I'm gonna be sick
The most I can say isCRINGE CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE OMG the cringe!!
The acting is just bad. The female lead has the personally and
maturity of a 8 year old. From the moment she popped up till the last ep. The mother
and grandmother characters over the top especially the mother of the female lead. You got
a fake daughter come in and do all that and even go to the lengths to try and kill your real child and you
forgive her and want to treat her like your child. They were also full of themselves and the over
acting of both actresses is a joke and that's just sad for an actress like Kim Hae Sook. I saw no spark between
the female lead and the male lead. Nothing at all romantic. The male characters in the strong woman family
are have been written to be morons. I do have to say though that the acting of the
actor in the role of the villain was the only good thing I can say about this show besides the fact that
its over. I'd say his acting in the was the best out of all the cast. The acting from the rest of the cast was god awful!! The female lead was annoying and I have to say it again had the mentality of a I'm gonna go lower that 8 years she acted like she was 4. I guess that's how the director wanted the cast to act but
this was bad on so many levels and I don't see how he didn't have some noise cancelation headphones
while directing this mess. Having to watch this was bad enough but also having to listen to all that terrible acting was even worse. Now I guess they're planning on making another one LMAO
I hope its not going to be on Netflix. They can do better than that mess!
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so bad and I don't mean bad in a good way
Not really sure what to say really UGH!!For me a lot of what was going on made no sense and the story was well I thought all over the place.
A lot of the acting from most of the characters especially the support/side characters was beyond cringe.
Its like they didn't even bother to test people for the roles they got before giving them their parts.
Almost like they grabbed random people they saw on the street and gave them a part or
because the actors that got roles just happen to be signed with the agency. Sorry but acting or singing or any other talent you either have it or you don't.
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watch with a open mind
I think it's good but it's clearly not for everyone.If you can get past all the sex and there is a lot of it
there are story plots in there for each character.
Yeah sure you might have to watch episodes twice because your smacked in
the face with sex right off the bat but now into the second episode
I can see the stories starting to develop for everyone.
There are a couple of characters that the stories haven't come into
play really but again it is just the second episode.
As for the rewatch value well for me it all depends on how the story
ends but 5 eps in I'm going to give it a 8.
what have they done I had to adjust my rating because of the ending.
Unless they plan on making an few extra eps all I have is WTF!!
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what the hell was that
Was that really supposed to be an ending! This looked like could've went on anothertwo or three episodes and they just threw their hands up in the air when they got to
episode eight and said f**k it and left the show unfinished. The story was all over the place.
There was to many main characters. I couldn't find anything about the story
made sense. At the end of the last episode your left what a blank look on your
face wondering what the heck did I just watch and scratching your head confused
about what was supposed to be going on from the start to the end.
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loved it
This was good from start to finish. I do wish we could've got a kid or two runningaround but they did a fantastic job. Everything was great from the acting right
down to the wardrobe. The entire cast was great, even though the second
female lead character as well as the second male lead worked my nerve for
most of the show the actress/actor played their roles well. This is a show
that I will definitely watch again from time to time. I'd watch the male lead in anything though.
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I like the actors and that's the only reason I watched to the end.
I was excited for this with Ohm, Poom, Prame and Guide casted but overall it was dry and unexciting and a big disappointment. Nothing in the episodes each week made me feel excited for the next weeks episode to air. As much as I like Ohm the character of Shin seemed to be kind of a mirror image in some ways of at least four of his others roles that I've seen him play. And just like I figured, the last episode of this show was rushed. I felt no different about Shin than I did on the first episode. That video that was put out for the customers was good for business but when it came to everyone at the shop it was just eye rolling. He should've been saying all that to everyone at the shop IN PERSON as well. Its not like he was unconscious somewhere. Guy really stepped up and made amends to everyone but with Shin, I'm sorry he never really sat Peach down and talked to him them getting back together required Shin to have a real CONVERSATION with the man. Even in the end to me JUST MY opinion is that Shin still came off as a cold person. Also the relationship between Peach and Shin just wasn't believable. I think there could've been some chemistry between the two characters but for me there just seemed to be something missing.terrible script
terrible acting
terrible execution of story
The only thing I liked was the OST.
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why ...... just why
I'm not really sure what to say here.I think the show started off great, I mean I was hooked but I'm not
sure what happened not even half way through this. I was really hoping this would be one that I'd want to rewatch but I almost didn't make it to the end of this. I was hoping it would find its footing again but it went further downhill. Sick or not they had the female lead doing things that was just plain stupid and made no sense what so ever.
The only thing good about this was the OST.
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Several factors just made this drama a total shIt show! It would've been better if and I hate to say thisif the female lead role was casted with a different actress. Sorry but that mousy look and child like acting topped with the way they had the character dressing in every ep. The actress just wasn't the right fit for the role as harsh as that might sound. SMHD
Then there's the writing, I don't know what the purpose is in making the female lead not be a tolerable character. This drama had the bad people pretty much carry the show. The story overall was good enough its the casting and the way it was carried out that made this just bad and frankly soured my stomach. I stayed till the end because of the male lead. This is one of those dramas that I'd suggest to watch only if your at the bottom of a barrel and only if there's nothing left that your able to watch.
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ok for a one time watch ONLY
I thought this was just ok and was fine for a one time watch and no more than that.But I made sure to watch this to the end to give it views on Prime Video in the
hopes that it helps them see that we need more foreign dramas produced by them.
