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my thoughts
sOoOo at first this series was rlly rlly good but in the end...dam.. not gonna lie me and my bf cried (my bf rarely rarely crying)
yup the ending was rlly tragic especially what they got through.. ugh not fair
i dont think you can rewatch this series but i highly recommend to watch. yes its tragic but still a rlly fun series in the beginning, but you need to be ready after the laugh and smile you will cry or be sad so yea.
i cant rlly tell something bad about this series just the ending was sad but not all the series can have a happy ending right?
- thank you readers and viewers
and thank you for the hard work actors, directors and stuff
謝謝 !
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2 parte
Ditemi che ci sarà la 2 parte 😪 il finale bruttissimo all inizio non avevo capito che avesse avuto un amnesia non hanno fatto vedere L incidente e non si è capito bene cosa è successo pensavo che si comportavano così perché si erano lasciati ma lui non ricorda la loro relazione ed è rimasto bloccato nei suoi 18 anni che peccato il finale non mi è piaciuto vedere Hao così male mi ha spezzato in due e poi perché hanno finto la sua morte? E perché non diceva che si incontrava con lui? Non ho capito nullaVorrei il continuo
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Embora a história não tenha um final feliz para todos os casais, a plot é bem diferenciada, mesmo sendo o tradicional ambiente de Ensino Médio. Para mim, o casal secundário rouba a cena do casal principal ( inclusive com uma cena de sexo no banheiro da academia que é, no meu ponto de vista, uma das melhores cenas que já vi em um BL ). Por ser uma produção chinesa (que sempre esbarra em censura rigorosa), tem um desenrolar bem liberal, chegando a ser surpreendente. Os atores são muito bons, mesmo que sendo uma produção simples de baixo investimento. Você passa por vários sentimentos: vai rir, vai chorar, sentir raiva, empatia...e por aí vai. Uma boa opção do gênero, mas só assista se você não tiver medo de derrubar muitas lágrimas.... Esta resenha foi útil para você?
The ending is garbage.
I just watched this entire series and the ending should be told to everyone BECAUSE THEY KILL OFF Yu xi gu and I think everyone should be warned before watching it.I literally bawled my eyes out because I wasn’t warned of the ending.
The story itself is super amazing and if u don’t care about death go ahead and watch it <3
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Desde el titulo nos dicen que el drama va a tener un final triste, uno ya tiene 19 episodios para prepararse, y aún así, uno llega al final y sigue queriendo un happy ending.
La historia más que ver como se enamoran dos chicos de preparatoria, es ver como es gracias al amor logran proponerse algo, como la verdadera amistad perdura sin importar las diferencias en gustos, siempre los amigos están para apoyarte en todo.
De verdad que me hubiera gustado otro final, para darle la cereza a este drama, pero aún así... es de mis favoritas.
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Watch now!
This is a great show, it has so much going for it, I am so impressed with the quality of ascting with a big shout out to Wayne song who is amazing his potrayal of some one who has lost someone who means the world to them is breathtaking it was so emotional that I had a good cry. Having seen him in other roles which are very different, he can play a gangster and it is totaly believable, this is not to take anything away from any of the cast he just really stoodout for me.It is very nice watching the different characters develope throughout the drama, for me it is very well written I just can't falt this show so please watch it.
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Good Story and wake up call still but I will not watch it again as I do not want to suffer over and over again. Hopefully the next HIStory Series will put a good smile in our hearts :)
I really like Wayne specially when he smiles he is very charming hoping to see him do more BL roles.
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It will consume you
The way, how beautifully is the whole series filmed, eddited, and also big applause for the audio quality. I was falling in love more and more by every episode I watched.I could talk about the perfection of these acting skills all day. From beautiful innocent smiles to those totally perfect teary scenes (especially in the end). The pure romance, love, and understanding which was portrayed by the main couple? Excuse me? Where did they find such good actors? It wasn't an act for me.
Xi Gu's whole backstory with his parents and his school life always gets to me and make me all emotional. It's so touching, as it's opposite to Hao's way of life. I loved the chemistry between them, the height difference, the smiles, emotions, everything was so well pictured.
Also, I can't forget about Sun Bo and Zhi Gang. They looked so cute together that I couldn't help but smile at little Bo. Also, Zhi's smile? Where can I gen one? I loved how they dealt with everything together. And how happy and emotional i got when they finally got Zhi's pa's permission.
For those who came this far and reading this, even if it's labelled as spoilers. Here it comes. Your eyes won't stay dry. Be sure of that. And if not even one tear will slide down your cheek, what kind of monster are you? When I first watched this emotional story, I watched it when it came out. But no longer after that, it may have been 3-4 months, I have watched it all over again in one night. I cried the whole 3 eps in row.
As you see, I'm writing this review after some time, after I binge watched it 2 nights in a row. I needed to buy a new pack of tissues for this. It's definitely different watching it, knowing how it all will end, and just like it's it's even more emotional.
I strongly recommend watching this show more than once. It's so pure, and I assure you that it will leave a strong impact on you.
