I love it
But there are just way too many idiots and selfish characters in this drama. My goodness. The FL has zero impulse control, which makes me wonder who hired her for a law enforcement job because those people need to be fired and blacklisted. 6 episodes in and the idiocy of some of the residents is almost unbearable. Seriously, how stupid can a person be?! This drama is pretty much a reflection of what some countries are dealing with in regards to idiots and the covid-19 pandemic. Many people are only concerned about themselves, what they want, and couldn’t care less about the next person. Like the resident rep, some people are more concerned with maintaining their status than being an actual good person. Like the lawyer, some are more concerned with making money than breathing. Like, seriously! People are turning into zombies. What is he going to spend money on? This may be the end of the world as he knows it but I guess he gotta make that paper! Smh. The vlogger, omg, the vlogger. What a selfish little brat. That man is such a bum. Don’t even get me started on the doctor. That man is the scum of the scum of the earth. All of that being said, I am hooked on this drama. It’s action packed and the storyline keeps me on my toes. I love it but many of the characters are insufferable. Had I been in this situation and witnessed all of those brats, I would have escaped with the only other 3-4 people with half a sense and let the zombies take the rest of those idiots.Post completion edit: Every episode, my eyes were wide open! 10/10 superb drama. Very well written and produced.
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This drama giving us so much emotion and excitement in every episodes. The actors and actresses give us the best performance. But what made me love this drama so much is the life lesson in each of characters and life. Happiness is one of the most important factor in our life specially in todays world and time. What is Happiness? What is it something that will make us happy? House, things, money or relationship. This drama will make you realize that.Also, humans are the scariest. That's the reality we need to accept.
Park Hyun Sik and Han Hyo Joo love team made the drama a 100% lovable. "It's not the house. It's the person you are with". I love them so much and we want season 2 with happy ending!
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A Hard Way to Find One's Happiness
Yihyun and Saebom found love in a hard situation. Their first meeting on rooftop, the lockdown, and when they have to handle the infected. Taeseok, on the other hand, are fighting for his source of happiness. I would say the story is so neatly written and as a watcher, we get to know all the residents deeper in every episode. It felt like we also live in the apartment with them. Sure, several characters were not explained clearly like Saebom's colleague at the beginning, Yihyun's colleague that live with him during lockdown, the grandma of the unemployed YouTuber, and the clerk girl near the end of the story. The pacing seems a little faster in the last episode compared to the earliest ones. Nevertheless, all the main points were highlighted. This story is about Yihyun, Saebom, and Taeseok after all. A really good drama with full of suspense, thrill, and a sprinkle of romance.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Happiness but not a happy drama, but I'm not complaining.
Unlike the title, this drama isn't about happiness but the struggle to survive an outbreak. At first I thought it was quite boring, the first few minutes didn't really intrigue me much. But as the drama progresses, I see so much intense scenes and thrilling moments. I had a lot of jump scares in between, I don't know, maybe because I became weak hearted lol. I also like how both the leads were strong and independent on their own, specially because I know none of them will be like "nO jUsT LeAvE mE aLoNe I'm GoNnA dIE aNyWaY", in short, I really like their strong character. The other characters too were interesting, which makes me feel annoyed toward towards them like most of the time. The actors did great in their respective roles. However, I feel like the ending was too short to my liking or because I didn't get to see how others were doing. Overall, it was a good watch and would really love to see the season 2 if there would be one.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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the good
+1 for the FL❣
+0.5 for the ML
+ 0.5 for the romance as I say non rom genres have the best roms
+ 0.5 for the "good" tenants
+ 0.5 for the greedy petty thieves last scene 😂
the bad
-1 this wasn't much of a zampires apocalypse. this was sweet home meets zampires meets squid game meets penthouse...