The female lead was annoying a good bit of the time and did unbelievably stupid
crap to many times to count. The second male lead was annoying and made you
want to push him off that mountain they kept climbing. What I liked most was
the supporting characters. I was more interested in Chun Dong Chil, Chun Dong Koo
and Chun Dong Pal and even the female lead's best friend An Do Ra.
I would've been fine if the leads were the side story and the supporting characters were the main story.
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went from bad to worse to the local garbage dump
What do you want me to say!!RUN!! RUN I SAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN
This show went from one bad writer to one that was so bad they must
have gotten the job because of nepotism. The story went no where and kept going in circles 5 days
a week. In the end the only one punished was the younger of the sisters. The older went on with no punishment when she had a part in a lot of what happened. If she hadn't done some of the things she did some of the people that died wouldn't have. The tried to throw a bone by giving her nightmares supposedly scared her sister was gonna come for her at the end but even that fell flat. She went on to live a happy life.
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If Only
My first review so I'll make this short and to the point.I actually liked the story itself I just didn't like the way the leads carried out the roles.
The Punn character acted like he had some developmental issues. The character also came across as creepy and acted juvenile in his behavior a well. Those three issues I had with the Punn character really made this show hard to watch.
I really like First and wanted this to be good but the Ashi character was over the top passive. Things went down and he seemed to have no reaction. What I did like was Manager Somwan. That character was very was entertaining. I loved the second couple, they just needed more scenes. I think if the second couple had more screen time it might've somewhat made up for the mess of the mains.
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I'm speechless
Not really sure what to say really.I was half paying attention at one point.
I guess he quit being a host at the club because of his mother.
Then there's the whole Japan/Seiji/Ken thing.
I don't get why they didn't just go in that direction from the get go.
In my opinion they had Japan acting like didn't know anything about anything. He is naive and this shows it.
The fact that he just invited Ken into his budding relationship with Seiji and lets face it he only did that just because Ken was looking like a lost dog. I could see that happening if Japan like both Seiji and Ken ......Ken like both Seiji and Japan and Seiji liked both of them but that's not the case. All I've seen was Ken lusting after Seiji and I didn't get that feeling from Seiji towards Ken at all except best friends. Seeing that Japan is as naive as the day is long I don't see that kind of thing working out in the long run. Once he really knows about life I think he'll be outta there or they will be back to square one where he and Ken going at it. Also the fact that Ken is going along with this just to have Seiji even if he has to share him is really pathetic. Then there was no story for the other two and I really didn't care about Freya in the end because I just didn't like her.
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Vigilante Oh Yeah
This was amazing from start to finish. The action and fighting scenes were fantastic.I did however didn't like the female reporter even at the end. I was though glad we
got to know why she as she put it through the Vigilante wanted to cause an uproar
in the world because of what happened to her father. I was also disappointed that
his friend had to die. It was hard for him to let his friend be labeled The Vigilante but
it seemed to be what his friend wanted. I liked it at the end that as he stood there at
the graduation ceremony that he didn't raise his hand nor did he repeat the oath. I think
after some got rewarded even in death that was the and what happened to his friend that
was the final and last straw. He just looked straight ahead with a strong determination.
But because of the annoyance of that reporter its a solid 9/10.
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the female lead... eyeroll OMG
I'm almost speechless!!!! I can't even with the actress that has the role of female lead.I just can't!! She always has look on her face that she's dumbstruck. Or even dare I say
she looks like a lost dog. Or like her itty bitty feelings have been hurt. I loved her in the role
she had in Taxi Driver but this kind of role just UGH is just not right for her.
The male lead I have no complains about or any of the other cast as they are
doing a great job but this isn't something that'd watch again.
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the editing is all over the place BUT....
I can see why people are turned off with this show but I'm loving the chemistrybetween the two leads. Like some have said that the editing is all over the place. With the editing they are leaving off scenes and its throwing what's going on off. Frankly I don't see how the person that got the job of editing the show. With the way the story is written for the side characters UGH its not worth the time or effort. I'm finding that female friend of Nail is annoying and got on my nerves in the first episode. She comes across as a good two shoes most of the time for me. Then there's the four females in the class with Nail. I really don't get the purpose of them being in the show. I guess they are supposed to be there for the "skank" effect. I did like it though when they came together to help Him reconcile with Nail. There are somethings at this stage 9 eps in that I'm baffled about. I don't get why Him is blaming himself for what happened to Blue. His problems wasn't because if Him. They all stemmed from his mother and father. Yes true Him could've been a better bf but there was nothing he could do about that situation that was going on with Blue's parents. Same goes for Te, I get why he's vengeful mostly out of jealously but I didn't see him going in trying to be there for Blue in his time of need. But 9 eps in I'm loving it because of the two leads and I'd watch it again just for the two of them.
Well reached the end and over all I liked it. Of course they could've done a better job with parts of the story. I What I didn't like it how they just had Te and Him talk and all was good. I was glad that they talked but that wasn't enough for me after all that Te had done. There really should've been more to him making things right. but at least they did try to do something. I also wish they'd had the guy Te actually liked around more. Having him come in at the end was stupid quite frankly. I think having him there would've gave the Te character more prospective on what he was doing. But in the end the lead actors chemistry made it all worth while and worth the watch. If it hadn't been for them I probably would've stopped eps back and put it on hold for a while. Dew/Tor did a fantastic job. I'll rewatch this from time to time because of the two of them.
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