A Heartwarming Love Story In Tokyo...
30sai made Dotei dato Mahotsukai ni Narerurashii is one of those dramas which will probably be avoided by most mainstream drama watchers from its surreal , seemingly unrealistic and “ sexual “ concept of a 30 year-old businessman, Adachi Kiyoshi ( Akaso Eiji)who can suddenly hear other people’s thoughts simply because he has never lost his virginity.Yet against all odds of its bizarre premise, 30sai made Dotei dato Mahotsukai ni Narerurashii’s greatest strength was representing the relationship of our two main characters- not simply because they are a part of a “ same-sex pairing ”, but as flawed and independent individuals in their own right (something which only a minority of recent and contemporary romance dramas have been able to portray in the same manner of depth) .
Akaso Eiji was undeniably brilliant within channeling the meek- mannered Adachi, who is naturally perturbed after receiving his new abilities by being able to read the thoughts of anyone he makes contact with . To make the scenario worse for Adachi , he is surprised to discover that his popular male colleague Kurosawa Yuichi ( Machida Keita) has been harbouring complicated romantic feelings towards him for a long time.
Initially Adachi is hesitant to help out Kurosawa at work or grow close to him. Yet as Adachi reads more about Kurosawa’s thoughts and feelings both towards him and as an individual , viewers actually get to see in the process Adachi making sense of his own feelings towards Kurosawa as well. In one particular scene, viewers learn that a lot of Adachi’s problems with wanting to start a relationship with Kurosawa aren’t entirely homophobic, but a consequence of self-esteem and confidence from his past. It is only when Adachi is actually able to start respecting himself ( an important stage in any relationship) that he is able to start falling in love with Kurosawa also.
On the other hand, this also moves us on to one of the biggest flaws of the drama ; its inability to capture actual attitudes and thoughts of Japanese society towards the LGBT community in Japan. Whilst it can be said that not every drama should always be a political and radical message towards society, there’s no lies within saying that Japan has always had a complicated relationship with LGBT rights. Although undeniably a lot more progressive and liberal than some countries in the world and a lot more than the past, there’s no sugarcoating that open- homosexuality or being in a same sex relationship is still sometimes a cause of shame and prejudice amongst some members of Japanese society.
For a drama which specifically tackles these difficulties, it felt a bit out of place not to openly cover some of these pressures and expectations such as in Adachi and Kurosawa’s workplace upon their sexuality and the forced image of “ manliness” often imposed upon men of all cultures as a consequence. This is a flaw which could have easily been shown in the drama and therefore meant that 30sai made Dotei dato Mahotsukai ni Narerurashii was lacking in some genuine and realistic approaches to homosexual relationships in Japan.
On the other hand, my biggest praise must be given to the scriptwriters Yoshida Erika and Okazaki Satoko within the manner in which Adachi’s feelings and attitudes are portrayed. Although he comes to grow accustomed to his own feelings being more than platonic for Kurosawa , it was finally refreshing to see a case where Adachi as a romantic lead is not suddenly head over heels for Kurosawa either. Adachi is finally shown as a protagonist who learns to develop his relationship with Kurosawa over the whole course of the series as a slow and gradual process, rather than a sudden rush for them to suddenly hook up at the ending of the drama.
In a similar manner, Machida Keita was equally brilliant as Akaso’s costar within his role as Kurosawa. Although initially portrayed as overly extroverted and a little too optimistic at times within the drama, there’s no denying that Kurosawa’s reasons for liking Adachi do follow some typical romantic cliches. On the other hand, Adachi’s abilities reveal that Kurosawa is very thoughtful and respectful of some boundaries within their relationship as well as his own feelings towards Adachi not getting too out- of -line. As opposites within their progressive and complicated relationship, Kurosawa and Adachi’s connection isn’t overly presented with beyond salvation cliches nor is it an easy ride; it is more a case that both characters learn to walk through their differences as individuals.
Our side couple, partial- hikikomori ( shut-in ) Tsuge Masato ( portrayed unrecognisably by Asaka Kodai ) and cheerful delivery boy Wataya Minato (played by Goto Yutaro ) was a complicated portrayal for viewers to say the least.
