However the storyline was quite interesting. i like how it got more and more interesting as we approached the final episode. i also liked how everything was explained i.e what, how and why it happened.The 2 final episodes were so intriguing and unpredictable which i really liked.
Overall, its a good historical drama but Faith still remains my favorite and best historical drama.
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STORY: The storyline for me was well done. It captured my interest from the very first episode. It seems like everything made sense. This is me first time-traveling drama and I'd say that I always looked forward to shifts of time from joseon to present and vice versa. The romance was so good to watch that I always asked for more! I love how they loved each other and withstand time, memory, and everything that was on their way.
What I like best about the story is that it's not predictable at all. No cliches. Just when you taught everything is fine, some twist will come up that would either excites you or break your heart.
The ending was very memorable. Very satisfying. Loved it!
ACTING/CAST: It's the first time I got so engaged with the two leads. Their chemistry is undeniable. I like them so much together! (And the kisses. Just omg.):D Yoo In Ha was great. She pulled off her role well! Whether she's the air-headed, high-spirited Hee Jin or the lover of Bung do who always wants him by her side. You could really feel the emotions overflowing! Ji Hyun Woo was amazing in his own way. He did look so smart and charming. I easily fell inlove with his side grin. :) The second lead did great just the same. I actually like him first before the Hyun Woo. lol.
MUSIC: It was good, though not the best. I personally love Same Sky, different Time. I also find the instrumentals good to the ears!
REWATCH VALUE: 7! :) Simpy because I don't like rewatching.
OVERALL: One of the best romcom drama. Go and watch it!
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I don't have much to say but if u looking for time travel and comedy i recommend this one.
The actors/actresses were eye catching, especially the main characters. Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo are absolutely adorable together. The only thing that I don't agree with what everyone says is Yoo In Na's acting. Don't get me wrong, her sob scenes were really moving, but when she wasn't sobbing, and she was just crying normally, it felt like she was forcing it. But other than that, she was great.
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I had a really hard time getting through the first episode... I actually started to watch it then stopped because the first episode was so confusing, dark and didn't really catch my interest, BUT... If you have to, SKIP the first episode! The rest of the drama is really worth watching!!! I feel like you could literally eliminate this episode and end up with a nearly perfect drama. If you're a little confused when you start with the second episode... just read the synopsis.
The kissing scenes alone!!! Wow!!! NOT your typical "stiff arm-lip press" you see in most K-dramas. I wanna congratulate whoever directed this (2nd episode on), for giving us non-Koreans something to swoon about! I just want to keep replaying the "foot-standing" kissing scene, (you'll know when you see it), over and over and over and over...
Hope you give it a chance...
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To some people this might be the same love drama, but its pretty different to some of the ones that I've watch. It brought me so much laugher and tears that I would watch it again (currently am watching it again heheh). I found this drama pretty late, so all the sub were already out. However it didn't take me long to finish this drama at all. I got hooked on this drama quickly.
If you haven't watch it then watch it. Thats all I have to say. Plus they're the cutest couple ever
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Take the time to enjoy this drama today :D
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The best part of this drama is the acting. If it weren’t for Ji Hyun Woo/Boong Do and Yoo In Na/Hee Jin, then I would have stopped watching it around episode 3. I don’t usually cry watching dramas, but In Na’s acting was so intense that I cried right along with her in episode 14. Hyun Woo’s laugh is contagious. I didn’t like the manager/friend or the ex-boyfriend of Hee Jin. They really got on my nerves. It isn’t the acting it was how they were written. The other extras like the monk were great though.
The music was soothing.
I probably won’t rewatch this drama, but I think it is one worth watching once.
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you really won't regret watching it so worth it!!! ..
For me this drama is the best so far in 2012..
makes me freaking nervous,laugh,and cry even i'm the only person watching it i feel totally good wahaha.
hope this drama become # 1 in rating!!! ;] i absolutely adore the two main character it's perfect choice .. Yoo IN NA is so pretty!!!
That's why i'm so in love in Korean drama because it's really something that i surely adore, i really do love this one than the previous drama i already watch... that why i really hope this drama will make the top 1 ;} THANK YOU FOR SUCH A WONDERFUL DRAMA ;]
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I did love the characters, not so much the cast, except the main protagonist. She was the only one really acting there.
I did not love the music... After watching more than 10 dramas it does feel all the same, I can't tell the difference between the music of one drama to the other.
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The acting between the main couple is so cute but has so much sizzling chemistry at the same time and I felt like their characters were really well developed. I could list a bunch of points that made this drama work and some things that I also didn't like but what it really comes down to is that this drama pulled at my heartstrings and really made me care and believe in the story.
The music wasn't outstanding or majorly different but I found that it helped the story along instead of distracting me which is better than some dramas that have had that problem before.
This was really a breakout drama for Ji HyunWoo who fits the character of Bung Do so well that I can't even explain it unless you see it for yourself so give it a try!
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