okay, but I actually enjoyed this one…
idk what I was expecting going into this show. maybe kind of campy or a bit goofy or fluffy? but while it definitely has the older BL feel, this show has so much heart.this show was well balanced. nothing was overdone or outstayed it’s welcome. there was some miscommunication, but that’s a BL trope at this point. secondary characters/relationships weren’t tedius or too annoying.
this show made me feel things. they sat in moments just long enough and it was easy feel things in the moment. things were handled realistically (or realistically enough), nothing was rushed nor took too long.
I’m honestly impressed.
10/10 would recommend.
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Adored it!
I don't understand why this drama doesn't have a higher rating, I enjoyed it a lot!!I would say, the acting was pretty good, the chemistry between the actors was amazing! Of course, this storyline is not out of this world, and I don't think that was the intention either. This was probably supposed to be a cute, lighthearted drama, and it gave what it was supposed to give.
I really liked Fluke and Fame's work on this! They both were very believable. I hope to see them do more projects in the future, whether together or separately. I especially loved Fluke's character, his eyes hold a lot of emotion, and it was nice watching him. Fame definitely was believable as well! Overall, I am glad I watched this! Hopefully, now that it's getting released on youtube, it will gain popularity because it definitely deserves it.
I don't know what it is about Roy's face, but it makes me wanna punch him every single time I watch him lmao. I don't mean this in a hating way, but this man looks like that one bird in Rio 😂 His face is too cute, it looks like he's mocking me every time I watch him lmao. But! he's a good actor as well, so I enjoy seeing his work. Hope to see more of his work in the future.
This drama is forever gonna hold a special spot in my heart. I 100% would recommend this if anyone is reading this to know that.
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Soft & positive
Tbh i wasn't that excited for watching this, maybe because of the poster! I don't know!! But, it was such an amazing series. It was so good. Great cast and acting. Both main leads were adorable, and gosh that dimple 😍😍It's a series with lots of good and positive vibes. It makes you smile.
My only issue was that their kiss was not realistic and the fact that they didn't give enough time for side couples. I really wanted to see more of their love story.
Overall, very enjoyable series and love to see them in other dramas soon
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My Ride is a hidden gem
It’s a sweet story. I liked it very much. I hope to see the two main leads again in another series together. I really like their chemistry and acting, since this was the first series that I saw them in. The music in this series is very catchy in my opinion. Every time I watch a new series, I immediately search up the ost. I have an entire Thai playlist with all ost in it. It’s unfortunate that this series, Tawan and Mork only officially get together in the last episode. It’s an overall very easy drama to digest and an easy watch. It doesn’t have a lot of drama, except with Mork’s ex-girlfriend, but it’s not even that much. Mork is such a sweetheart. He’s very pure and gentle hearted. As is Tawan. They are perfect for each other.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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They Dragged the Cheating Boyfriend Storyline for Way Too Long!!
My Ride would have been great.... If they didn't drag out the cheating boyfriend storyline.~~ STORY ~~
My Ride honestly could have been a contender for a memorable BL. It has a new and interesting pairing, a motorcycle taxi driver and a doctor. Also, Mork, the motorcycle taxi driver, is so adorable and cute. He is the perfect boyfriend! However, what hurt this BL was dragging out the cheater storyline. Also the side couples were not really amazing, but we'll talk about that later.
Before meeting Mork, Tawan ends up dating the doctor he's always had a crush on. That doctor starts ignoring Tawan and complains that Tawan is too clingy from day 1. We also learn that he is cheating on Tawan with his on-again-off-again ex. Meanwhile, Mork and Tawan are getting closer and closer by the day. It gets to the point where Tawan is clearly in love with Mork, but refuses to cheat on his cheater of a boyfriend despite the fact that his boyfriend is always ignoring him.
Anyways, that cheater storyline goes on for more than half of the series. It's annoying because we can clearly see Tawan falling for Mork, but choosing to let himself be manipulated by his cheating boyfriend. This cheating storyline should have been 2-3 episodes max, or have the cheating boyfriend have more screen time and become a major character. Because they dragged out the cheating storyline, the last few episodes felt rushed.