Undeniably both Kodai and Yutaro were just as brilliant as our main actors within their roles, but both their characters respectfully in the beginning of the drama felt a little too much like our main characters within their roles of the “ less confident” and “ socially awkward” guy and the “ popular social butterfly”. Yet perhaps my one note of praise for their relationship comes later in the show , where a sincere revelation by Minato, opens up Masato’s tightly-closed shell and his own feelings as well. On the other hand at this point in the drama, there is sadly also little time to actually focus upon the same depth of their relationship as our main leads, making their progression seem a little too rushed and consequently lacking in the same emotional investment.
Overall there is no denying that although there are several flaws with some characters , cliches and avoiding certain area topics (such as some general attitudes by Japan towards homosexuality), 30sai made Dotei dato Mahotsukai ni Narerurashii is a surprisingly progressive and heartwarming Tokyo romance, portrayed by a brilliant cast, as well as the focus upon the two leading characters as individuals, rather than mere plot devices as well. Definitely a drama watching.
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Adachi does not see much value in himself. He compliments and admires other characters' traits he himself also has. He is smart, nice, polite and hardworking, but if you asked him, he would deny it. With his newly discovered magic powers of reading minds (who knew getting bitten by a radioactive spider is outdated, and staying a virgin is a new way of gaining that superhero title), he slowly, but steadily starts to see how others view him as a worker, friend, or love interest. It’s quite interesting to see how, only by internally being faced with others unfiltered thoughts, Adachi gains the courage and confidence.
Kurosawa, damn boi. The wrinkles killed me. You are reading a review written by a ghost. That smile could stop a war. Not gonna lie though, I did find him creepy at first. But when you accept the fact we also say a lot of over the top and weird shit in our minds, to never be spoken out loud, he is kind of relatable. I truly appreciated how, even though he truly liked Adachi, he didn’t want to force anything on him. He was fine with just being his friend and supporting him. He also struggled with some internal issues that are a focus of one episode. Thanks to that, we can see him in a different light, that makes him that more charming.
I wasn’t crazy about the 2nd couple. Wataya Minato looks 16 at best and Tsuge Masato looks older than any other character (though we know he is 30). The comical and over the top behavior just didn’t click right with me. Not to say Asaka Kodai is a bad actor, he aced that over the top act. It’s just not something that I enjoy in shows.
The acting overall was top notch. Akaso Eiji truly portrayed the confused and low self esteem Adachi well, and love was literally radiating from my screen every time Machida Keita showed up. His facial expressions were so on point, I had to rewatch many scenes, just because I was so amazed by his skill.
The show itself is more than just a rom-com. It touches on issues like self love and self esteem, prejudices, standards forced by society that some might not want to follow and the idea of following and giving up on your dreams.
Why not 10? I have to say, the last episode was quite disappointing. I felt like the events that happened in episode 11 were barely addressed, the explanations given were just easy ways out of the complex situation. Not to mention the last scene, that should just not exist in the first place. It just showed the limits of what actors could have done, set either by themselves or their agencies.
Overall, it was an extremely good watch. I went crazy over Kurosawa because he is the best boi on the planet and I would fight anyone on that. No doubt I will rewatch the series (I’m writing it as if I haven’t rewatch all the eps every week already) and enjoy everyone’s performance.
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Heavy on sweetness, light on substance
Given that the entire series will only take up about five hours of your life, and there is far more good about it than bad for those looking for a feel-good romantic comedy between same-sex leads, I highly recommend giving it a shot. The ending is also mostly satisfying, but there were a few things I ended up feeling disappointed about as a whole.I definitely didn't expect much realism when I started this, but aside from early in the drama when Adachi first discovers his ability, he doesn't ever overhear much that is particularly negative or hurtful, whether it be from a co-worker, best friend, or boyfriend - even at times when his own behavior is confusing or hurtful. I have a strong preference for fluff, and I haven't enjoyed it when other fictional media has gone too far the other way (because that's too cynical for me), but mind reading would definitely be a double-edged sword, so I found this to be a minor annoyance. Not enough in itself to lower my score, but I think that allowing other characters to have more varied, unpredictable thoughts would have actually made it more enjoyable, as it would have added more depth to the characters.
