Where to Watch Arang e o Magistrado Episode 1
Arang e o Magistrado Episode 1
You can see ghost???
Arang has no recollection of who she was before she died, and asks Eun oh for help since he has the ability to see ghost. Eun oh refuses to help ghost, meanwhile he is looking for his mother who has disappeared. Eun oh ends up saving Arang from being captured...
- Exibido: August 15, 2012
Arang e o Magistrado Episode 1 Reações

Funny story- I tried watching this show about 6 months ago, and dropped it because I didn't think it was interesting enough. After seeing the first episode again though, I'm quite excited to watch this.
I really love Lee Joon Gi, and he's performing just as well as I expect him to. I've never watched any of Shin Min Ah's previous roles, but I'm honestly quite in love with her at the moment. Eun Oh really isn't that nice, but he sure is funny. Arang is quirky and an absolute joy to see on screen. It's nice to see a woman who takes charge of her own life (death?) and does what she wants. She's the kind of female lead I can really root for (which is REALLY rare for me).
It looks like we've got a very typical, "Corrupt official is a jerk to the people," thing going on (it is a sageuk, after all), which I don't mind, but it seems to be the only conflict writers of sageuk dramas ever seem to crank out. Hopefully the inclusion of ghosts will spice things up a bit.
The special effects are really nice compared to the cheesy, poorly done stuff I've seen in other dramas (namely "Scholar Who Walks the Night", where the super-speed and wire-jumping all over the place literally made me laugh). I have to say though that the King of Heaven and King of Hell were... kind of hilarious. There will never be a day that I can take either one of them seriously.
This show is off to a great start, and I'm looking forward to what will happen next.
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After Scholar Who Walks the Night, I was looking for something to watch and picked this because of a comment on Viki saying Lee Joon Gi's costume on Scholar is similar here. This is true. In Arang, my personal opinion is that he acts better as well.
This show captured me in the first minute - Lee Joon Ki's character is so funny. His assistant was the one who caught me though. That guy lol. His first line is about poop hahahaha. This episode was so funny but you can see the plot building being done gently but firmly. It's not serious yet, but I can see the potential. Meanwhile, I am so enjoying Arang getting the upper hand on her Magistrate. I love her character. She is so much more than a helpless female. As a ghost she can do what she likes and behave how she wants. What freedom.
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Love Lee Jun Ki and Shin Min Ah pair so far.
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The episode, as a whole, gave us a good build up to the series. If the rest of the series is as witty and gorgeous as this, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a winner!
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