Also, if I could add my slight annoyances with this series before talking about the positives... They spend 3 episodes at the fair!!!! 3 WHOLE EPISODES!!!!!! Great because it felt like we were third-wheeling their entire date night, but did we really need to spend 3 whole episodes on one date night at the fair? Also, Mork having a "son" at the end was so random. I can see Mork actually taking care of his son and what not, but it was weird. Also, the girlfriend returning at the end was really unnecessary. Should have scrapped that drama and given it to Mork's son's storyline. We got too little information on Mork's son even though he's is going to be part of Mork and Tawan's family.
Mork and Tawan are absolutely adorable together. They really hit it off from day 1. Mork slowly falling for Tawan as the days pass is a beautiful. They don't have to being doing anything romantic to show they are in love. Mork always being there to listen to Tawan and to help him speaks louder than any of the romantic moments they had. Mork is really the ideal boyfriend despite being uneducated. The fact that he adopted his brother's son and works hard to make money for his son's education is amazing. Tawan still has a lot to go in terms of being the ideal boyfriend, but you can see that he is always thinking of others and puts his boyfriend first... Which is unfortunate for Mork until Mork takes that role from the cheater.
Overall Mork and Tawan were very cute together and I wish they got together sooner.
I don't know if I like Boss and Toy together. Boss seems too stuck up for Toy. Boss is clearly not ready for a relationship and only thinks of himself. Toy, on the other hand, is an amazing character. He is interesting and fun. I'm sad that he likes Boss and they ended up together. I think Toy could do much better than Boss... or Boss needs to work on himself. He's slowly learning to be human and I hope Toy can help him with it.
Skip this couple. They were boring and dragged on for no reason what so ever.
TAWAN x POR (x Kanghan)
Por is a piece of work and so is his on-again-off-again boyfriend Kanghan. The fact that Por started hitting on Tawan for fun, then getting annoyed with Tawan gets serious is annoying. Also Kanghan being petty and messaging Tawan to show up while he and Por are having sex is a nightmare. They should have just let Kanghan be the side piece and let Por dig his own grave. Making Kanghan petty and purposely message Tawan was unnecessary drama. We know Por is a piece of work, but Kanghan didn't need to be one too.
A nice watch. I'm not sure if I will rewatch this, but it's still a nice drama. I just wish they didn't drag the cheater storyline. Mork and Tawan are so cute! Mork is officially my ideal type of guy.
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It's content like this that changes the world!
In every aspect, this series is attention grabbing from episode one! I literally watched it all in one evening. The emotion of gender, cultural, and sexual mores vary from moment to moment. Many of the characters are so sweet, you can't help but root for them. This is not just a feel-good-story, but one that shows all aspects of life. It's content like this that changes the world!Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Je viens tout juste de finir le visionnage de "My Ride" et, comme promis, je viens ici donner mon avis.Alors, j'ai un gros problème avec la série... Je ne lui trouve aucun point négatif !
Je vous assure, j'ai beau me creuser la tête, rien ! Tout est génial.
Tout d'abord, l'histoire :
On sort des habituelles histoires estudiantines dont on est gavé à force (même si je les aime beaucoup, j'aime à changer de paysage), c'est un vrai coup de frais et si on parle de paysage, on en voit ! La version cosmopolite de Bangkok avec ses rues, ses quartiers populaires et ceux plus riches dans le sillage de la moto de Mork. Puis les forêts et montagnes ainsi que la campagne de Chiang Mai, demeure de la famille de Tawan.
La série nous raconte pas une mais plusieurs histoires : des histoires d'amour bien sûr mais aussi des histoires de vie, de gens, de situations. Tout est entremêlé dans l'écheveau du scénario et l'histoire en devient tellement prenante que vous aurez l'impression d'être passager de la moto de Mork à regarder le paysage des épisodes défiler devant vous, un pur plaisir ! De plus, on peut voir de la diversité dans les histoires, tout tourne dans l'inclusion, les personnages se questionnent mais jamais ils ne tombent dans des réactions négatives poussées par l'ignorance. Certaines petites histoires parallèle ne sont que peut développées, peut-être, mais elles sont toujours bien intégrées et possèdent tout de même chacune un dénouement.