As the love interest in a josei drama, it didn't surprise me that Kurosawa, in addition to being considered exceptionally handsome, is also nearly perfect in every other way. However, it is strange to me that, given his good looks, intelligence, and charming personality, no one in his past ever managed to explain what they liked about him besides his looks. Obviously, there are many reasons to like him that have nothing to do with his looks. A couple of his superiors at work saying that he has nothing going for him other than his looks behind his back in a flashback doesn't carry much weight when he's regularly praised for his superior work by the majority of his colleagues, does it? His complex about people only liking him for his looks just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
I'd much prefer to have had a little more time spent delving into the main characters' backgrounds and their reasons for having such low self-esteem than have had the side romance of Tsuge and Minato. While Adachi occasionally had comical overreactions, that was like 80% of Tsuge's role in the drama. For me, it was just annoying rather than funny. I also found his dynamic with Minato mostly off-putting, so I'd have liked it better if Tsuge had been relegated to an advisor/counselor role for when Adachi needed to talk things out. (Granted, that would have prevented Adachi from personally knowing someone else with the same ability, but I think there are other ways of getting to the same conclusion without that.)
Additionally, if I'm really remembering correctly - Tsuge and Minato have an actual on-screen kiss (as extremely chaste as it may have been), but we don't even get that for the main couple? And also, Adachi and Kurosawa essentially get engaged without (1) having ever kissed, and (2) without going on their 'official' date? The pacing of their relationship was just weird for me. And if there could only be one on-screen kiss for whatever reason, it should have been between them. Don't get me wrong, I didn't expect too much in the way of physical intimacy, and I'm fine with that, but I did think they'd have at least a chaste on-screen kiss given that the subject matter (a romance between two men) is unambiguous.
But all of that said - there is so much that does work for me about this drama. In addition to being adorable and funny, it is also refreshingly absent of sexually predatory behavior, which in my experience is prevalent in BL media. Although I wouldn't have minded to see more variation in Kurosawa's thoughts, particularly as they pertained to Adachi (did he even think about anything else?), I was so, so glad that every time his actions or thoughts moved into jealous and possessive territory, Kurosawa was able to pull himself back and behave appropriately. I get that this is setting a low bar, but considering the genre, it does get a lot of credit from me for not ever going there.
Overall, the characters are likeable and enjoyable to watch, even if there's not much depth. Adachi and Kurosawa are an endearing couple, and the focus is the comedy and the fluff, so that's fine. Their co-workers are sweet and supportive. I particularly enjoyed Fujisaki; she is so lovely, and I appreciate that her asexuality is not presented as a defect whatsoever. I think the actors were all well-suited for their roles and performed well, even if no one in particular stood out to me as being exceptionally good.
This was an enjoyable drama and I'm glad I watched it, but it's also somewhat mediocre and forgettable for me. If I knew more about the main characters and their lives, maybe I would have been more invested.
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This review will be much too long but CM was just so good
Now that I'm done I don't feel ready to write a review. My thoughts are still all over the place. But I want to write it while my memories are still fresh so here we go.Short version because no one will read the long one: It was great. I joined the fun at episode 7 and for every new episode from then on, every Thursday evening I bought tons of snacks and then celebrated and indulged in the new episode with all my heart. For a few days or weeks it really lifted me up, kept me going and made my days bright in a time where I didn't have many happy moments in my life. I will be thankful for this drama for a long time. Kurosawa and Adachi were such a sweet and heartwarming couple. Today I ordered some printed photos of those two that I will stuck to my wall like the hopeless fangirl I am T_T
Long version: Okay so where do I start. I normally never re-watch anything. If there is a super great series, once every two years or so, I maybe re-watch something once or twice tops. This drama? At six times I stopped counting lol.
I don't think I have to add more about the acting. Machidas acting skills almost seemed too good to be true for such a small niche production. And Akaso is newer to acting but he did a great job as well. He managed to portray Adachis awkward moments just as well as his braver sides.
The soundtrack wasn't anything outstanding (well, the angel choir... lol), however I loved the opening and ending songs so much. They were a perfect fit for the atmosphere of the show. I listened to them each *checks last.fm* over 240 times since I started the show.
Now to the story and the characterization, which can't really be looked at seperatly in CM's case, since the plot is so character-driven.
