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The Secret Life of My Secretary korean drama review
The Secret Life of My Secretary
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by clarissa3658
Mai 14, 2020
32 of 32 episódios vistos
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Atuação/Elenco 6.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
For any potential new viewers, they should ask themselves if they really want to spend a whole drama watching a love triangle between 1 guy and 1 girl. By that I mean a guy going out with the same girl pretending to be 2 different people. If you’re really interested in watching said guy not being able to put the two and two together for the majority of the show, then be my guest.

Our male lead doesn’t just suffer from prosopagnosia, he also suffers from dumb bitch disease. can he not recognise her voice??

Don’t worry, it’s not just him I have a bone to pick with, what is with our female lead? Jung Gal Hee, girl what are you doing? Why are you pretending to be someone else, why can’t you just come clean!? Must you really wait for the universe to do it for you so it’s even harder for him to forgive you? Ugh I hate these writers, writing it just so it gets revealed in dramatic fashion.

Anyways, you know why I don’t like this drama? The only reason they got together in the first place is because he got face blindness and she was the only face he could see (because she wore the same red cardigan every day all year so it trained him to recognise her face automatically or something). Otherwise after he fired her it would have been left at that. He only made her stick around because he needed her.

But ALSO it’s so vague! I thought the deal was when she has her red cardigan on he can miraculously see her face? But then somewhere along the way, it changes and the truth is he can’t REALLY see her face, it’s like he can just remember it (like a blank canvas from memory) - not her actual expressions?? Then there are times when she IS wearing the cardigan and she’s like “I wish you could see my face right now” I don’t understaaaaand
Pick your vague rules and stick with them please.

Although I loved Veronica Park. She was such a fun character. And the friendship between Veronica Park and Gal Hee! We support this wholesome relationship (when they hugged and were all excited because of their crushes!!! we stan)

Also kudos for this to be the first drama where I liked the secondary couple. Loved them. (more than the main couple whoops)

The villains are so mediocre, you don't even know who the real villains are half the time. (but it is HILARIOUS to see the female lead talk about the 'oh so important object' that the villains are after - ONLY in the villain's presence lmao). There are heaps of other things that don't add up but you get to the point you don't even care anymore.

On the whole, this drama is light and easy, but oh so dumb and frustrating. Watch at your own risk.
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