprimia suas emoções e se afastar de você e tomar péssimas altitude na vida. seja dentro ou fora do âmbito escolar. Pois em muitos casos criminais já foram escritos e registrados No mundo e no Brasil, de pais que não prestaram uma atenção no estado de saúde mental dos seus filhos e não se preocuparam em averiguar o que se passava com eles. Mencionou isso pelo fato de que ocorre um crime dentro do âmbito escolar no dorama, apenas uma ligação que dar para ser feita pra refletir sobre outros aspectos também.
Conclusão: No geral os atores escolhidos para os papéis fórum devidamente bem feitos e bem designados, Para os personagens que são interpretados, A trilha sonora consegue casar com tudo que acontece no drama, A história em-si onde acontece um crime no ambiente escolar que tem bulliyng, agressão, etc, Mostra também independência emocional, o amor de adolescentes, o que é viver um 1º romance, O lado que adolescentes vivem, Como classe alta se sente superior a classe média, O quanto pais rígidos interfere no sentimento dos filhos e nessas emoções, o Quanto pais que não se importam com que o filho pensa ou sente são horríveis de se ter Por perto, e se existe uma possibilidade da verdade ser exposta independente do com Cruel ela seja, que seja melhor que ela seja exposta do que omitida por pessoas que deveriam ter a responsabilidade das consequências da suas ações e atitudes, E serem responsabilizadas pelos seus erros devidamente. Posso dizer também que a fotografia do drama está muito bela e bem em colocada.
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The writer of this character script did a very poor job of writing the script.
There are many series that are like this but they do it much better than this one. Especially the chapters and plot of the series. The more I watch this story, the less fun I think it becomes. There was no revenge or payback in any way. But it turned into a love triangle instead. The more I watched it, the more I didn't feel like it was fun.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
An incredible story.
I loved the drama. I recommend it without hesitation! For what ? Here are the reasons:1. The scenario: An improbable scenario, full of twists and turns. A story of revenge that compares to bittersweet poison. A cruel game of cat and mouse. A very original story that stands out from other “revenge” dramas. The scenario also talks about the “problems” of everyday life because, yes, even if we are rich, we are all human and history proves it to us. I was very touched that tears came to my eyes. Perfect.
2. Acting: The actors are invested. It is very impressive. The roles were made for them, I don’t see any other explanation… Incredible actors.
3. Camera shots and filming locations: I look at camera shots a lot and I was touched by the beauty of them. The shots where the scenes are shot are magnificent. Beautifully... The aerial shots that are often done are very original and I approve. The places are also very well found. I have no complaints.
4. Music: I fell in love with music. These are perfect. They set the mood straight away. The singers' voices are magnificent. To be honest, I've been listening to the music on repeat since I finished watching the drama! Gorgeous.
The only negative point I can find in this series is the number of episodes. Seven is short, especially when you hook on it. Despite this, the episodes are compact. So we don't realize that there are only seven episodes!
Warning: You also have to watch the episodes until the end (despite the credits) because there are “small endings” (example of the last episode) which can turn everything upside down!
I therefore recommend this series without hesitation. It’s a big favorite and I think it will remain one of my favorite “revenge” series!
Looking forward to a potential season two!
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Unpopular Opinion- This Kdrama deserves more credit!!
This is just my opinion on how this drama is being overlooked.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
I've seen many reviews of this show claiming it was a huge letdown with the same old recycled plot. but- I disagree
Rich elite kids who end up committing crimes and killing the poor kids aren't new to kdramas- or literally any other region of dramas. I believe people see a couple of familiar names and a big-budget company and have too high of expectations for a show. I don't think this show was a letdown- but - I've seen many other people say that this show had no depth and was not interesting. I think that many people are just looking for a show that is a huge think-piece with multiple twists, but honestly, I liked the simplicity of the show. I enjoyed how the plot was easily followable and not confusing along with not too many unnecessary twists with random deaths and betrayals.