Ensuite les personnages :
Ah mais cette alchimie de ouf ! Nos deux héros tombent amoureux mais ils ne vont pas directement se sauter dessus (on n'est pas dans "Tharn Type" non plus !), non, ici, ils vont se découvrir, peu à peu, faire un pas après l'autre vers l'amour qui les réunit, c'est tout bonnement merveilleux d'assister à ce ballet amoureux.
Et les autres couples ne sont pas en reste ! qu'ils s'agissent des amours naissantes comme des anciens couples comme celui des oncles de Mork. J'ai eu énormément de plaisir à retrouver d'ailleurs Nu Surasak Chaiat (l'oncle Cheep), que j'avais déjà croisé dans "A Tale of Thousand Stars" mais que j'avais particulièrement adoré dans "Lovely Writer". Ces deux là sont trop adorables et à mourir de rire également. Les voir se chamailler alors qu'ils s'adorent c'était la cerise sur le délicieux gâteau sucré qu'est le film. Ils apparaissent tous deux comme les professeurs de vie de Mork, ils lui parlent d'humanité et les perles de sagesse qu'ils délivrent dans la série me resteront longtemps en mémoire, j'aimerais, à leur âge, être à moitié aussi sage que ces deux là.
Alors, désolé, mais il faut qu'on parle de Fluke (Mork), dès l'apparition de la première fossette dans un de ses si nombreux et magnifiques sourires, mon objectivité s'est tournée vers moi, m'a remercié pour toutes ces années de critiques et a pris ses bagages pour partir dans des vacances prolongées. Je veux dire, non seulement le visionnage de la série me donnait déjà le smile depuis le début mais là j'avais mal aux pommettes à force d'user mes zygomatiques devant tant de douceur et de fossettes ! Non seulement il est beau à tomber mais en plus il joue magnifiquement bien, j'espère vivement le voir dans d'autres productions !
enfin la réalisation :
enfin je dis réalisation mais je vais aussi parler de mes impressions personnelles sur quelques petits points du lakorn.
Comme je l'ai mentionné un peu plus haut, la série mets plusieurs touches comiques dans les épisodes, j'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé la meilleure amie de Tawan, le trio de motards (Fueng, Sing et Jo) qui étaient à hurler de rire. Ah si ! Le seul truc invraisemblable dans la série !
Il prêtent main forte à Mork en venant le rejoindre à moto, euh... il faut 8h30 pour rallier Chiang Mai en voiture les gars... Vous êtes trop forts ou magiciens.
Voilà, le seul point négatif (et encore...)
La musique de L'OST a des paroles qui collent tellement à ce qui se passe dans la série que je n'arrêtais pas de me la rechanter (dans ma tête, hein, je suis pas dingo au point de ruiner les oreilles de mon entourage à 2h du mat') et j'ai beaucoup aimé la version karaoké, même si je suis bien incapable de la chanter en réalité.
certaines prises de vue, également sont juste génialement réalisées
Petit florilège des scènes marquantes perso :
Tawan dans l'ascenseur de chez Por avec le fond en LED, absolument flippant.
La scène qui se passe après l'averse dans l'épisode 8, j'en pouvais plus de rigoler !!!!
Toy qui apprend à Boss à faire du skate.
Épisode 7 : la balade en moto quand Tawan s'endort et que Mork le retient, meilleure image BL du monde...
Attention pour ce qui ont la réf ! Épisode 7 : 34 minutes et 06 secondes : c'est du lait fraise que je vois !!!???
Quand Boss prend le micro.
Le soleil couchant en haut de la montagne avec notre petit couple au premier plan, juste magique !
Je ne peux rien ajouter de plus, mais c'est déjà énorme, cette série est un pur coup de cœur, elle nous parle d'amour, d'acceptation, d'humanité. On s'identifie, on rit, on pleure, on vit à travers eux et avec eux. Elle est directement dans mon top 5 et elle me restera, pour longtemps, en mémoire dans le cœur.
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.
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So far it looks pretty interesting. I like the characters. Looks like there might be some love triangles and some heartache in the future episodes. Some good acting and intriguing storylines. Its early days though, only one episode so far so we'll see how it fairs further into the series. Yoon from 'Paint with Love and "Y destiny is a side couple. The two leads ive never seen in anything and they've only just met in the end of ep 1 so we'll see what their chemistry is like. Definitely give it a go.Esta resenha foi útil para você?