-0.5 too long
-1 too many crazy people
-1 the add for the serial killer ;/
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Happiness in a sarcastic way
Happiness od pierwszego odcinka była czymś wyjątkowym, czymś nowym i świeżym. Cały pomysł na plot bardzo mi się podobał i akcja przeprowadzona została wartko i przyjemnie. Szczerze mówiąc, zawiodłam się na głównym wątku romantycznym, który lekko mówiąc przepadł na tle trwającej akcji. Do samego końca jednak uważam, że Saebeom i Hyungsik byli wspaniale wykreowanymi bohaterami, których osobowości można śmiało pozazdrościć. Nie tylko wykazywali się odwagą jak i szlachetnością, patrząc przez pryzmat innych dram byli to bohaterowie świadomi swoich decyzji oraz tego co będzie ich skutkiem. Mimo tego, że bardzo przeszkadzały mi "zapychacze" z pobocznymi bohaterami, którzy notabene świetnie poradzili sobie z doprowadzeniem mnie do szewskiej pasji gdy tylko widziałam ich twarze, jestem w stanie powiedzieć, że faktycznie przywiązałam się do tej dramy. Polecam ją każdej osobie chcącej sięgnąć po coś treściwego :))Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Dobre kino akcji!
Co jak co, ale ta drama jest mega ciekawa. Wiadomo po zwiastunie każy sobie myśli, o nie kolejne zombi...czy można wymyślić coś ciekawego? I oto jest ta drama. Mega ciekawa jak dla mnie nie podążą za schematami (może tak troszku, ale nie jest to rażące). Główna para idealnie do siebie pasuje, taka zgrana drużyna, która dociera się i odkrywa w sobie uczucia do siebie. Jak dla mnie idealnie zostało przedstawine w dramie zachowanie ludzi, jak reagują w takich trudnych sytuacjach. Na początku gdy maja odany termin wszystko jest ok, ale jak wychodzi, ze systuacja może być dłużej trudna wtedy pokazują swoje prawdziwe ja. Czyli chciwość, zaborczość i chęć przeżycia. To jest takie prawdziwe, że każdy patrzy tylko na swoje dobro. Ja nie wiem jak bym się zachowała w ich sytuacji, dlatgeo nie oceniam z drugiej storny czy pragnęła bym kasy jesli zbliża się koniec świata? co by mi to dało, więc raczej nie zastanawiała bym sie jak oszukać kogoś czy wyciągnąć od niego kase. Co do żywności, zapasów tutaj nie mogę powiedzieć, czy bym nie była chciwa, skoro chodzi o przeżycie, myślę ze raczej nie zabiła bym dla jedzenia... z drugiej strony czy jak by ktoś prosił podzieliła bym się swoimi zapasami?? To jest ciężkie pytanie, możliwe ze była bym samolubna :PWięc podumowując jak dla mnie akcja jest idealnie rozmieszczona, kreacja głównych bohaterów nie jest przerysowana co jest interesujące (patrząc na to, że Hyun został zarażony)
Gorąco polecam jesli nie przeważa Was widok krwi, buziaki :)
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Slice of life drama disguised in a zombie pandemic setting.
The show features memorable characters and performances across the board. The heroes are easily likeable as much as the antagonists are detestable. The show manages to find funny, charming moments despite the melting pot situation and knows how to pace itself. The characters are reliable to their archetypes though some still manage to surprise or disgust at how far they'll take a situation.Regarding the soundtrack, not many crooners in this as is appropriate to the story beats, though thematic music does play to help heighten or ease tension when appropriate.
While it clocks in efficiently at 12 eps. Lots of storytelling is done without wasting any minutes. Feels very complete. Neither rushed nor bloated.
Overall it's easily rewatchable.