I've also seen complaints about the love triangle and how the plot focuses too much on teenage love and not the revenge aspect,
But I think having the characters like each other, shows that they are just teenagers, and even though they come from different backgrounds they are still missing something and crave a sense of belonging and understanding from people who actually care about them. I did also enjoy the entirety of Kang Ha's story. Never got bored of him or his plot the entire show.
I do however have some complaints from the show that I don't see many people go into-
I understand that there were only seven episodes but I do wish we could've seen more of Kang Ha's day-to-day life and like follow him home.
Also Ri An throughout the show did kind of bother me with his lack of emotions- it did get somewhat better towards the end. but i think the other actors were able to reel the viewer back in.
I also dislike the entire plot with the teacher. I guess the viewers forget because the actors- even though they are beautiful- are also visibly not seventeen. But literally, why does nobody have a problem with the teacher being with a student? that was actually disgusting she should have gotten arrested for just that alone. I also think that some of the bullies should have faced more punishments. It's like at the end all of the students forget that the Rich kids literally tormented them. In the end, it just shows them getting along and laughing and taking photos.
FINAL STATEMENT: Overall I do hope there is a second season and I hope we get to see that not much changed in the school- because let's be real, these bullies are not remorseful and will most likely not change. Also, hope that a second season will focus more on Kang Ha's story and possibly more on revenge and villain arc?? more screen time for him honestly, he's too beautiful to not be on screen. Look writers if you need another hand in the writing room im here with big ideas.
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A Different Review
I didn't know this was ongoing when I started watching it, so when I searched it up before starting the last episode, I found a lot of "has potential but wasted" reviews. Personally, it isn't even that bad nor wasted. I really love these types of series/movies. I didn't know why viewers placed a big amount of expectations to this one and expected the crew, casts, and producers to meet those expectations.Comparisons of this to other K-Dramas — They expected this one to be at "the same level" of The Glory when that series spins off not only to a school, students, but also families which this drama doesn't do. This drama spins off on teacher-student relationships and peer-to-peer relationships at most.
Actors — The actors and their chemistry are actually shocking. Their acting fits each other so well that I forget most of the time that this is a drama. They portrayed what friends are going thru most of the time, and if you've experienced having a fall-out with your friends and talking again, you would relate to this.
Story — Again, I don't think just because this series has a good amount of budget, doesn't mean you should expected the revenge parts to be The Glory "level" since from the beginning, the camera didn't focus on just one character. It showed the point of view of every character that even the viewers didn't know who the female lead would end up with.
Overall, I love it. It really gives off the "Elite" series vibes from Spain but with a 16+ rating rather than 18+ rating. Maybe this is just a transition for the next season? That's why it isn't that heavy? Neither way, I'm excited for the next possible season cause I am sure that the last episode wasn't the last.
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Disappointing, Boring With Useless Love Triangle
I watched it because of the face card of most of the cast members have and with some expectation for a plot twist. But turns out, with the existing love triangle and unsatisfactory cast for murderer, it's just too boring for me.Kang Ha was the center of the story, who should exposed and taking a revenge for his twin brother's murderer starting with transfer to a prestigious high school. But as the episode goes by, Kang Ha was distracted from his original plan and entangled with a useless love triangle with Jaeyi and Rian.
I hate the way this drama make most of the characters pretending to be adults cuz it's just too dramatic as if they had been living in their 30-40. I hate how arrogant the characters behave too, like how can u act like that with people whose been with u since u were a child? I don't blame Yoon Hera characterization fir acting that way.
Well, besides the lacking, I still love the handsome cast and the stunning cinematography.
I don't regret watching it but if there's season 2, I really hope it can fulfill my expectations.
