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Galileo Season 2 japanese drama review
Galileo Season 2
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by misspyra92
Mar 5, 2021
11 of 11 episódios vistos
No geral 2.0
História 4.0
Atuação/Elenco 3.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Rewatch Season 1 of Galileo, Kishitani is Horrible

Yuriko Yoshitaka's character, Misa Kishitani, is one of the biggest mistakes the series could make. The series tries to force you to believe she's exceptionally smart (continually pushing the fact she graduated from a prestigious university), but she constantly makes mistakes and is misinformed. Despite her stupid actions, she's continually arrogant and annoying, refusing to hush up. At one point in the series, she incessantly disrupts Yakuwa Sensei when he is trying to solve a case and she takes the side of the murderer without thinking. The actress is very pretty and maybe she was just miscast, but Yuriko's performance is below average and drags the series down considerably. She also has no chemistry with Yukawa Sensei. One of the worst characters I have seen in a J-drama. Such a shame for such a great series to nosedive in quality like this.

The last two episodes are back to form, thanks to an impressive performance from guest star Amami Yuki. Amami Yuki and Masaharu Fukuyama have many memorable exchanges, with grounded but subtle acting performances from both. Watch these two episodes, skip the rest of the season.
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