The story overall progressed very well. Especially the first seven episodes where perfect in balancing pacing, tension, fun and serious moments, successes and failures. There were some cliche plot points you see often in BL but if executed well, don't we love most of them anyways? In its basic premise the show isn't doing anything exceptional, but the magic aspect was woven into the story perfectly and everything was well crafted with a lot of thoughts going into every detail.
After episode seven they are technically together which is a dangerous moment for every romance story, since the tension always stems from the question: How and when are they finally going to get together? After this question gets answered I usually lose interest. Scriptwriters often tend to throw in some random relationship problems then, which sometimes works but often doesn't. In CM too this effect is noticable a little bit - the big tension is gone. But thanks to our main couple the episodes stay enjoyable, and very much so. Adachi is still struggeling with his insecurity, the problem with his magic is not yet solved and we're blessed with tons of cute moments. Watching Kurosawa in love is pure therapy. He is so giddy and happy and basically radiates warmth and happiness through you're screen right in your face.
In the last two episodes the show also decides to drop the bomb, so just when one might get too relaxed the show takes the audience on one last wild ride and proves, apart from fluff and cuteness it also can do heavy and intense moments. For some this last turn in the plot worked better than for others. It's true that the last episode is a little rushed and doesn't get deep enough. In episode 11 Adachi has an extreme personal crisis and everything seems lost. But then in episode 12 it is wrapped up relatively quickly in a way we already saw in some previous episodes so the effect wasn't as strong anymore. But it still worked for me. Adachi scrambling his courage together after retreating into his shell for a few days and Kurosawa being so fond of Adachi to understand him completely and forgiving him quickly fits their characterizations very well after all.
Overall I found the ending super cute and satisfying. But I do admit that they could have make it just a tad better with maybe some more time and giving more depth to Adachi's inner conflict.
Maybe a short comment explicitly about the heart of the story, their relationship. Another reason why CM is so beloved is because it makes its audience happy and smiling like idiots on their screens just by seeing those two guys together. The relationship is super cute and absolutely non-toxic. There is a lot of stress on the healthy communication between them, talking about their needs, true feelings and problems that come up. Kurosawa treasures Adachi with all his heart and Adachi fights his insecurities for Kurosawa in turn. The show also tries to be respectful to the LGBT+ community. One side character is portrayed as not being interested in relationships, which was such a great representation as well. I will however say since I'm not myself part of the LGBT+ community I won't attempt to judge if they completely managed to be respectful. There was criticism that the show shied away from labeling itself as BL and from showing more explicit contact between the leads because they tried to appeal to a broad audience that might still have problems with that, which seems a fair critizism.
For the most part this is not a series attempting to portray a realistic relationship. I personally was completely satisfied with the amount of teasing, intimacy and skinship but I admit that a shown kiss would have been a nice-to-have even though I'm not sure if it would have fitted in the pacing of the last episode. At the end, even being non-explicit the two actors created a chemistry and intimacy that is hard to match.
For the end I'll shortly go into the weaknesses of the drama. This show is an easy 10/10 for me but of course like no drama, this one is not perfect as well. I personally didn't like the second couple that much. Adachi's friend Tsuge was somewhat likable but too over the top at many points. His weird noises and this one time where he had stalkerish tendencies made it uncomfortable for me to watch some of his scenes. His later boyfriend is cute but there is not enough depth to his character to make the whole thing work. Funny enough, I still ended up being fond of them at the end but they were definitly nothing great.
Then there is the discussion around the last episode that I already wrote about. I still would give this episode around 9/10 points? But I admit that I probably watched it through rose-colored glasses just because I'm always overwhelmed with Adachi's cuteness and Kurosawa's smile lol.
And ... this is already all the critizism I can think of. Overall the show was super satisfing and just wonderful. It is extremely rare if not unpreceded that a show made me feel so many things.
This is already much too long and I still feel that I didn't even get into the details yet. So for the end, just a few words what this show meant for me personally.
I used to be super insecure and thought lowly of myself, just like Adachi. While I overcame much of it during the past years, there are still parts that I have to work on and where I can see myself in Adachi. Thinking things like: "That's not something 'people like me' can do." Being envious of people who actually have dreams because "I'm just living in a daze".