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an underwhelming attempt at adapting 'elite' for korean audiences
Here's the thing. Different countries are good at portraying different things. I didn't even like Elite, but it knew what it was doing. It knew its audience, it knew its strengths. It didn't shy away from violence, sex, drugs, all that gritty jazz.It's no surprise that Korean TV is subject to more restrictions -- it's a cultural thing, they're just more conservative, and that's not inherently better or worse. But that doesn't mean Korean TV can't have its own strengths. In the context of thrillers, Koreans sure know how to make revenge thrillers, and they know how to portray bullying and all its horrible ramifications. Look at King of Pigs. Look at The Glory. They knew what they were doing. They knew it very well, they were sure of themselves.
And that's why they were good.
This show tries to emulate Elite, but it's ultimately limited by what it can show on the screen considering its target audience. Instead of trading the Spanish flavor for Korean elements, it simply settles for a washed-out, toned-down adaptation of the original show. There is little to no shock factor in this supposed revenge thriller in a supposedly high-stakes setting. The plot is nonexistent, the characters are caricatures, the cast is miscast, and the pacing is nothing short of atrocious. The camera is always trying to find some angle to showcase the prettiness of the actors, and sure, the production, the lighting, it's all very good, but this is not an advertisement for some high-end brand. This is a TV series, and the audience expects something to actually happen. Thousands of pretty shots featuring pretty people staring into space is not adding to the story in any way whatsoever.
I was hoping to see something along the lines of Cheongdam International High School (Bitch x Rich). While that show definitely had its flaws, it also knew how to properly drive a soap opera. BxR was similarly filled with unlikeable characters, but there was a much clearer plot and all the characters had different motives and personalities. It didn't meander or fill the runtime with scenes of pretentious posturing -- there's only so much grandiose walking and emo staring a viewer can take.
A terrible drama that tries to be a teen soap set in the ultra-rich, but completely squanders its potential and wastes its obviously high production value.
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(alt title: "ri an is the fucking prince and everybody except him knows it")I have been waiting for this ever since it was announced (before they even decided a release date) and to say it was underwhelming would be an understatement.
The story lacks any substance and there's just too many loops that my logical af brain just cannot ignore. Like obviously it's a drama so u do expect far fetched and not so practical stuff to happen but there's a limit to it.
The plot is basically set in the background of "Elite", the ml from "Boys over flowers" and everything else is just "Crazy rich asians", and not in a good way.
It's just such a cliche story of poor kid comes to rich kid school, gets bullied, wants to take revenge and then succeeds, except there's a (supposed) murder plot here. A normal person would expect solving the murder and finding clues is the main plot but no it is discussed in the first and last 2 episodes making it a side plot. Now you may think what's the main plot then? I don't think even the writers know the answer cuz they took some ideas from different places and then jumbled them to make *drumroll* - HIERARCHY!!!
Looking at everything u can tell there was quite a bit of money put into this and u r gonna find all the chaebol stuff like mansions, expensive hobbies, cars, millions of caretakers (duh) and a wardrobe change for each hour of the day. Speaking of the wardrobe, please get a better stylist. In what universe do all high schoolers wear tailored suits and formals no matter the occasion or the time of the day. The outfit choices were honestly unaccounted for. It seems like they picked up the prettiest fit, included as many different pieces as they could and called it a day. The writers, directors and costume designers just couldn't decide if the characters are adults or kids smh.
ABOUT THE ACTING: When a person watches something, they're expecting to feel emotions they don't usually have the chance to feel, but here I literally felt zero emotions and trust me I'm pretty emotional. I didn't cry when they cried or when they told their sob story, I didn't laugh either cuz there was nothing funny, I didn't even feel frustrated or angry at hera cuz she just wasn't worth it or important to the plot. The acting wasn't as good as I had expected, mainly because there weren't a lot of emotions being shown throughout. Like legit all of them were smug, cold and aloof at least half the time! There wasn't much to act out so no point in judging the acting, really. The actors are all good tho as we have seen in their other works.
THE CHARACTERS: If u love shitty characters with no depth then this is definitely for u. First off, they couldn't decide on one main lead and then they couldn't give everyone a proper storyline. Woo jin and He ra were literal errand runners here. They had no background no personal storyline or any depth to the character. They wouldn't even qualify as second leads imo. Like just put them in supporting role rather than giving them nothing except the title. Even with the 3 other leads, there wasn't necessarily any growth or depth to them. Half the time we legit didn't know what they were thinking (like there was no "voice in their heads" kinda things) which again pulls down the plot.