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Because great loves cannot be cured
A real masterpiece. I enjoyed every moment of it, and I've re-watched it three times, but I've only seen the last part once. And that was enough. Not because of what someone wrote about being tortured, but because it was emotionally draining. I remember finishing it at half past one at night and sobbing in the shower at half past six because I couldn't think of anything else. It was a hard day at work. There's a Hungarian chanson called "Because great loves cannot be cured". That's what the last part is about. Painful, heartbreakingly painful, but beautiful. When you love someone so much, you never really get over the loss, and it doesn't matter if we're talking about love or a family member. In time you learn to accept it, to move on with your life, but there are worse days, times when it hurts as much as the first day. And that's what it shows us, the times when it hurts so much and life goes on, but the great loves can't be cured.I would certainly give it 10 points if they had chosen the alternative ending and everyone was happy at the end, but the truth is, it wouldn't have stayed with me all these years. Yu Xi Gu's life was a struggle until he accepted Xiang Hao Ting's deep and touching love, and life brings it so that everyone has to pay for this happiness. Xiang Hao Ting is left behind and must learn to live, even if it is not easy. The last episode almost belonged to another series, but it gave such deep acting, such emotions, so realistic, so moving, so unforgettable, and on such a wide palette that you rarely see in one piece. And that deep grief hasn't left me in the last 5 years, because unfortunately I could relate to it. I hope that one day there will be a sequel and this pain will go away, but I will never regret starting it, I will never regret finishing it, because I loved every single moment of it.
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With a lot of problems in the world nowadays, we need series like this for a temporary escape from reality. History series never fail to give me smile on my face.
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AKA HIStory 3 The BL That Shall Not Be Named
The nerdiest tsundere nerd struggling orphan meets the premier himbo slack-wit jock of everyone's dreams who accidentally bullies him and then goes into a spiral of regret that turns into obsession and then deep pining love and adoration. Another one of those high school setting (but I make no case for it). This is remarkably soft with a sunshine/tsundere pairing. It's also high heat and very sexy.Why 2/10? Ready? They kill the uke character. Then we get a whole final episode of our adorable himbo basically suffering and alone for the rest of his life. Because why not dwell on THAT?
If you decide to watch this I HIGHLY recommend stoping just before the end of Viki's ep 9, after they have moved in with each other and are cooking together. Just stop the show right there and don't watch anymore, pretend ep 10 doesn't exist. TRUST ME.
The side dishes are both out gay: an obsessive younger seme and a much older uke (we are talking May/December here, I think its 17 & 29) who the seme aggressively chases. Their story arc edges into obsessive and the sex is explicit. Also hot. These two get engaged in this series and then married in H4CTY. Also the idol character from H1SAFM shows up as the older uke’s cousin. (Just because, I guess.)
NOT RECOMMENDED if you're a completest and have to watch it all.
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Je viens d'ENCORE revoir Make Our Days Count, j'adore cette série même si mon doigt a du mal à cliquer sur lecture concernant le dernier épisode.Hao Ting et Xi Gu ont plus qu'une alchimie de fou, ils sont juste destinés l'un a l'autre, ils s'appartiennent et se complètent pour toujours. C'est vrai qu'au début, on se demande comment un gars type BG du lycée, insouciant et parfois foufou comme Hao Ting peut tomber sous le charme du chétif, introverti et acharné au travail Xi Gu. Ces deux opposés s'attirent néanmoins inexorablement et pour notre plus grand plaisir.
L'autre couple n'est pas en reste car j'ai également adoré l'histoire du doux et tourmenté Lu Zhi Gang et de l'incroyable Sun Bo Xiang. Je dis incroyable car j'ai adoré ce personnage, tout bonnement. Il peut paraitre aussi insouciant que son meilleur ami, Hao Ting mais il sait prendre les choses au sérieux quand la situation l’exige. Quand il aime, il aime complètement, il n'a pas peur de son amour, il a peur des conséquences néfastes que ça pourrait apporter à celui qu'il aime. Il trouve la force de sourire même à travers les larmes qui inondent son visage. Ce personnage est juste le plus cool qui existe selon moi.
Ce que j'ai adoré aussi c'est la bande de copains. On en voit beaucoup dans les séries BL mais je trouve qu'elles ne sont pas aussi développées que dans Make Our Days Count. On voit leurs galères et leurs joies. Leurs moments pétages de plombs, leurs jeux, leurs remises en question. On les voit grandir et surmonter les épreuves ensemble, c'est juste génial de les voir aussi soudés.
Bon, parlons de la fin... alors attention présence de SPOILS donc arrêtez vous là ou continuez mais vous êtes prévenus...
Je n'ai rien contre les sad endings mais ici, il y a des moments qui me gênent énormément comme cette histoire de sosie : qu'est-ce que ça vient faire là-dedans ? Ça déconstruit toute une partie des sentiments de Hao Ting, j'ai trouvé cet ajout totalement absurde. Ensuite, Hao Ting et ses parents parlent d'une fille, on ne sait pas s'ils sont en couple ou non ( Hao Ting le dément à un moment, mais bon...), c'est un peu flou et si c'est effectivement le cas ça veut dire qu'il passe carrément à autre chose et commence à guérir de la perte de Xi Gu mais du coup je trouve que ça amoindrit le sentiment de perte et ça nous embrouille plus qu'autre chose finalement.
Pour ceux qui ont du mal, il y a la fin alternative du roman et la scène en extra tirée du BL Japonais Life- Love on the Line dans les dernières minutes du dernier épisode, quand Ito Akira regarde l'aurore boréale.
Tout cela ne m’empêche pas de voir et revoir cette série pour tout ce que j'y ai aimé et je vous encourage à faire de même.
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.
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