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There is Human in Humanity
They say the function of wisdom is to differentiate between good and evil. But the residents of happiness do not make it easy to do that. It's crazy how some infected seem to have more humanity than the so-called humans. Whoever said I see humans, but no humanity must've been talking about the true nature of humans in a crisis, just like the one Happiness depicts. I must commend the writer, I didn't expect the twist about Andrew and Kim Se Hoon (Han Joon Woo). And I hate that it had to turn bad, just as I started to appreciate them. But looks can be deceiving, and there is no better camouflage than a crisis situation to serve as a cover for evil. And as strange as Kim Se Hoon was, I knew he wasn't necessarily a bad guy and thought the same of Andrew, but I couldn't have been the furthest from the truth with my assumptions.Everything about how the story unfolded, from the time Yi Hyun is infected to the time Sae Bom returned to the resident building, spoke directly to how infinite the greed of man can be even in an emergency situation. Despite being infected, Yi Hyun proved to be a better human than all the non-infected combined. The hardest thing to comprehend was that even as people were fighting to stay alive, all Representative Yeon Ok, Joo Hyung, his shady girlfriend Woo Sang Hee (Moon Ye Won), creepy lawyer Hae Sung, and SY cleaning crew Gi Se Gyu (Kim Young Woong) and his wife Ji Moon Hee (Lee Ji Ha) could think of was how to personally benefit from the situation regardless of the danger the posed to others. So it was only fitting to finally see them get what they deserved. Their greed in a way was their own self-punishment. This was an exciting drama, I enjoyed every minute of it. A thousand kudos to the writer, director, all the actors, but especially Han Hyo Joo, Park Hyung Sik, and Jo Woo Jin for keeping invested to the end.
Happiness as a drama made me realize that the events that seemingly brought out the dehumanization of humanity and fundamental ills of society weren't in Next as a drug, but in mankind's selfishness, hatred, anger, jealousy, fear, stupidity, distrust, greed and love of power. I like the message Happiness advocates. It's true that crisis situations expose mankind's struggle to deal with sudden changes and unexpected events, and there will always be those who try and benefit, be it the elites of society or even the government. But just as there are people and institutions driven by their fear, greed, hatred and selfishness, there are those driven by their desire to help others in a time of need. Most human beings are like that. They want to live by each other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. They don’t want to hate and despise one another, because even in a residential apartment building, let alone the world, there is room for everyone. The ending of this drama is what happiness is about, because in life it's not where you live, but who you live it that matters.
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Nothing happy about this ;)
Don’t get me wrong, this is actually a very good watch. Just didn’t understand why the title was “Happiness” when the drama is about an infectious disease?!I don’t usually watch or like zombie/ mad person/ infectious disease kind of shows, but this one was a refreshing break from the too many rom-coms I’ve been watching. The storyline itself is nothing new. An infectious disease is spreading, government is trying to cover up, people are turning against each other in order to survive etc.. there are characters whom you will love, and some annoying pricks whom you just want to gorge their eyeballs out LOL.
Both leads have very good screen presence. There is some action and a little chemistry and romance... but they focused mainly on their character development and smart survival skills. The music also very good, gets your heart racing and pumping. A few good scares, jump at the screen kinda scares.. some are predictable.
Definitely a good watch. :)
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A fantastic commentary on human behaviour, but the series is not for everyone
The drama has rave reviews and high ratings and that is for a good reason. It's a well-made drama based on a solid plot line. It will resonate with a post-covid audience on random governmental controls and lockdowns as well as human greed and power plays. Every episode keeps you on the edge, and not a single scene is predictable or boring.But everyone probably knows this all by now from reviews and word of mouth. On the negative side, honestly, I struggled to finish the series - I had to take long breaks in between episodes and had to watch happy/feel-good series before being ready to come back to Happiness. The title conveys how difficult it is to find happiness in our day-to-day lives, and the series' plot line is also like that. Happy moments are rare; when they do come, it is refreshing. But it's so, so rare amidst all the conflict and chaos.
When you do manage to finish the series, it's all worthwhile as it is a happy ending. But the journey to get there is filled with fear, anxiety, worry and disgust, probably quite an accurate reflection on human behaviour around the pandemic.
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