It was very comforting hearing Kurosawas warm and supportive words to Adachi every time, it was heartwarming to see his unwavering love for Adachi and his determined, unchanging reassurance. It was inspiring and encouraging to see Adachi grow thanks to him, to have him overcome his fears and starting to take the initiative and to communicate because it became so important to him to make the relationship work and Kurosawa happy. I really hope I can take something from this for my future. I think I grew a little bit myself thanks to Cherry Magic. It was a wonderful journey and you can bet I will re-watch this show many times more.
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So this bl is the most beautiful and well written and WELL ACTED BL I'VE EVER SEEN. I don't care about scenes in specific (if you watched the end you know what im talking about). The actors were perfectly casted, and the script was sooo good. I hope we get another season just to show the struggles that would come along after the first season. What is also surprising to me is how well developed the characters are in such a little amount of time. What's more surprising is how some bls can't do the same thing which said 45 minutes slot. Anyways, i hope We get to see more of the actors. Great work from everyone.Im emotional omg
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Cute & Impactful
If you're looking for a sweet BL with deeper content, or just honestly a cute BL, this is for you.The premise itself is pretty self-explanatory, but the storyline focuses on Adachi who leads his life afraid to say no or get into uncomfortable situations. Adachi is our resident anti-social and anxious ball of fluff. He tends to focus on people's outer appearance and blames himself for not being better or more put together. When a co-worker jokes with him about thirty year old virgins becoming magic users, he of course laughs it off. Then we have Kurosawa, who on the outside world views as perfect and Adachi looks at him with something akin to respect and an almost bitterness. This is their love and learning story. Thus enters the "Cherry Magic" which allows Adachi to hear the thoughts of those he touches. Through this, he finds out Kurosawa is in love with him, and so begins the ridiculous adventures of the magic.
This is honestly such a wholesome drama/bl. It's not a super skinshippy BL, but the love that Kurosawa has for Adachi is so pure and the romance in it is adorable. CM portrays the journey to self love beautifully, and I loved the lack of "evil" characters in this as it was so unneeded. We get a side couple and some lovely secondary characters who help move the storyline/character development along. I would have loved this to be longer as each twenty minute episode felt quite short, but this was definitely quality over quantity. The OST is cute, and the acting is wonderful. The latter is really what pulled this drama together as the two mains and secondary couple had to convey chemistry without lots of intimate touches. There are sweet looks, intense ones, and the small moments peppered throughout were an all around pleasure to watch.
All in all, a cute drama with nice meaning behind it. I would highly recommend to any BL lover, and honestly even if you're just looking for a sweet but involved drama to watch.
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I dived into this with zero expectations. I remember back in October when I saw this drama trending on MDL. First look at the poster and I was like no this seems odd, but curiosity got the best out of me and turns out clicking the play button for this drama was the best decision of my life.
Cherry magic has given me so much. I can't exaggerate enough how much I love this drama. It will make you go through a rollercoaster of emotions!
The chemistry between the leads was phenomenal. I have a background of watching Thai bls. So when I say phenomenal I mean it. Everything interaction between them felt oh so pure, there was not even a single moment where I felt uneasy watching them. The way they communicated with just their facial expressions and body language was just out of this world! Even the simplest gesture of holding hands had my emotions going haywire. This show portrayed a healthy relationship in the history of the many bls that I've watched. There is no toxicity whatsoever involved. Even the supporting characters have done a very great job.
The realistic setting that they created is one of the reasons why I love this drama. The focus of this show is on pure emotions. The fluff, comedy acts as a cherry on top. This is easily one of the best rom-com of all time with a well-executed plot and no unnecessary fillers.
All the characters in this drama play a very important part. It is very easy to connect and understand these characters as they are portrayed in a very real way. Being a shy and introverted person myself, there were numerous moments where I could find myself relating to Adachi. Besides, the character development of Adachi was the best thing I have ever watched.
The OP and ED songs made from the lead's standpoint hits close to home. Please do check out the lyrics for the songs, it's bound to make you feel emotional.
'You know? Your frolicking smile is so dear to me
Since I fell in love, my days have been and will always be precious'~DEEP SQUAD "Good Love Your Love"
'cause rather than being hurt, what I fear more is you and I not understanding each other ~Omoinotake / 産声
Kudos to the screenwriters/director for creating a perfect balance between magic and reality in the story, and to the whole crew who worked behind the scenes to create this masterpiece.