THE PRODUCTION: As I said they did put in a lot of money into this with the sets and everything so no wonder it turned out pretty. I did like the camera work, cinematography and sets but I have seen better ngl.
CONCLUSION: All in all this does make an okay one time watch but just go into it with no expectations cuz you'll probably not be shocked with any 'plot twists'. Basically just go watch the rich kids be rich kids.
PS: I really hated how they made it look like those 'rich kids' have all the pressure and problems in the world, like yeah, we get it, everyone has issues in their life but there's no need to overlook their privileges.
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Ngl I read the reviews before watching and dare I say I almost didn't watch it.But here I am, just finished watching the 7 eps and I guess I'm one of the 1% people who liked it lol
I know the storyline was quite circles but besides that, THE BUDGET, THE STYLING, AND THEIR ACTING!!!
The kids wore proper school uniforms which i liked and thank god there were no unnecessary N/C scenes.
I would suggest watch ep 1 and then decide whether to watch it or not. Don't search for answers in reviews as you might have diff opinions about the drama based on your interest.
Lee Chae Min was way too HOT in this. BYE.
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Only the first episodes are enjoyable.
When we found out that "Ri An" is not a murderer the story is going to be complicated also I thought it would be "Jae i " and "Kang Ha" love each other but “Ri An” has ruined itIn the last episodes "jae i" pretended to be an angel helping others like It's like going abroad and never coming back, then this kdrama would be the worst story in kdrama history
The ending was still pretty absurd, unless a season2 makes it better.
Anyways Thanks for the kdrama
Disclaimer: I just said my opinion. Everyone has different opinions.
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its not all part-2 is waiting
its something out of a box for k-dramas I think this is fabulous I love these twisted stories just wait until you get a new season and more cast to it its gonna rock trust me just like ELITE so I kinda know the story but still this got the potential and the Kang ha omg he made it swoon worthy. THE MUSIC OOMG!!!!! "holler time" & "shrine" well produced.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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it's not so bad, it's not groundbreaking either
I recently finished watching "Hierarchy" on Netflix, diving in without even seeing the trailer. Just from the poster, I had a feeling it would be the Korean answer to shows like "Gossip Girl," "Elite," and "Pretty Little Liars." After watching, my initial impression held true. The plot was fairly predictable, and the twists didn’t really surprise me.Set in Jooshin High School, the most prestigious institution in South Korea, the series revolves around students chosen from birth to attend. These students include Jeong Jae Yi, the eldest daughter of the Jaeyool Group, Kim Ri An, the heir to the Jooshin Group, Yoon He Ra, the youngest daughter of an international trading company, and Lee Woo Jin, the second son of a powerful politician. In stark contrast, the poor students, though wise and cheerful, face a different reality.
The story kicks off with Kang Ha transferring to Jooshin High School, bringing with him a secret that threatens to unravel the entire establishment. As expected in high school/teen suspense dramas, the rich students bully the poorer ones, with the administration turning a blind eye to their misdeeds. We also see the pressures these privileged kids face: maintaining family reputations, inheriting businesses, and dealing with envy.
While the storyline wasn't disappointing, it wasn't particularly outstanding either. The series felt like it was trying too hard at times, and the storytelling wasn’t as seamless as it could have been.
On the positive side, the production quality was top-notch. The show looked incredibly expensive, with meticulously designed sets and costumes. The cinematography was stunning, with each shot looking cinematic and the colour grading flawless. The background music was catchy and perfectly conveyed the emotions of each scene.
Overall, "Hierarchy" is a decent watch. It’s a good time-pass drama that’s bearable but somewhat below average. If you’re a fan of western teen dramas like "Elite," you might enjoy it—just don’t go in with high expectations.
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