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High&Low: The Worst X japanese drama review
High&Low: The Worst X
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by brrrrr
Mar 3, 2023
No geral 10
História 10.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 10.0

Better than expected ( I wanted to fight too :(((( )

I have been a fan of HIGH & LOW for a long time.

They all seem like friends I can rely on for the rest of my life, for real.

The plot was relatively simple and straightforward, with bits of info on the new characters' backstories. The movie had thrilling battles, the power of friendship, and moments where all you could do was clap and root for them, just like in every High &Low film. I believed that High & Low The Worst had one of the best fights, but here - damn, the action was even better.

The actors are spot on. I purposefully did not have high expectations for Yuta's acting, because I did not want to disappoint myself (don't get me wrong, I adore Yuta), but it was better than expected because he fits those kinds of movies pretty well. He has that piercing gaze that school heads always have before a major fight or when they are extremely angry, and it wassss mmmmwaaah chiefs kiss. His acting - perfect, his backstory - super cool, and just, just everything was great. As his acting debut, I think this role could possibly open big doors for him in this area. I cannot wait to watch his upcoming movie and see him in another light.

Overall, the movie was great. The visuals, the OST, the actors, the fights - everything amazing.
If you like those kinds of movies, just watch it without giving it much thought; however, if you want a movie with a solid plot and explanations, you might... consider it before clicking the play button. I'm just saying, because when I watched one of the movies with a friend, they said that, to someone who has no idea what the movie is about, it appears to have no plot and only random fights.

So, an advice, if you want to watch this because of Yuta, go ahead. If you just found it and you want to watch some fights - enjoy. However, if you expect to have a solid plot and a better understanding of why they are the way they are, why they constantly fight, why schools, why there is so much hatred/friendships, and so on, you might consider starting with the first films/series.

But as a fan of them, I absolutely loved this movie!

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