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  • Data de Admissão: Fevereiro 13, 2018
public list
Dramas Watched 2023
47 titles
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Movies Watched 2023
25 titles
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Favorite Movies

Listed alphabetically!

29 titles
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All-Time Faves

*Work-in-progress* list of my favorite dramas.  Eventually will attempt to place them in top-down order.

61 titles
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Watched 2022
67 titles
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12 in 12 Challenge
26 titles
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Partial Re-Watched 2022

These are dramas I skipped through some scenes but still did an overall rewatch of.

2 titles
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Confirmed Rewatchable

These are dramas that I have rewatched and still really enjoyed the experience. Usually means I would recommend, possibly with some caveats…

3 titles
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Watched 2021
40 titles