This show has such high rewatch value that I can't even explain how many times re-watched each episode. The interesting part is that every time I rewatch, I tend to find new details I've missed before. This drama is truly a treasure for me.
Now that it is over, I'm really sad that my Thursdays are no longer going to be as exciting, but those who haven't watched yet, or are considering, please do give it a try. I can assure you this will put a big smile on your face and will make you feel really happy.
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Cherry Magic has the charm to capture you right from the start.
If you're looking for a 100% PURE romantic comedy BL drama, then, I TOTALLY recommend this one, 30sai made dotei dato mahoutsukai ni narerurashii also known as Cherry Magic! I also highly recommend this to people who are new to the genre of BL. It's light and fluffy, it will hook you right at the start. But if you're one to look for some mature scenes and explicit content, then I'd say you better not expect too much.Cherry Magic has this charm that will capture you right from the start. This drama is a light hearted story that focuses on how you face people and that there is more to a person than what they show you and what you actually see. It is full of kindness and overflowing love between the characters that you can't help yourself but to cheer for them. I never write a review for something but this drama made me, so this will be a first for me to write a review. Because I love this drama so much, it made me do things that I usually don't do. Like for example, I always wait for a series to finish, be it anime or live action drama, but when I tried watching the first episode of this, I can't help but continue it to the next episode! It's like a spell was cast on me. Waiting every week may be hard and torturing, but its also worthwhile since I got to enjoy this feeling with other fans.
Allow me to discuss some points about this drama,
The story was so well written that it gave depth not only to the story but also to the characters. Some changes were made from the original source, but they wrote it in a way that it will not stray away too much from the original manga. The balance between comedy, romance, fluff and drama, is just good enough you will not feel frustrated for any long term angst.
I haven't actually watched that many BL dramas, but I can definitely say that Cherry Magic has the perfect casting. The chemistry between the main leads, Machida Keita and Akaso Eiji, are so good and natural that they really gave life to the characters, Kurosawa and Adachi, respectively. Their interactions were not strained and you can totally feel like the actors merged with the characters themselves, they portrayed it perfectly. On/off cam, their chemistry is really great you couldn't tell if they are still in character or not. It's like they were destined to play these roles. You can also notice that they enjoy their roles too much that's why they made a perfect performance in the drama. Not only the main leads, but also the supporting cast as well, were all good you'd also want to see their development in the story.
What is really good about the music is that, they are written based on the point of views of the main leads. The opening theme, "Ubugoe", was written from Adachi's POV, while the ending theme, "Good Love, Your Love", was written from Kurosawa's POV. The message on both songs is really good, you'll really relate it to the two of them. Also, the BGM! The composition of the BGM is really good to listen to. They really create the atmosphere in the drama.
The rewatch value of this drama is totally high for me. I've already lost count on how many times I've watched Cherry Magic. During its airing period on its release time, I just can't help but rewatch it immediately again and again. I just can't get tired of it and it's hard to get over with.
To sum it all up, this drama, Cherry Magic, is worth the watch. You will just love everything in it!
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refreshing and cute
Do you hear that scream? yes, that was me screaming and squealing and it has been only 3 episodes. Am I overreacting? NO. It is THAT good. I have watched my fair share of Japanese live-action BLs and I have always admired them as they just have a different atmosphere from other BLs. They don't overuse sound effects and the camerawork is commendable.I have really high hopes for this series.
The theme is really unique and easy to follow. The story is about a 30-year-old virgin who can hear other people's thoughts by touch and one day discovers that his co-worker has a crush on him.
I like how the thoughts of the co-worker are all so appropriate and humble. He sounds so whipped for the main lead but yet so respectful. I am looking forward to learning how he exactly fell in love and what will happen if he finds out that the main lead can hear his thoughts.
So much avenue for story development. I am really excited for the coming episodes.
Honestly, each scene, each dialogue is so well executed. The microexpressions of the main leads, the chemistry, the pacing, the visuals, I have yet to find anything lacking.
Even the second leads seem to be getting their own side story and I look forward to how both the stories will develop. I am a little skeptical about the side story as it revolves around the same theme, Hopefully, it will stand out and not just become filler material.
The actors are just all stunning. The dynamics, the portrayal of their characters, I have seen the manga and they could not have chosen a better cast for this BL.
There are 2 songs(intro and outro) till now and both are really good. Already added to my playlist.
Rewatch value:
3 episodes and I have rewatched them around 2 times already.
I'm gonna go wait in the corner and cry until the next episode comes out.
okay, so I finished it today. I am a little disappointed, hence I changed my rating from a 9.5 to 9. I think the ending episodes just became a little bland, to put it more clearly, it was like really good food but not a lot of salt so I would still eat it but its not something that I will remember the next day. This is only the last few episodes though.
I know there are a few Japanese BLs and I'm really happy that they are starting to produce more BLs, and I LOVED IT DON'T GET ME WRONG ...BUT.. we didn't even get one kiss..just the subtle hint that they kissed. The drama was less: there was the cliche break up then get back together scene; the second leads all but disappeared during the last few episodes. Except for this, I think they did a solid job. Maybe I'm just thirsty lol.
side note: I wish they did more with the whole 'reading minds' thing.
I stand by what I said in my previous(above) review. I still enjoyed the series. Both the characters were loveable, and as a couple, they had great chemistry. A very mature and adorable slice of life series with a hint of magic. The character development is admirable and the relationship is healthy with no toxicity at all. The actors did such a great job and they are sooo gorgeous to look at too.
side note: one of the main cast is also in a new show called "Alice in borderland". He did such a great job there. Check it out if you want.
I would recommend watching it. Don't get your hopes up for a kiss scene or anything but the hugs are cute and the story is light and funny. The character development is satisfying and by the end, I assure you, you will find yourself smiling from ear to ear.
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A Cherry Christmas!
Cherry Magic has that magic to unite all BL fans to swoon over Kurosawa and Adachi's relationship. Not going to lie, I too fell into that booby trap. I've gone into the show expecting myself not to get obsessed over it. However, I was proven wrong and head over heels on this show.The show's idea is straightforward. The show started with Adachi who received a birthday gift on his 30th birthday to read other people's mind when there's physical contact with others. Adachi wasn't used to this lifestyle and one fine day, he came into contact with Kurosawa in the elevator and found out Kurosawa's seven years of s̶i̶m̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ crushing on him. Therefore, the adventure begins, and Kurodachi was born.
So what do I love about this? Firstly, the show has presented such a sweet relationship between Kurosawa and Adachi. Every interaction the two had left me screaming as I was watching it because they're so adorable? And patient with each other? And communicate when they have conflicts? And they've seen each other at their absolute worsts? Count me in. I love that their relationship in this show brings out the best of both Kurosawa and Adachi. It doesn't change their personality; it makes them stronger, more confident and helps them be the best versions of themselves. They were already good. Love just made them realize it. I also thought it's refreshing since there isn't any talk about sexual orientation and stuff; it's only two people falling love which turns out to be two men. We need more love stories like this!
However, there are no shows without flaws, and I have to point them out.
The 2nd couple was very odd. While I like the two characters individually, their relationship didn't stand out to me. Their relationship progression leaves a strange taste in my mouth, especially with them doing it RIGHT AFTER they got into a relationship. Sadly, I wasn't emotionally attached to them compared to the main couple.
The last episode also fell short. I am not a fan of the breaking up at Episode 11 and reuniting in Episode 12 (the last one, excluding the extras). It's just a plot device so overly used in romance stories. I agree that the conflict has to be brought up in the 2nd last episode but to be immediately settled in the last episode? The conflict was resolved way too quick for me. The sudden outburst from Adachi and my boy Kurosawa tearing up to make up in the last episode as if nothing has happened previously doesn't sit right with me. Also, Adachi's rapid change of mind to do it immediately do it with Kurosawa felt OOC for me. I had unanswered questions about why he wanted to do it. I thought the show should have more episodes because the conflict resolvent was very unrealistic for me. I wasn't sure if Adachi wants to lose it because he was ready or he wants to give up his magic to live an ordinary life with Kurosawa because he feels like he's too dependent on his powers. Even though I like the ending, I just wished that the show could have been dragged on a little longer. Hence, I couldn't give the story a 10.
So, why did I still give a 10 in overall? Well, this is a show I've been begging my friends to watch it. I loved the first 10 episodes, and I kept rewatching it because I love the relationship here. I was just so touched, and as an ace, this is such a great representation. If I don't give this a 10, it will break my heart. In conclusion, this is a wholesome drama that every BL lovers to watch. I will always question how a story of 30-year-old working adults brings me more joy compared to teenager's first love stories.
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Heartwarming, Wholesome Japanese BL Masterpiece!
If you are looking for a fluffy, lighthearted, romantic comedy, then this show is for you! The leads Adachi and Kurosawa are both mesmerizing characters that will surely charm anyone who watches them, given of course that you’re into cuteness and wholesome characters.The out-of-this-world plot allows the writers to maximize their creativity, thus creating funny scenes. One of my favorite parts of the show was when Adachi was able to read the minds of anyone he touched, and thus, he was able to truly understand them. Because of it, he unintentionally touches their hearts and inspires them to be better individuals, it also gives him the opportunity to gain confidence and break out from his shell.
The chemistry between the main leads and it’s dynamic with the whole cast is incredible! Both Akaso Eiji and Machida Keita are perfectly cast as Adachi and Kurosawa, their acting is spot-on as if the characters came out of the manga.
The overall tone of the series is overflowing with positivity. In addition to that, it is also full of heartwarming realizations and interactions in each character. It is one of those shows that doesn’t have any villains. Everyone is likable! Not to mention, you might be able to see yourself in some of the characters, which makes them human and relatable.
The pace of the series is a little bit slow. However, I think they did it for the viewers to appreciate every scene and every detail, especially the character’s emotions. After all, the show is about what’s inside the person’s heart and soul. Speaking of every detail, did I mention that the office setting and even Adachi and Kurosawa's room are very intricately designed? The production really spends their time perfecting everything up to the tiniest details. Even the cinematography was spectacular!
Overall, it is the best Japanese BL at the moment. The manga title “Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!” might bring a negative impression to some people, but just like one of the messages of the show itself, "Do not judge the book by its cover", because the series is more than what meets the eye.
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best BL show yet
This show has one of the BEST STORY LINE (other being life: love on the line). The story line and the acting’s bd just the over all production of this show is top notch. This show is worth the watch, there isn’t any toxicity. It just gives you office love story that makes you feel all cute Bc the main leads are just so cute.The story processes really well and like I literally can’t wait to watch the new episodes every week. This show normalizes being attracted to the same gender and accepting it without making the show and relationship toxic! It also doesn’t make it overall cringey, it’s just so cute.
The chemistry between the leads are so cute and natural. Like it makes you feel like you are going through with the progressing of the relationship with them. What I mean is when Kurosawa does something cute for Adachi, you feel what adachi feels or vice versa (not really good at explaining what I mean, but if you watch it, you’ll feel it). The production of this show is also really great!! The actors and actresses are great. The intro and outro is also super cute.
I usually prefer Japanese/Taiwanese BL over the others because they make it seem okay to be you. They don’t make the storyline too toxic, makes it seem realistic, shows the struggles and the outcome so beautifully. I am not saying other BLs aren’t like that, I just prefer less toxic and cringy things and Japanese and Taiwanese drama seems to be in my taste.
Also if you want a break from Thai BLs, I strongly recommend this drama and Life~ love on the line. These dramas feels more realistic, doesn’t sexualize relationship toxicity (yes sometimes we like that but sometimes it’s just over done too much, you feel me). I am really bad with wording things so I don’t really know how to explain what I mean by “break from Thai bls”. Please don’t take it personally, I don’t mean it in a bad way.
ps. I came to see how long I needed to watch until the new episode comes out, so I could change my vpn to Philippines WeTV (Tencent video) and watch it. Why you ask? BC I can’t wait 1 more day for it to come out on other places WHEN I CAN WATCH IT AS SOON AS IT COMES ON JAPAN. lol. So yea that’s why I came and there was 1 hour left so I decided to write his review.
hope this helps anyone, again I am not good with words and explaining anything but I tried Bc I love this show. Hehe
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